2012 Ballduster McSoulpatch Memorial Stolen Valor Finalists
Sharkey def. Oliver 65.1% to 34.9%
Diliberto def. Mailahn 51.5% to 48.5%
I see you’ve got your list out, say your peace and get out.
Yes I get the gist of it, but it’s all right
Sorry that you feel that way, the only thing there is to say is…
Every silver lining’s got a touch of grey.
I will get by, I will get by, I will get by, I will survive.
Voting starts next week.
THERE WILL BE NO UPDATES ON THE VOTING. “Winner” unveiled on Tuesday the 28th.
Category: Politics
Diliberto def. Mailahn 51.5% to 48.5%
I demand a recount!
Now I am pissed!
Things better go my way in November, dammit….
The Ballduster… where men are men…. and sheep are afraid!
I’m waving the Bullshit Flag. Driveway was robbed! Where’s Holder? Isn’t the margin within the automatic re-count?
Harry Reid said someone told him that there are ballots at a Lejeune IP address that were overlooked “accidentally”
What will we do after this ends? They won’t let Biden talk so there will be no humor anywhere.
Look, there’s no argument here about Gunny Driveway being the biggest loser out of the whole pack of 96 that TSO and his crew began with, so it shouldn’t be surprising that he’d even lose at being a loser, should it?
But, Shit. Just. Got. Serious.
And now to the finals–the Duke versus Kansas of douchebaggery.
I’m going to withold my preference until the voting, but I think a certain fake fuck showing up on CNN with the smegma drooling from his cakehole as he claims to be an “expert”** on places he’s never been might be enough to push him over the top.
**Expert…EX–former or used to be. spert–drip under pressure.
Sharkey gets my vote. As bad as the others are, he’s in a bat-shit crazy category all by himself.
Given the updates on the losers, I’m not surprised. That said, THE COCK INHALER MUST DEFEAT DIMWIT DILDOBERTO! MUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jonn does have a valid point!
C’mon Master Chief, you’ve heard the expression:
“Second place is just another way of saying first loser.”
When Dilly gets the only medal he deserves as the biggest douchekit around, I would love to get the old platoon back together and pin that one on his chest and then punch him in the face!
#6: The poor guy has climbed almost to the pinnacle of loserdom and get’s booted because some of us were disenfranchised and Chicago voting rules were in play. I hear that he had already gone to the BX…errr, Dollar Store, and bought a new Red T Shirt for the awards banquet.
Seriously, The Cock Inhaler v Dildo? Who didn’t see that coming?
Gawd, I amuse me.
meh, no dog in this fight.
ROS: sorry, but I gotta claim primacy on that observation:
So, I want to vote for Sharkey as he is by far the roundest douche, but at the same time this shit is actually FEEDING his vagi-normous ego. And THAT, the dude cannot abide. It’s like being forced to choose between your two ugliest cousins you have to fuck to repopulate the species. Its just lose / lose.
Gunny Dungheap beaten by a Dildo??? Why am I getting visions of “banana republic” elections in central America?!?
Were the Ohio votes counted? Were they!? Driveway is such a douche that even other douches say, “DAMN, what a douche.” He’s the douchiest douche that ever douched a douche…And he lost. Damn damn damn. Might as well give the award to Vlad Tepid Cock and be done with it.
This is not supposed to be Chicago. I demand a redo. No way Gunny Driveway should have lost.
Sharkey is about to Dildo-bertoed…!
PS – I hope Rachel Maddow is watching. Someone should email her and ask her to vote.
This is gettin’ fierce. Li’l dog gonna keep her keister on the porch on this one!
Dildo-lito is an grade-A douche… but I agree with @8, Sharkey is his own brand of crazy
And I give you full credit, Hondo. I was also laughing at my addendum.
That’s how ridiculously easy it is to amuse me. 😀
So it’s going to be “angels versus devils” after all. Remember – in Milton’s version of the Revolt of the Angels Satan invents guns before going down to defeat…maybe in this version, we’ll find out they were “motars.”
Hmmmm… I can feel a disturbance in the force. The Cock Inhaler must be practicing his “sniper skills,” which no doubt involve painting a red bullseye around the asshole of a chubby Russian chick. In blood.
