In case you were wondering….

| August 14, 2012

Screencap from 14:17 hours…..

Category: Politics

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It’s a loser photo finish!

Holy Turdballs on a Stick!


I got three more pc’s and an iPad to go…this…will…not…stand.

Adirondack Patriot

I say in case of a tiebreaker, they go to the mudhole.

Just like Gunny Highway versus Major Powers.

Except this will be Gunny Driveway versus Major Phony.

Mudhole! Mudhole! Mudhole!

Adirondack Patriot

Ooops! I gotta be careful when I chant “mudhole” nowadays, what with gays openly serving and shit.

Bradley Manning

Psst. Call me. Tee hee!


Voting on 6 devices 😉

Old Tanker

NFW!!! Wait til I get home, I’ll get a couple more votes in yet!!!


Gunny Driveway! I believe in you! GO GO GO


‘one who knows’ posted on May 30th “he dont advertise it no more, but he makes sure the little bit of people he knows, he makes sure he tells them that he is a marine,and always has been a marine, he said they would have had to kill him first, for him not to make it thru boot camp,but his whole family still believes that he is a marine,and that all you people are a bunch of liars, what an asshole he is, the first time if he was ever deployed over in a country that was at war, he be crying for his mommy, and thats the truth”

‘one who knows’ seems to be somewhat reliable, given his/her comment history in the Gunny Driveway thread. This was months after the Gunny Driveway original post. When was this apology by Ronald received? I can’t remember a date on that.


Anonymous: “Ronad” apparently sent a public apology to POWNetwork and Jonn OA 4 Jun 2012.


@Hondo- Here I am trying to sow the seeds of doubt, and you come in with your “facts” and “evidence”.

But thank you, I had not seen that post.


Anonymous: you’re welcome. Mailahn is indeed a shithead, but he has acknowledged and apologized for his military fakery. To the best of my knowledge, Diliberto has neither acknowledged nor apologized for his fakery – and continues to make a living off same today.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

These two are clearly generating a lot of debate as to the greater level of sh1thead lies involved.

I was thinking Gunny because of the stealing from kids, regardless of the apology, indicates he is a true bottom feeder.

Thinking about it some more I can see that Diliberto is more like Bernie Madoff in that his lies are a grand scheme to defraud on a scale unimaginable by the likes of the dimwitted Ronad. That seems far more insidious and despicable to me at this point and means I have to change to Diliberto for the rest of the week…


@Hondo- I agree wholeheartedly that Diliberto taking his fakery on a national stage is remarkable (in a way that only stolen valor shitbags can be remarkable). I read the post you linked, and the comments, but there is still something I can’t shake about Mailahn. His apology is ended with the request of removing the posts about him from thisainthell and the pow network. To me, that is suspect. Additionally, there are comments beyond June 4th that reference him continuing to tell people he was/is a marine. Even his own comments on that post are heavy on the request for removal. These combined make a case (though I will admit not a strong one) that Ronald, being borderline for a diagnosis of mental retardation, has been taught an important lesson: Do not make fake claims on the internet, and make them only to people who don’t know how to separate fakers from real soldiers. Keep your fakery local and untraceable. It feels to me as though his only motive was the removal of this material from the site (and the pow network, as he asked for both) in order to maintain the plausibility to anyone who is not a window-licker that his claims are true. Googling “Ronald Mailahn” brings up thisainthell threads about him on the first page! Who wouldn’t want that removed? My argument against Diliberto is that he is a public figure- and therefore, like Poe, he is constantly out there, and we have the potential to shame him at every turn. He’s always going to be there, ready to be reminded constantly how he stayed on a boat while his unit went and fought. How he was left behind because he is such a shitbag. Mailahn doesn’t have that. He is not a public figure. And yet, he has invoked the Marines in defense of stealing from children. He used the Corps to shock and awe Ms. Piggy into some square knots. He is an unknown, and from hearsay (comments on your linked article) he has learned to continue stealing valor, under the radar. Diliberto, on the… Read more »


Oh, forgot to add that I do concede that national stage= nationwide consequences. This is important to consider for Diliberto, but in the end, this is only a contest with no real effects in reality. I went with the shittiest person as a whole, not the shitbag who has an ever-shrinking stage. At least Diliberto had the balls to join the Marines, shitbag or no shitbag. Mailahn is just a poster child for our crumbling education system, who is not only a deadbeat dad, but a felon who stole from children and put pictures of his own girlfriend tied up on the internet, like it was cool or something. Then decided against all rationality to first threaten legal recourse, then alternated personalities and begged for more. What followed was nothing short of a soap opera in the comments- threats, outrageous claims, and the occasional butchery of the English language by Ron, then “Jenny” following the unsuccessful suicide…

In the end, it’s all opinion.


Anonymous: can’t disagree with much of anything you wrote. Yes, it all comes down to opinion.

For me, it was a pretty difficult choice. In the end, I had to give Dildo-man the nod for the same reasons I gave Poe the nod in the previous round over “Ronad” – e.g., neither Poe nor Diliberto ever owned up to doing anything wrong, even when caught dead-to-rights. Instead, they “doubled-down” and stuck to their story. For me, that was the tie-breaker. For all his faults (and they are indeed legendary), Ronad the Mailman at least knew when he was toast and owned up to being a shithead. Whether that was sincere or not, I don’t know – but it’s something. And for a choice this close between two epic examples of asshattery, for me it was decisive.


Hondo, you never fail in your rational and sound arguments. You almost want to make me go 88 miles an hour in my DeLorean and change my past votes. I like you.

But I think I’ve bet on my horse at this point, and the ponies are rounding the last curve.


Anytime I stop laughing at this tourney I throw up in my mouth. In a perfect world the “winner” would be executed and the losers… Would also be executed.


What I find so funny is that some of you here write long paragraphs about these turnbuckles. I can only stand a few sentences of writing about their brilliance and splendor before I need a smoke, coffee, or beer!

Please continue though … I enjoy and respect your dedication.


@ 3 Mudhole fight is great idea.


I will never get the image of CS Sharkbait in a Pooh suit out of my head….never.

But Dillbuttsky is a compulsive liar and deserves to be held up to the limelight. Shoud this maroon take the title, then at some point, maybe someone from TAH could try to wheedle some time with CNN?


It is interesting to note the embellishments of folks like Dildoberto and whathisface from the IAVA in order to launch their careers as “experts” in the media, and how we should then turn against mission success in the “wars they fought.”

It’s almost as if they read John Kerry’s book on how to succeed in politics by being the minority with a story.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@20 I agree that it seems like a lot of energy for such unworthy sub-humans…I tend to be a long winded old fart these days though so I am aware of that character flaw, and sometimes a word or two can’t cover how shocking all of this is to me.

That some people can invent an entirely new life history of military honors unearned, undeserved, and unbelievable to defraud others out of money, position, goods and services and still walk free is astonishing to me. I bumped into this site probably a month or so ago because of the SCOTUS decision on stolen valor. In the short time I have been poking around here I am amazed at how far some of these people are able to take these lies, Oliver has a reporter believing we are airdropping elite troops by the thousands on a regular basis. Mailahn of the red t shirt gets women to drop their drawers and youth soft ball leagues to drop their money, Diliberto appears on TV as the voice of a generation of vets based on deceit, and Sharkey….where to start with this steaming pile of pig sh1t….trying to decide which one of these complete 4ssholes is the biggest pile of crap is no easy task.

I think I understand LZ about the winners being popped, and the losers too…based on their current contributions to the society we live in it’s doubtful any of them would be missed, and a few less parasites is always better for the host.

This has been an education most certainly.