Fort Bragg victim ID’d

| June 30, 2012

Ex-PH2 sends us the news that the Army has identified the battalion commander who was murdered at his safety briefing to his troops on Thursday before they began their long weekend, was Lt. Col. Roy Tisdale, a Texas Aggie grad and a veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan, according to MSNBC.

Another victim, according to the Fayetteville Observer, was Spc. Michael E. Latham who was treated for his injuries and released;

Latham, a signal support system specialist…is a Vacaville, Calif., native who joined the Army in October 2009.

The shooter, who also shot himself, is still in critical condition and confined to the hospital. The Army hasn’t released his name yet.

ADDED: I forgot to add this line from the MSNBC link;

The alleged shooter was facing court martial for allegedly stealing a tool box worth nearly $2,000 from the motor pool, and could have been dishonorably discharged if found guilty, an Army official previously said.

Category: Military issues

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Prayers out for the families, as well as for the shooter’s recovery so that he may be punished adequately.


Thanks for posting that, TAH. And I’m still wondering why the shooter had a gun. That part has not yet been addressed anywhere in the media.

Thanks again.


Really curious as to the dirtbag’s name. Seems strange that it isn’t out yet.


It had to have been premeditated…I mean many Soldiers have weapons in housing or off-post. It’s nothing to bring one from housing or from home to go shoot at a range. The guys in the barracks keep them in the arms room, or at least they used to…

Hidden under ACUs would have been no stretch either. What beef could you have with the BC to commit murder? There has to be a LOT of info being withheld thus far. UCMJ? Chapter? Failed marriage? I am very very curious what comes out in the wash.

Zero Ponsdorf

Condolences to the families.

I’m deeply torn here. The two first options are PTS and a Fort Hood scenario.

Don’t mean to be abrasive, or insensitive, but…

M. Broughton

Shooter Name ain’t released yet? Hope it’s not Mooozlum like Ft. Hood!


#5 no symptom of pts involves premeditated murder. If we want the public to change their views shouldn’t our own community do it first?

God bless the deceased. I feel sorrow for the family. Hope the injured SPC recovers fully and quickly.

CI Rollder Dude

Things like this make no sense. The dummy steals a tool box…he gets in trouble…then shoots the BC? My guess is that he is mentally retarded and should never have been allowed to join the Army.
If they are going to make a smaller Army, I hope they can do more mental screening.


Pray for the families!


@SJ — I would guess that the shooter’s identity has not been released to avoid prejudgment and sensationalism on the part of the media.


That may be a valid point #7, but that doesn’t mean the media won’t jump on the PTS angle (surprised they haven’t yet). If the shooter recovers that may very well be the excuse given.


I suspect he had a gun because he planned to kill someone. It’s kind of characteristic of criminals to not obey rules, regulations or laws.


The victim was in the SAMS class after mine. I vaguely remember his name. He had to have been a very short turn to BC as most of my classmates are now going to thier battalion commands. Prayers to his family from me and our small community.


@10, the name hasn’t been released because they don’t expect him to leave Womack alive.


I didn’t know the victim, but my wife [who was AD] just returned from her parents in Ohio and hadn’t heard LTC Tisdale’s name yet.

Turns out, she took his position as XO of the PSB on Kelly Hill [Benning] back in the mid-90’s…and LT/CPT Tisdale was one of the mentors in her career that she had the utmost respect for.

She went and dug out the engraved cup with his name on it [a unit tradition that died like so many others].

According to her….the Army lost a great Soldier, leader and husband.


The shooter was 8 yrs. service and still a Spc.


LTC Tisdale was a good Officer and Leader. The Brigade Special Troops Battalion (Provisional) just activated in January. He was just selected for Command of a Recruiting BN in PA on the April list. RIP.


The shooter SPC. Ricky Elder died yesterday…

Our sincere condolences and heart felt prayers go out to the family of LTC Tisdale & SPC Latham along with those in attendance of the safety meeting.

street and melony


This article has some more information on Lt. Col. Tisdale (Alvin is South of Houston, so this is kind of his “hometown” newspaper).


Prayers for LTC Tisdale and his family. Taking a man’s life for a toolbox? No PTSD spin can ever justify premeditated, cold blooded murder. The shooter is a murderer, pure and simple.

What I can’t believe that with the whole battalion there the shooter wasn’t beaten to death before the cops arrived.


Now waiting for somehow even more restrictive weapons ownership policies to be enacted in a completely irrelevant and ineffectual response…

Lonestar Infantry

Wow this one hits close to home. So sad and unnecessary. Even though LTC Tisdale and myself were 18 years apart in the Corps of Cadets and were in different units, it still feels like I lost a brother. If anyone would like to see how Texas Aggies honor our fallen, look into the Silver Taps and Aggie Muster traditions. For LTC Tisdale I answer “Here”


LTC Tisdale was my CO back in 2001-2003. The 1sg was a longhorns fan who assigned him the callsign “Bevo”. I hope to be able to pay my last respects at the memorial.

Top story in the Fay Observer today: The shooter died of wounds.


I don’t understand shooting the Battalion Commander. What kind of hate do you have to have for someone that you want to make killing them the last thing you do before you die?


We’re all asking that same question.


Funeral is in College Station (Central Baptist) this week. (Thursday, I think)