Team Biden announces nearly $6 billion in military and budget aid for Ukraine
Washington DC has dedicated another $5.9 billion in military and budget aid for Ukraine. Janet Yellen, Treasury Secretary, said that $3.4 billion was for budget aid for Ukraine. Joe Biden said that the United States will continue to work with Ukraine for the balance of his presidency. This aid will not all arrive at once or soon as some may take months to be delivered.
From Reuters:
Nearly three years into the war, Washington has committed billions of dollars in aid for Ukraine, but it is uncertain if the aid will continue at that pace under Trump, who succeeds Biden on Jan. 20.
Trump has said he wants to bring the war to a swift end.
During the presidential campaign, Trump questioned the level of U.S. involvement in the conflict, suggesting European allies should bear more of the financial burden.
Some of his fellow Republicans – who will control both the House of Representatives and Senate starting next month – have also cooled on sending more aid to Kyiv.
A U.S. official said the $3.4 billion in budget funding brings the total in U.S. budget aid to Ukraine to just over $30 billion since Russia’s invasion in February 2022. Most of those funds are used to keep Ukraine’s government running by paying salaries to teachers and other state employees.
Washington has separately provided approximately $61.4 billion in security assistance to Kyiv since the start of the war, according to the Pentagon.
Biden said the Defense Department is in the process of delivering hundreds of thousands of artillery rounds, thousands of rockets, and hundreds of armored vehicles “which will strengthen Ukraine’s hand as it heads into the winter.”
Yellen said continued economic aid for Ukraine was crucial to allow it to maintain government services and continue to defend its sovereignty, warning against moves to cut funding.
“Ukraine’s success is in America’s core national interest,” she said, vowing to continue to pressure Moscow with sanctions and to help position Ukraine to achieve a just peace.
Additional Reading:
Holland, S., & Shalal, A. (2024, December 30). US announces $5.9 billion in military and budget aid to Ukraine. Reuters. Link.
Category: International Affairs, Joe BIden, Ukraine
Starting to feel like the never ending story, just not as fun.
Bidens? We ain’t got no Bidens. We don’t need no Bidens. I don’t have to show you any steenking Bidens!
Joe & The DC Swamp need to fund their “golden parachutes” as the his grip on power ends.
Big Guy got to get his 10%. He’s got grandchildren to take care of you know that don’t you? “Think of the children!”
Does the one he doesn’t acknowledge get anything, or is she SOL?
Only certain grandchildren. White House Spokesperson Karine Jeanne-Pierre likes to remind us that Joe and Jill Biden are extremely proud of Hunter. Not too many of you willing to step up after your brother dies and start banging his widow and getting her addicted to crack.
Plus, what’s not to be proud of, with a son who is also a crack addict with the skills to snort coke of one hooker’s ass while banging another.
Is it to late for me to invest in US Arms industry stocks before President Trump takes the helm.
Can you get in on a short term investment plan? Say like a 20 day or less duration plan?
Most of those funds are used to keep Ukraine’s government running by paying salaries to teachers and other state employees
WTF, is Ukraine going to pay us back and pay my salary when Trump ends this shit hole of a money pit? Glad I am just happily paying my taxes so Ukraine can suck them up like the inner city weaves and finger nails I pay for. This shit has to stop.
And everybody has a share– Milo Minderbender ain’t got sh*t on this:
No shit. I may as well just have my taxes deposited directly into Volodymyr Zelensky’s bank account.
I hear that he now owns a nice lavish yacht, bless his heart.
Can we sink it, I mean, borrow it?
Good, he deserves it. Anyone leading a military that leaves behind hundreds of thousands of dead or wounded Russian Soldiers deserves some time at sea.
Or am I supposed to feel sorry for Russia?
TROLL ALERT !!!!!!!!!
I don’t care what they do with the money as long as North Korean and Russian Soldiers are being killed en masse. Or are we denying that is happening as well?
Not only Ukraine government employees, apparently our tax dollars are keeping some boutiques in business over there.
Article dated Sept 24th of 2023. CBS (k)news about it over a year ago and didn’t push the issue. Were they threatened after the fact?
Crap like this (and everything else that the Bite-me regime has done since the November 2024 election) is why I advocate for the cessation of government activities between election and inauguration, and the shortening between election and inauguration from 3 months to 3 weeks (at most. maybe shorter?)
21 more days. 21 more days.
21 more days for Joe Biden to cure cancer.
Or to hook Phil Monkress and All-Points Logistics up with a new contract.
The cancer the country is currently suffering through will begin to be eradicated Jan 20th. Joe and Jill leaving would be a good start. I don’t care if they leave the lights on when they leave, but somebody better change the locks.
ONLY 21 more shopping days until the TRUMP Inauguration!!!
Spend a lot, get very little.
Well, those corrupt Ukrainian politicians probably need the money more than we do. After all, those villas overlooking the Mediterranean Sea aren’t free, you know.
Yes, bless their hearts.
Please tell me you said that in a Southern accent.