Cock Inhaler FTW!
(I love this place :D)
No Gunny Driveway?!? Ah, now I’m depressed and will have to self medicate with Maker’s Mark and a cigar (good excuse as any).
Next week, Cock Inhaler!
Vote early
Vote often.
Vote, dead or alive, but dammit, VOTE!!!!!
I’m crushed. My man Mailman went down to defeat.
Who’s gonna break the bad news to him?
You should.
Hasn’t the Mailman already delivered eviction notices on serving politicians?!?!? This is the new generation, and we should see the Mailman and Dildo running for office before you know it, not just as expert talking heads on the news channels.
Perhaps there should be different categorizations, such as “Pick-up artists,” “Politicians,” “Lollipop Stealers,” “Jobseekers,” “Teardropping popsingers,” and “Barroom Brawlers” next year? Or perhaps that could be the regular season held throughout the year. Named like the NHL, rather than the NFL.
@32 Don’t know if I could stand his wailing and gnashing of teeth. Winning the tournament would have been the single most significant accomplishment of his life.
On second thought, maybe I’ll just let him read about it on the sports page!
The fact that Gunny Driveway lost to what some of you refer to as Dildo has me very upset. Gunny had it all. Dildo is just a pretty boy with issues and well more issues. Might I recommend that if the preliminary numbers between Sharkey and Dildo suggest a lame battle for the best of the worst, toss Gunny Driveway back in the competion. This will achieve two certain things: I will get more sleep at night knowing Gunny has a chance to be the absolute best of the worst and there will be much more ridiculous hilarity to follow here at TAH. Respectfully submitted.
Gunny lost. It’s done. Ya’ll sure do love that guy. He’s got his own fan club here. I am going with dildo next week, as he has profited from his lies and built an entire career on fake experience. That guy is the very face of stolen valor. He benefits by pretending to be a combat veteran, and it is wrong.
Roger that.
Man, anybody who would impersonate a Marine Corps Sergeant Major AND sign his name “Ronad” deserved to be forever enshrined in the Ballduster Hall of Shame.
Oh, well.
I’m all in for the next vote- Sharkey’s Machine it is
Au contraire, M. Ptolmey.
This just in: Shark found choked on large . . . something. Film at 11!
I don’t think Douchebag Oliver got the recognition he deserves in this round.
65-34. You gotta be kidding me.
When Sharkey wins he needs to be selected for the TAH Heisman. Crazy as profound as this can’t go unrecognized: http://www.metro.co.uk/weird/40932-impaler-pledges-to-impale-bush
@40. Timmah had a good run. But in comparison to the other finalists he was but a minnow in a sea of shark(ey)s.
Sharkey v. Dilberto. Sheer, unadulterated crazy versus pretty boy posing plotter…As my good friend Dr. Raoul Duke used to say, “With the truth so dull and depressing, the only working alternative is wild bursts of madness and filigree.” Sharkey in a landslide!
When I get bored I sometimes mess with known, confirmed and listed posers in the forms of emails or phone calls. Almost everyone (with a FEW exceptions) lies their ass off about it, blames the exes, threatens me, etc. I think you get the idea here.
Question: Has any one contacted The Dildo and if so, how did he react?
Curious as it could influence my vote.
Green Thumb, I did contact Diliberto. We were “friends” on Facebook, until I started PMing him about the information I was receiving from his former squad and platoon. He then “unfriended” me and chastised me for defaming a “brother” in email. I sent him all of the posts before they published to get his explanation and all i got was the cricket chorus. Actually, being friends with him on Facebook worked to my advantage when his former squad members saw how I criticized his posts about the war and contacted me as a result. I knew the truth was out there, I just needed to probe for it.
Anyone have any data on the awards ceremony? Not sure where and when, but mayIi suggest imitation crab meat on the menu, and waht is left of Milli Vanilli for the entertainment? The only consolation is that Gunny Driveway may get a cabinet position in the administration of the winner.
The guy is a turd.
He got a leg up because he was handsome and well-spoken.
Gotta love Rachel Maddow.
Karma is a bitch.
I believe you meant to say “Gotta love Karma/Rachel Maddow is a bitch”. 😀
Thank you for the correction.
My point exactly.