Why We Must Tolerate Trolls

| June 24, 2012

I’m new to TAH, as both a contributor and a commenter. I must admit to a bit of surprise to discover that a website dedicated to presenting veterans’ and warrior’s views to an essentially veterans’ and warrior’s community has a few liberal trolls lurking ‘neath the bridge of communication that exists here.
Trolls are so truly like teenagers in that they are sure that they and only they know the truth about everything. Actually, I expect that many of the trolls who cruise through IAH are probably, in fact, teenagers or young college students, as their posts would seem to indicate. So stridently sure of themselves, they are quick to dismiss the collective, hard-earned through hard experience wisdom of the regular members and readers of this site. Never having been in combat, they feel comfortable telling those of us who have, how wrong we are.

I say that trolls are like teenagers, but that truth actually extends to the entire liberal world from which they venture out to pester and aggravate adherents to sites such as IAH. They are childlike in everything they post, constantly seeking to prove that those of us here with so much more actual world and life experience are just a bunch of clueless simpletons. Ah, does that remind you of the know-it-all teenagers in your own families?

Notice something else about the trolls who post here? They always do so with much passion, the fiery, know-it-all passion of youth. I can’t remember the comedian who made the trenchant observation that we should turn over the operations of all government to teenagers: “While they still know it all.” What a great line and an obvious consideration we must keep in mind when these drive-by adolescents cruise through IAH and shout their expletives out the partially opened windows of their closed minds. If you note the shouting of such a troll as Insipid, (who on earth would ever take such an idiotic username unless he really didn’t understand the meaning of the word) you can quickly discern that this boy really doesn’t have much life experience. Is he bright? Well, perhaps but in such a way that his intellect has been subjugated to his ideology, an unfortunate outcome for him.

I must confess that I am not immune to rising to the bait on occasion. When I should just sit back and smile at the ignorance being offered up by the likes of Insipid, I sometimes simply can’t resist the bugle call to action to defend either my own posting or the opinion of some other IAH regular. I suppose you could liken me to some old slavering dog layin’ on the porch who just can’t resist the temptation of chasing that coon that wanders into the yard. OK, Insipid, make something racist out of that.

I know, I know, it’s foolish in the extreme to respond to a teenager, but sometimes I just can’t help myself, as when Insipid calls me a racist. I would wager that I have far more interracial life experiences, both good and bad, than young Insipid ever imagined having. Therefore when he calls me a racist I want to sit down with him and explain to him the realities of racial co-existence in modern America. I don’t believe Insipid has a clue. His cluelessness makes me wonder if he’s not some little rich kid who’s never worked a day in his life. The real truth is, I’d like to sit down across from him and maybe slap a little sense into him.
Ah, that’s just wishful thinking…

Whatever, here’s a heads-up to Insipid and the other trolls at this site: I’m an old poor boy who worked his way up in the United States Army and life to my present position where spotting phonies isn’t too difficult.

Know what I would welcome her? An old, been there, done that type troll who in spite of living a life of believing in liberal foolishness still drinks the Kool-Aid and would like to contest the rest of us at TAH. Swatting young fools like Intrepid doesn’t really provide any intellectual challenge. Perhaps an old liberal fool might afford a more worthy opponent.
Nah, a liberal fool is a liberal fool and the grey ponytail is a giveaway.

Category: Who knows

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Yet you still didn’t answer him, thus disproving your statement.


#70- @NH-Sparky- Funny, I’ve used the phrase “affirmative action” many times at many different places of work/business, and I’ve yet to even have an HR-type raise their eyebrows at me. So giving someone a preference based solely on the color of their skin and no other factor ISN’T racist? Seems to me when I was taking Sociology that was the EXACT definition of racism. And if you want to go to the race card, which situation would you feel more comfortable in as the minority: a black person in a crowd of white people, or a white person in a crowd of black people. Bottom line–in which situation would the minority person actually BE safer based on actual facts, such as crime statistics, etc? Let’s see you twist yourself into knots in that one. ============================================================= There is a difference between talking about affirmative action as a program that exists and using it as a perjorative. This would NOT get you in trouble in the work place: “Hey Sparky, pass me the crackers for my soup” This WOULD get you in trouble: “Hey Sparky, you’re a cracker”. Not in trouble: “Mmm, I love Oreo Cookies” In Trouble: Tyrone is SUCH an Oreo! Not in trouble: “Affirmative Action originally started in 1961”. In Trouble: “Kai is just your typical incompetant Affirmative Action hire.” ‘ Poe clearly used Affirmative Action as a perjorative and using it as a perjorative would most definately land you in trouble. As far as the affirmative action program goes it is NOT racist to combat racism, just as it is NOT racism to point out that racism exists. Affirmative action did start in 1961 as a program to combat the prejudice that was keeping blacks from being hired or even interviewed and maintaining that group in permanent impoverishment. I know you Ayn Rand wannabes like to pretend that the free market was just going to address the problem any day but at the time Affirmative Action first started to be used the black population was already waiting almost 100 years for the free market to work its magic.… Read more »


@101 Ros- I actually think i did address it. Though i didn’t state it directly to him. But i did say many times that President Obama’s skin Color cost him more votes than it gained him. In fact i made that point so many times in so many posts that I probably didn’t answer the question because it was stupid.

