Fecal Four – Day the Fourth

| August 16, 2012

OK- So quick note on cheating. In the law there are two sets of illegalities, in the latin they are “Malum prohibitum” and “Malum in se.” The first is “wrong [as or because] prohibited” while the second means that the act is wrong or evil in itself. So the first is like speeding, and the second is hanging a guy from the outhouse by his genatalia because he wore a burnt orange tux to your wedding. Spamming the poll is the first. It’s not that big a deal, since the winner gets nothing. I actually found it funny, but please don’t do it. And this isn’t exclusively “Anonymous” because someone else also did it for Diliberto.

So a quick note: dudes, this is just for fun. While the whole “Chicago Dead People Voting” and “Louisiana My Dog Voted Obama” is humorous, it adds time to my being able to tabulate the responses since I then need to download all the responses, sort by IP address, and then audit it. So if you could refrain, that would be great. Y’all are largely just evening each other out, and the race is close enough as it is.

So, while I’m not mad, I’d just ask that you not do it, since when results come in every 10 seconds for an hour, I’m bright enough to notice a pattern!

Nonetheless, we move on:

Three Day Totals:



As a reminder, each day you will be able to vote. The weekly VOTE total (not average of the percent) will win. The math is easier for me that way. So, vote 5 times, and on Friday I will add them all up.

5 Jonathan “The Cock Inhaler” Sharkey v.
15 Timothy “Durango + Delta = Douchebag” Oliver

2 Jake “I rethunk whether I was in Astan” Diliberto v.
2 Ron “Gunny Driveway” Mailahn

Bios haven’t changed, so if you need them, click here.

Come down off your throne and leave your body alone
Somebody must change
You are the reason I’ve been waiting so long
Somebody holds the key
Well, I’m near the end and I just ain’t got the time
And I’m wasted and I can’t find my way home

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world’s leading questionnaire tool.

Category: Politics

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Mailahn Prohibitum, baby. Go Driveway!


Go, Go Gadget Driveway! Nice touch with the Traffic lyrics, BTW.


“John Barleycorn Must Die.”


That’s not Traffic, folks – though Steve Winwood was indeed the vocalist.

That’s from Winwood’s 1969 work with Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker, and Ric Grech in a group called “Blind Faith”. it was the second cut on side one, if I recall correctly, titled “Can’t Find My Way Home”.

I bought the album shortly after it came out, and absolutely loved it – then and now. Great stuff.


I sometimes wondered about that, I know my work IP and home IP come from different countries, and I had toyed with the thought of voting from home and voting from work, but, I’m horrible with breaking rules, so I’m proud to say, I’ve never done it.


Well, if you say it’s okay, TSO…

hanging a guy from the outhouse by his genatalia because he wore a burnt orange tux to your wedding.

Okay, so which was the Malum in se act? From my thinking, hanging a guy by his winkie for wearing a burnt orange tux to ANY occasion, let alone your wedding, would not only be legal (read: not evil) but may in fact be DEMANDED to uphold the standards of society.

And speaking of hanging by the winkie–go Gunny Driveway!!!


in that case I have about 6 votes a day to cast 😛

Old Tanker

Here we go Gunny, here we go! (clap, clap)
Here we go Gunny, here we go! (clap, clap)
Here we go Gunny, here we go! (clap, clap)
Here we go Gunny, here we go! (clap, clap)


To get back on-topic after our sojourns concerning Winwood and orange jumpsuits (smile) . . . .

The Dildo-Man

Who can be a f-up, lie to me and you
Makes a new career from nothing but a tale or two
The Dildo-Man, oh the Dildo-Man can
The Dildo-Man can ’cause he mixes truth with lies ’cause – hey – the money’s real good

Who can take his weapon, point it at a friend
Get busted by his CO ‘stead of landing in the pen
The Dildo-Man, oh the Dildo-Man can
The Dildo-Man can ’cause he mixes truth with lies ’cause – hey – the money’s real good

The Dildo-Man’s fake, but everything he says sounds so good you’re not suspicious
Now talk about your sons-of-bitches, he even used to wash the dishes

He lies like no tomorrow and could f-up a wet dream
Lies about deploying ’til it makes you want to scream
The Dildo-Man, oh the Dildo-Man can
The Dildo-Man can ’cause he mixes truth with lies ’cause – hey – the money’s real good
The Dildo-Man can ’cause he mixes truth with lies ’cause – hey – the money’s real good
The Dildo-Man can ’cause he mixes truth with lies ’cause – hey – the money’s real good

Go go Dildo-berto!

