Hasan’s defense team tries to block terror expert from testifying

| August 9, 2012

Cheif Tango sends us a link to a Blaze article which reports that Nidal Hasan’s defense team is trying to block Evan Kohlman, the terrorism expert, from testifying about how he came to the conclusion that Hasan is a home-grown terrorist;

Kohlmann is expected to be questioned during a pretrial hearing Thursday. He has testified for the government in more than two dozen terrorism cases.

If he were to testify, it would be a detour from the government’s official position in the past, which is that the shooting was an act of “workplace violence” not terrorism.

Yeah, so let’s see how the government decides in this little side drama. They were adamant about Hasan shaving his beard while he’s getting an Army paycheck. Yeah, he was fined $1000 for not shaving when he was ordered. He probably paid the fine from that major pay he’s banking all these months of his confinement.

The Associated Press doesn’t mention the “work place violence” angle, but the way the judge decides will probably reflect whether or not he’s getting his marching orders from the civilian leadership.

Category: Terror War

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I am not sure how but this is racist …just thought I’d beat knees and insipid to the punch.


Who would be acceptable to the defense team, then? John Giduck?


Ought to be shot or hung than buried covered in pigs blood and entrails. At the pace court proceedings are going he’s gonna be eligible for Full Colonel. Also, the judge is threatning to have Hasan forcibly shaved if he doesn’t comply-we’ll see, I doubt it.


IMO? They should take him out on one of the ranges, turn him loose and let the survivors have at it.


Street – that would be entirely too kind a solution. Might consider it after he has spent a few years housed at a pig farm surrounded by electric fences. (Except that sounds rather like cruel and unusual punishment for the hogs.)


pack of smokes and snickers for a fellow inmate would solve the problem of Hassan


Well, if they bring in the terrorism expert then it might make the office of the President look foolish. We wouldn’t want that, now would we. Then it goes from workplace violence (that seems oddly jihadi-based) to an act of domestic terrorism from an infiltrate!

Try him, find him guilty, then hang him as per military tradition.

AW1 Tim

well, since he’s confined to a wheelchair, I’d just let a couple MP’s take him for a ride to an undisclosed location, like Death Valley, maybe, and drop him off.

But yeah, Stacy0311 has a good idea too, especially if someone is serving multiple life sentences and isn’t getting out anytime soon. Heck, I’m sure some of the Aryan Brotherhood would do it for free.


#8 is this the AW1 Tim of blogging fame? if so, dude you’re slacking. I love TAH, but I need more milblog dude.

AW1 Tim

Yes it is and yes I am slacking. It’s not an excuse, but I’m dealing with some serious health issues and trying to blog anything of value seems to be a bit frustrating these days. I do apologize for the lack of output.

I had hoped to be back online this week, but that’s been pushed back a few days. Thanks for the kind words, though. Keep checking in and I promise there is more to come.

Honestly. 🙂


I have my “go to” blogs yours gets checked right after CDR Salamander and before Fobbits Need Ice Cream. I guess I need to realize that bloggers are people too and might (just possibly) have a life independent of the internet. Goof luck and get healthy soon.


@5 OWB; No it wouldn’t be cruel treatment of the hogs. The guy is paralyzed. If he were put in with the hogs, the hogs would simply eat him — alive. Problem solved for all concerned.


I like it, PN. That seems an equitable solution.
Now, is anyone sure that the objection to the terrorism expert testifying isn’t from the government? After all, mustn’t make Nappy look more foolish than she does.


Dr Brian Neil Talarico and Dr David Kenneth Cochrane have and continue to cause life threatening inreversible damages to woman, children, and the vulnerable… They’re paid to kill people for profit by the governments… Please feel free to participate in any way you can to bring these two criminals to justice as you see fit. They work for the new North Bay, Hostpitals, in Ontario, Canada and sometimes the clinics.

Kayla, Supervisor of Registered Nurses of North Bay, Ontario, Canada

Yat Yas 1833

IF this checks, and I’m sure it will, EVERYONE OF US needs to let Best Western know what we think of them. I have a “rewards card” that I’ll be turning in if all of turns out to be true.

Yat Yas 1833

OOOOOPS!!! This should have gone on the ” Hotel Employee Mocks Wounded Vet” thread.

Yat Yas 1833

You know guys, lawyers take a hypocritical oath, like doctors, to represent their clients to the best of their ability. My attorney has been a family friend for well over 40 years, he’s been known to pull some strings or work the system to get us out of a jam! These guys are doing the same thing.