More gun control, huh?
So finally we hear that James Holmes, mister shoot-em-up, was being treated for some sort of disorder by a psychiatrist at the student health center at the University of Colorado Denver’s Anschutz Medical Campus. The good doctor, Lynne Fenton, whose area of expertise is psychotherapy and neurobiological schizophrenia, had warned the university that they shouldn’t let Holmes back on campus after he withdrew from his courses. So obviously, the university was aware of his behavioral problems.
You know kind of like Sheriff Dupnik and his deputies were aware that the Tucson spree shooter, Jared Loughnor, had behavior problems. I’m seeing a pattern here. There are restrictions and regulations in place to keep people like this from owning firearms, but it looks to me like people are purposely doing end runs around their responsibilities in making the gun laws work.
Our buddy, Blanka sends this link to an article by this fellow who admits all of the above, but still calls for more gun control;
Gun and weapons manufacturing is big business in America—for foreign and domestic consumption. Republicans, who always back big money, use the argument of protecting Second Amendment rights to stifle any sensible legislation that could limit the damage of these senseless killings. And Democrats—ever fearful of being called too “liberal” and weak—are afraid to spark a serious debate about gun control—let alone enact legislation to address it. Don’t expect another Brady Bill anytime soon.
In this Colorado case, the ease with which Mr. Holmes, apparently, bought bombs, bullets and guns mirrors the ease many of the other killers in the aforementioned massacres got their ammunition. In terms of the bullets Mr. Holmes, reportedly, purchased them on the Internet. Doesn’t it seem somewhat crazy—we’ll get to the insanity angle next—that one can buy bullets in this manner, especially, in this age where stolen credit cards and identity theft is so prevalent?
But he skips right over the fact that if the University of Colorado had done their job and told police that Holmes was unbalanced, maybe they would have investigated and entered into the national database that he wasn’t worthy of owning firearms, he couldn’t have bought them. Buying ammunition on the internet is a nonstarter if Holmes didn’t have guns with which to shoot bullets. I’m guessin’.
So, in both the Loughner and the Holmes incident, if the guardians of our community had done that which they expect us to do, legal gun purchases would have been avoided. So, unless these dinguses are ready to criminalize ineptness, more gun laws won’t work.
The author, Colin Benjamin, and all of those half-wits who subscribe to this bonehead theory of taking all of these guns from people who haven’t shot anyone, well, they’re just hoping that government will do for them what they don’t have the guts to do, namely reporting nuts who want to own guns. The national data base only spits out what’s been put into it. But the Care Bear crowd don’t want to tell the world about nuts – it’s much easier to rage against Big Guns and the NRA bugaboos than to be a responsible member of society.
Category: Politics
Thank you Jonn. Great post. I’m going to send it on to our wonderful State Senator Dick Durbin – D Illinois
& see what kind of canned response I get back.
He didn’t “buy bombs” either… He bought gasoline and fireworks. Ban them next. Along with tang, acetone, peroxide, sugar, diesel fuel, fertilizer, etc.
I have issues with the whole “doctor-patient privilege” that sometimes allows people who are likely to go off the deep end continue to walk among us(or buy guns) when their doctor/psychiatrist knows that they are probably a ticking time bomb.
It’s the old “Make having a weapon a crime and only criminals will have weapons”. The other day my granddaughter asked me, “Tata, why do you keep a gun in ‘our’ car?” All I could tell her was the truth, “To be able to shoot back if anyone shoots at us.”
Mental illness isn’t like physical illness, in that there is a set course for the disease. It’s more sliding scale than that. Also, this country went completely the other direction after a series of medical scandals through the 1960’s and 1970’s concerning the treatment of the mentally ill in state hospitals. We don’t routinely lock folks up anymore for mental illness, except when they become violent. There isn’t anything to peg “normal behavior” with anymore, except a lack of violence. That is why folks walk around acting more and more bizarre, and nothing is done. It’s been said here before: being “crazy” isn’t illegal until you threaten to hurt yourself or someone else. Then you can be locked up. Not before.
So IOW, in the face of facts and logic, the liberal knee-jerk reaction continues.
Gee, color me shocked.
The answer isn’t more gun control, it’s less. If there were not a stigma (does the term gun nut ring a bell?) attached to gun ownership and blue states were not so hell bent on racheting down licenses to carry (see Maryland and the niwit O’Malley), some folks who could be in a postion to stop horrors are not. And that’s sad.
Am I the only one who appreciates the irony in the fact that he went to find help in a medical center that shares a name with a world famous gun manufacturer?
I always go to the Black Star News for information about current events.
Thats the web header if you follow the link above.
After 32 years of police work, I know it’s not the guns that are the problem…it’s how the mentally ill are taken care of. I have delt with hundreds of nuts- many I took to the county looney bin for a 72 hour evaluation…and just watched them come out before I had the friggen report done.
What is needed is:
1.) Whenever law enforcement deals with a person who’s fucking nuts and or makes threats, there must be a quick system to enter their name into the “can’t buy a gun or own a gun” system. This would have prevented many of these tragic events.
2.) Whenever LE deals with a nut multiple times who’s caused harm to others, they need a system that puts the nut job away for years—don’t just release afte giving them meds they won’t take anyway.
Hey, guys and gals, I got the weekly sale papers on Wednesday, and want to let you all know that Bass Pro Shops is having their 2012 Fall Hunting Classic 2nd Amendment Instant Savings on Guns! Celebrating the Right to Bear Arms!
Cute little Ruger 9mm on the cover, but on page 3, there’s nicely chiseled Beretta Storm Subcompact 9mm.
I’m going to that next weekend because they have all these programs planned, so I get to ask lots of questions and look entirely stupid in the process. Also, they have an absolutely darling Redhead Bales II waterproof boot (ladies’ sizes) at 50% off, and I haven’t bought myself anything new in two years.
I particularly liked the zombie hunters on the secondary sale paper in the ad for the 3 day, 2 night Utah hunting trip sweepstakes with Under Armour + Buck Commander. I might enter that, but I’ll probably have to explain that I hunt with a camera, not with gun.
Y’all should enter the sweepstakes and have some fun.
Here’s the link to a video of a female jewelry store owner chasing off robbers:
Loughner, Holmes, and don’t forget about that purveyor of workplace violence, Hassan. I’m seeing a pattern here.
Don’t worry about it when they are crazy and only threatening people. However, once they finally go nuts and shoot places up, then make it harder for the law-abiding people to get guns.
As a true supporter of the second amendment, a nurse with years of psyche experience, and a walking talking example of having a life saved by a neighbor with a gun, I know that lives could have been saved had the theater not been a soft target.
Attorney’s in the 60’s and 70’s worked very hard to make sure that those with schizophrenia and all types of mental diseases were let loose on the streets.
Those poor souls make up about 50% of the homeless population and it breaks my heart to see it happen.
The morons at the college should be sued, as should that damn shrink for malpractice for not stopping this POS before he finally went nuts…
Damn liberals kill more people than cancer…
Society has changed so much today that if you do not want to be entitled, If you work, or are doing anything for yourself, you are ostracized, and I noticed that those that feel entitled seem to be the ones that go off the deep.
It’s almost like if they don’t get what they feel they deserve, that they think no one else deserved to live, so they do these mass shootings.