Two more green-on-blue attacks

| August 10, 2012

It looks like there were two attacks in addition to the ones we reported earlier this week. This may be the one that Hondo reported on earlier.The murder was committed by a shooter, apparently a local police commander who fled the scene;

Citing Afghan officials, Reuters said the American special forces members were killed late Thursday while attending a meeting in the Sarwan Qala area, in what appeared to be a planned attack by rogue Afghan forces.

“During dinner, the police commander and his colleagues shot them and then fled. The commander was Afghan National Police in charge of local police in Sangin,” a senior Afghan official told Reuters on condition of anonymity. Sangin is a district.

The other, a suicide bomber took out the leadership of the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division;

The victims included Command Sgt. Maj. Kevin J. Griffin, the most senior enlisted soldier for the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division. Griffin, 45, of Riverton, Wyo., was a Bronze Star recipient who first enlisted in the Army in 1988.

Maj. Thomas E. Kennedy, 35, of West Point, N.Y., and Air Force Maj. Walter D. Gray, 38, of Conyers, Ga., were also killed.

That’s four attempts this week, but, there’s no conspiracy, says the Karzai government.

Category: Terror War

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Holy crap, my buddy is in in 4th brigade, 4th ID. I hope he’s okay.


The incident does look to be the same one, Jonn. The names given for the shooter match – as well as the locations (Helmand province) and circumstances (training local police).

Hope we trail the bastard to his “new” unit and take out everyone there.


I actually worked with Maj. Gray in the CRW for a short period of time. From what I do remember of him he was a great officer, prior TACP as well.


No conspiracy, my ass! When the three senior soldiers (enlisted and officers) of a BCT get taken out, you’d think the administration would say something. But, the Administration hasn’t said shit. WTF, over?


Major Kennedy was one of my son’s TAC Officers a couple of years ago.

R.I.P. all, you are not forgotten.


Cannot leave that place soon enough.

This is beyond outrageous.


Pure cowardice. I hope the A-holes responsible find themselves in the crosshairs of a predator sooner than later (not that they’d ever know what happened).

RIP to the fallen.

Isn’t the center circle (9th) of hell reserved for the treacherous?


What’s outrageous is the silence in Washington.


The Administration will not say shit, because they do not even want to admi there is still a War being fought in Afghanistan! It is so flipping amazing how almost immediately after the Ones innaguration covereage of the War has been severely limited in the MSM….


These reports, with nothing being done about the so-called rogues, are pissing me off.

Is this the way it’s going to be from now on? We just take this crap and do nothing?


Concur, RB, and it’ll get less than that over the next 3 months, or so.