SFC Holland

I am playing by the rules too! only because I don’t have access to multiple IP’s, but it is the thought that counts…


@Hondo. BLIND FAITH! Dang it! I humbly bow before your superior musical knowledge. Great album, I agree.

Jonn Lilyea

I’m contemplating going all Charles Johnson/Michael Yon and start banning people who don’t vote the way I want.

Old Tanker

Oh’s no’s….not the Chuckles! I conveniently forgot about him long ago! Banished from the Lizard Lounge!


Hondo–I should have caught that one, considering I STILL have the Clapton “Crossroads” box CD set.

And yeah, I’m picturing the album cover. Try that today.

Old Tanker

My personal favorite is “Low Spark of High Heeled Boys”….but that’s just me!


LebbenB: that particular track sounds so much like Traffic from “Barleycorn” that anyone could confuse the two. I only remembered because I owned both albums back in the day (and still have them). As well as several others from Traffic and Winwood solo.

Have to admit I did have to look up the 4th member of Blind Faith on Google, though (Grech).


Which one, NHSparky – the original, or the US bowderized version?


TSO, it’s not Freebird is it? That song makes me break out in an itchy rash I hate it so much.


More obscure than Billy Thorpe’s “Children of the Sun”?


TSO: I believe this is the phrase could have led *some* to think Chicago style voting was encouraged:
“So, vote 5 times, and on Friday I will add them all up.”

And this one seems to suggest that Texas legislature style voting is encouraged: (There’s a youtube on it. I think it’s TX)
“I know my work IP and home IP come from different countries, and I had toyed with the thought of voting from home and voting from work, but, …”
“@6, not only can you do that, I would encourage it. ”

The few times I’ve put up polls there were options to limit the number of votes per day by IP address when setting it up. That could fix the problem of *some* expressing their strong disdain for one or another of your candidates.

To which, some of my old military leaders might tell the culprits: “I admire your motivation, but your execution needs some work.”


Dildoberto is probably spamming it himself so he has another reason to brag about things he didn’t earn.


This was the first I’ve heard of Survey Monkey (this contest):

But this is the TX Legislature: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG6X-xtVask

If I understand the TX legislator correctly, the problem is that you haven’t scheduled bathroom and lunch breaks, so some readers will need to vote for those that haven’t been able to show up.


oh come on! Rally for oliver guys!


SomePeoplesKids: why on earth would anyone support Durango Dufus over the Inhaler?


Hondo–might have something to do with his “wife” coming on here and claiming to be a media lawyer (from Cortez HS–a bastion of legal training, I’m sure) telling us to take his shit down.


TSO: didn’t you mean “Cat IV law school”? (smile)


TSO–you know the difference between Cortez HS and Taft Law School (where Oily Taint got her degree)?

Cortez HS is at least accredited.


Inhaler MUST go all the way! The pouty doofus with the toy gun will not stop the cock guzzling vampire!

Green Thumb


Now that was funny.


The first person I catch padding the vote for Sharkey, I will hunt down and end.

Old Tanker

Don’t worry ROS, the Cock doesn’t need the help…he’s handily defeating Douche!

Yat Yas 1833

ROS, does that mean I can pad the vote for Gunny Dungheap without fear of meeting my “end”?!


Yes, Yat!!! I’m impartial in that race, but wouldn’t be averse to seeing more Driveway Drama.

And that was just mean, OT. I’m still disappointed that DWGF won’t be the most douchetastic douche of them all.


Please put me down for 2 Gunny’s and 2 Sharkey’s.

I missed one day of voting as I was on travel between Trenton and Albany. I did not bring my AlGore machine with me so I could not access the AlGore.net.

Hack Stone

You guys are missing the point. If you want your guy to win, start a grass roots organization and get out the vote. I posted the link of the Fecal Four to my Facebook page, and asked all of my (imaginary) friends to vote for Gunny Driveway, as a lot of my friends live within a reasonable distance of him.

As an aside, I heard that Jonn was going to extend the voting for servicemembers serving overseas four days, but the Democratic party filed a lawsuit.

Yat Yas 1833

Hack, that’s some funny Shi’ite!

Joe Williams

Texas style voting put LBJ in Congress. Joe