Not A Good Week in the ‘Stan

| August 10, 2012

Fox News is reporting yet another Green on Blue incident in Afghanistan, this time in Helmand province.  Three US troops are reported dead at the hands of an individual wearing an ANA uniform.  The individual was reportedly “helping” US forces train local police.

This is the third green-on-blue incident reported this week.  The article gives no indication whether or not the US troops were in possession of their weapons at the time of the incident.  However, the shooter apparently did escape.

The Taliban has predictably claimed responsibility, and further claims that the killer joined the insurgency “after the attack”.  Believe that last point if you want; I’m not sure I do.  I’m guessing there’s a good chance the Taliban is telling a half-truth and that he may have been a Taliban plant all along.

The incident is reportedly under investigation, and further details were not available.

I’m glad I’m not at Bagram AB this week.  Standing at attention, saluting, alongside Disney Avenue during 3 different Fallen Comrade ceremonies in the same week would be kinda tough.

And I don’t even want to think about what their unit comrades, friends, and families are going through right now.

May the dead rest in peace, and may God comfort the bereaved comrades, friends, and  families of the fallen.


Edited by the author to add information that should have been obvious, but in the pre-6AM hour when this was written unfortunately was omitted  – and shouldn’t have been.  Unit comrades, friends, and families obviously are hit harder by something like this than anyone else.  My apologies for failing to emphasize that initially.

Category: Military issues, Terror War

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[…] were two attacks in addition to the ones we reported earlier this week. This may be the one that Hondo reported on earlier.The murder was committed by a shooter, apparently a local police commander who fled the […]

SFC Holland

“I’m glad I’m not at Bagram AB this week. Standing at attention, saluting, alongside Disney Avenue during 3 different Fallen Comrade ceremonies in the same week would be kinda tough.”



But there is no conspiracy, right?


The writing is on the wall.

F**k that place.


How long do you guys think it will be before someone over there says “fuck this shit” and takes matters into his own hands?

Just remember that jerk in grade school or high school who repeatedly punched you or something because he thought you were a wuss.