Their military is killing hundreds of thousands of Russian and North Korean Soldiers and setting Russia’s economy back decades. Those villas are well deserved.
Meanwhile there are people living in the western part of North Carolina who are still at the edge of losing everything they have because the Government has not seen fit to provide aid to them after they were hit by hurricane Helene.
Who should we be more concerned with?
LOL sure, let’s give those North Carolinians all those rockets, tanks and drones we are giving Ukraine. After all, these aid packages are mostly just updated military equipment and not actually cash. Great idea!
I said; “Who should we be more concerned with?”
It was a question of moral obligations to our citizens over our non-existent obligations to secure the borders of another country; especially one that is not known for being a free and open society.
And when you get down to the nitty-gritty of it, you’re still talking about MONEY going out of this country in the form of property purchased by your tax dollars.
Don’t take up that snippy attitude with me. It’s not appreciated, it’s immature, and I am too old to have to listen to it.
If you want to respond to ME, you use a more civil tone.
Stuff that will kill Russians? I’m ok with that. Funding their government? Not so much.
Pretty hard to keep a machine running that tearing up the Russian military if you don’t keep the bearings greased.
If all those $Billions-with-a-B went to the killing of Russians, I’m on board. I’ve wanted that since I first learned what a “USSR” was, and I’m okay with former Soviet Republics doing the killing. (As a matter of fact, there’s a certain beautiful irony there!)
However, since I also don’t believe it’s all going to lethality, and I don’t care in the slightest about Ukrainian “democracy,” I don’t mind if the funding gets cut waaaaaay back.
Can we get Vivek and Elon on making sure the money’s getting spent on killing? Measure it in simple terms like the ratio of dollars to KIAs.
At the rate this is going, we are paying over a million for each Russian killed in combat. Only about 10k of that million is actually used in the killing. The rest goes to exactly the pockets we are all thinking about.
A million for each dead Russian is a bargain. But you also forget we are destroying a significant amount of their military equipment and their economy. So, again, it’s a bargain. My only regret is that I can’t spend my own money to send bullets to kill more of those Russian fucks.
I am sure the Ukrainian government will accept your money should you care to actually put your money where your mouth is. They will also accept your service should you go over there and put your ass where your mouth is.
Oops. I forgot—it already is. In fact, your entire head is up your ass. The question is, do you trust them?
What’s preventing you from doing so? Not a good address to send it to? Send your money and let them buy their own bullets locally so that you don’t get jammed up.
My question follows:
Is Hunter working on commission for Ukraine now?
Or not:
MY question is how much is the Biden Cartel getting in kickbacks? Asking for a friend.
How quick would they give it back when presented with this counter offer
Dang. What painting is that?
“The Hanged Tree” by Francesco Simonini
With all of his (now glaringly) obvious, underhanded and illegal actions, NOTHING is going to be done about it,,,, from either side, DS and Rs, (yet, Trump gets impeached, arrested, prosecuted, fined, etc. etc.) and both the Rs and the Ds ignore it and continue on!
I hope that common sense takes hold soon!
It has to!!!!
We all know when Trump threatens to lock up his political rivals, he means it and he won’t stop until it gets done! Hillary’s been in jail since 2016 and Biden will be next.
Haha, J/K, even after Trump admitted a few months ago that he never had any intention of locking Hillary up you people still blame the deep state for his backtracking. Pathetic.
Maybe you’re all just jealous that Biden actually took Trump to trial and he was found guilty of 34 felonies. I mean, at least Biden is competent enough to actually go after his enemies instead of just tweeting about it like some other idiot.
And yet, no convictions.
Um, he was absolutely convicted of 34 felonies. I think you mean no sentencing. Also today, his civil case for rape and defamation was upheld by an appellate court.
And your true colors finally showed up.
SgtM was right to activate the Troll Alert.
Yea, I voted Trump because he made a lot of promises in 2016 but despite the fact that he’s a serial liar people are going through all the motions again as if he’s going to accomplish anything he says in 2025. Shit, he doesn’t even have to BOTHER to try this time since he can’t be re-elected. He’ll just let his rotating cabinet of unqualified morons fight among each other for four years just like last time.
OT, Fun day at the VFW, homeless guy jumped our fence, set up camp under our gazebo, damaged the wind curtains, cuz he was too stupid to work the zippers, stole chair cushions and a light, and to top it off dumped the butt kit looking for smokes.
You should be glad someone actually went to your local VFW.
My, you are an angry little elf.
Where are they getting all this money?
Is this from our taxes, or are they indebting the country to fight someone else’s war?
If so, why are we still paying taxes?
Well, it’s not money, it’s mostly decommissioned/outdated equipment that we would have delivered to a NATO country for their defense regardless. A lot of idiots don’t realize that most of the contents of these aid packages isn’t cash, it’s obsolete tanks, personnel carriers, towed field artillery pieces, and lots and lots of munitions.
That must be replaced by……taxes…. Fucking idiot.
That equipment was going to be replaced by newer and better equipment regardless by taxes, you even bigger fucking idiot.