The ABC interview

| June 28, 2012

They gave me about two seconds, but my wife and her new dress made the cut. Howard Stern had more time than I did.

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The way that sentence finished, the part they didn’t put in was “When I see those bits of ribbon and metal, I think of my friend, Tim Martin, who died on the streets of Mogadishu and left behind his wife and three daughters.”

Category: Stolen Valor Act

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Well done Jonn. 🙂


You the man bud.
Leg getting worse?


Amen, Jonn–we all know that these assclowns would never be a pimple on the ass of MSG Martin. And more importantly, most of those phony fuckers know it too.

There will be a reckoning.

And this is why you are a better man than I am, Jonn, because had I known him, I probably would have added after your comment, “And that thought makes me want to run a shovel up their asses, twirl it around, and rip their chickenshit guts out with it.”

Just my .02.


They gave you airtime and put your name on the air. They also put the phonies on display first, and named them on the air.
Just keep on truckin’.


I came over from an email I got from 🙂 nice.



BRAVO ZULU … Tell your wife the dress was HOT!


Zero Ponsdorf


Toothless Dawg

Well Done!!!


And now everyone else understands my massive Jonn-crush.


#3 Jonn,

I’ve been noticing enhanced gravitational effects also … alas 🙂


No. 3:
The so-called “gravitas” of some of the supreme (Constitution’s lower case “s”) Court judges is getting worse .


By the time I said “holy shit there’s John”…it was over. What a bunch of bull…..not a good day in the courts yesterday.

Yat Yas 1833

WOW! I’m impressed, Jonn.


Well done Jonn!

Doug Sterner

John…Great Job and it was really good to finally meet you face-to-face. The highlight for me was that they DID get your wife on there as well. Good job for both of you. I know it was a major cramp in your schedule to get there in time before your other appointments, but am glad you made it.


I finally had a reason to watch ABC Nightly News.


Good on both of you, Jonn and Doug. Thanks for being there for all of us.


Gosh, some people’s lives are so bereft of meaning or purpose
that they feel compelled to fool the world into believing a real life Captain America is their midst. Some sort of kick seeing expressions on peoples faces as the wannabe tells tall tales that make Carlos Hathcock, Chuck Mawhinney, or Ed Eaton look like just out of bootcamp baby-faced amateurs.

This kind of stuff makes people very cynical. Folks are going start asking the “heroes” for 3 references and to present their citation for award. Seems like the real Super Soldiers are very modest & have “I did my job” no fuss mentality. Doubt that if MSG Tim Griz Martin were alive today that he would go around telling people what a big cheese he was as member of Delta Force or what kind of missions he was privy to, perhaps only at a Special Operations reunion -maybe.

CI Rollder Dude

So, if we use one our rights- the right of free speech- and say whatever we want about these Stolen Valor Ass Clowns- they can’t do anything to us.
Well, I feel that anybody who claims to have earned any military award (you don’t “win” this shit) and has made profit from it- by a job, getting laid or in political office etc, should have a poster of them put up showing that they are a fraud.

Mickey GSM

It has nothing to do with FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND THE 1ST AMENDMENT….It is Fraud…… oh my blood boils


Great job, Jonn! You and Mark are doing outstanding work, keep it up!

Doug Sterner

At #20 – Good points. If we get a revised “SVA” with a “personal gain” benefit, we need to find a monetary value for getting laid, to cover those who use false claims just for that purpose. Come on now, we know it has value…all men pay for it one way or another.


Better watch out, Doug – you keep talking like that and ROS will name you “Dirty Old Man of the Week” too! (smile)

Old Trooper

@23: You bring up an interesting point, Doug. Hypothetically: If a guy uses the Billy Badass routing to get into some girls pants, and she obliges based on his faux badassery; could she claim rape via false pretenses? I mean, the guy did get something of value due to his fakery; right? So, could that be considered criminal under the definition??


There’s an idea for a badge in there, Hondo.

And getting laid is only of value until you get married. Then it’s a)contractual, b)obligatory, or c)nonexistent.

Doug Sterner

“Marital Sex” is an oxymoron


ROS: I’ll let you come up with the design. I ain’t touching that one. (smile)


Thus the joy and apparent popularity of divorce, Mr. Sterner. 🙂

TWSS, Hondo. 😀


Jesus Lilyea you look like fucking shit.


No. 24 Hondo:
*sincere* (but not condemnatory !!)

There’s nothing dirty about GOOD, CLEAN, FUN .


Contact your representatives urging support of the Stolen Valor Act 2011. While it adds to the scope of the law it doesn’t appear to infringe on free speech.


No. 32 Monsieur Rochambeau:

REP Staff, telephoned by me much earlier today .