But i’m sure neither this person:


Nor THIS person:


EVER took race into account! Cause it ONLY went to beneifit Barack Obama cause ONLY blacks are racist! I love GOP bizarro-world.


You’re about a ridiculous little bitch. Shall we discuss the CBC’s support of Holder because he’s black? Or Bill Maher’s remarks concerning LTC West? How ’bout Cornell Belcher’s comments directed at Herman Cain? Perhaps Thaddeus Matthews’ lunatic rant and verbal assault on Charlotte Bergmann?

I’m certain you don’t want to discuss those examples of liberal racists since they don’t fit into your little “Republicans are evil racists” meme, and the aforementioned certainly didn’t support BO because of his melanin levels, right? Right?


I don’t think they supported Holder because he was black, i think they did so because the contempt citation was an absurd political over-reach by the Republicans and Joe McCarthief.

I’m too busy to look up all your references, but Bill Maher was remarking about Allen West being a crazy bastard, not on his skin color. He just happened to make a joke about the GOP being the Rise of the Party of the Apes in the same blog and somehow Allen West decided that he was being called an ape. But Allen Wests’ fantasies and fund raising letters do not make him a racist.

So you’re first example of “liberal racism” wasn’t. I’m not saying that Republican’s are evil racists. I’m saying that it is racist to dismiss President Obama’s election as affirmative action in order to marginalize his accomplishments. There’s many examples of great speakers with as little or less political experience as Barack Obama (Lincoln is one, Kennedy is another)and even examples of poor speakers with limited experience gaining office (George W. Bush) yet Poe ignores that and instead states that it MUST be color that got him elected. He ignored his background his campaign and instead focused on just his skin color. That is racism. That is especially egregious when you consider that 2008 was a landslide Democrat year.

Your “I heard this guy say this” so called “evidence” is entirely lame when you consider only 1/44 Presidents have been black and that there is only ONE black elected official above Congressman in the entire country. Not a single black Senator, and only one black governor. So this great advantage seems to only of lived that one time and that one place.


Yes, it most certainly was. You’re just too ignorant to both realize and admit it. If a conservative had used a term synonymous with ape in ANY conversation, the race card would have been on the table before the speaker could draw another breath.

Your arguments are empty, unsubstantiated, and thus invalid.


No, he merely had the word ape and Cornell west in the same blog. It wasn’t in the same paragraph and he was clearly not referencing Cornell when he said it. He also referenced Michelle Bachman and Disco in the same blog. As he stated, it doesn’t mean he was accusing them of being in the Bee Gees.


Are you on crack? I’ll assume you mean “Colonel” West, when in actuality he is a Lieutenant Colonel. Then again, you’ve been butchering the English language in every other post, so the probabliity that you mean just that is high.


Here’s the evil blog in question:


As you can see he makes the Rise of the Party of the Apes joke in the third paragraph and the joke about Allen West being crazy in the eighth. Clearly he was referencing the party and not Allen West.

So no, the “race card” would not be used because there was no racism. In fact i dare say you guys use the “race card” card far more than liberal actually use the race card.


No, just a mental mix-up between Allen and Cornell. While looking up what you were talking about i searched for West and bill maher and saw a video of Cornell West on his show.


It’s true, liberalism is a disease, and in your case, I daresay it’s a degenerative disease because you are a)completely oblivious to reality, b)ridiculously redundant, and c)totally incapable of rational thought.

You’ve been provided ample and sufficient evidence to prove your erroneous theories false, yet you continue to deny and deflect at every turn, bless your lirrle pea-pickin’ heart.

Now, before I decide that 2 shots of 4 Copas are more entertaining than your rhetoric, I’ll say this: much like Maher’s ill-spoken comments were not uttered in a manner correlative with bigotry, neither were Poe’s. Thank you for proving Poe’s point.

You may now carry on with your quest for the Skittle-shitting camel to keep your unicorn company.


Look, you can whine and scream and call me whatever you want, but there’s no way any rationale person could read that blog and conclude that Maher Was calling west an ape. It was not racism, it’s not even close. Where as Poe WAS calling President Obama an affirmativa action president and it WAS racism.

You have failed, utterly failed, in your attempts to prove that his racist comments weren’t and the suggestion that whites are the true “victims” of racism proves that you’re just delusional.


You’ve been given example after example of people and organizations who supported, promoted, and voted for Obama because he was black, a novelty, a beacon of that hope crap to usher in a new era of cohesion that only furthered divisiveness between races, not because he was qualified in any way. THAT is the definition of affirmative action. Both he and his ignorant followers (like you) are the ones who promulgate this decree that conservatives are the basis for the divide white at the same time throwing race in EVERY facet of life. From his comments about Trayvon Martin to his comments about Officer Crowley to his endorsements, HE is the one who makes everything about race.If you’d remove your head from his lap for 5 minutes, you’d be able to recognize that.

In summation, he had no qualifications for the Presidency, his supporters were so because of the aforementioned, he was elected BECAUSE there were enough of those supporters to put him in the WH, making him……..guess what………..an Affirmative Action President.

And just because you cannot comprehend logic does not mean that those who have (HAVE, not of – take notes) presented to you that logic have failed. Failure rests solely on the shoulders of your teachers and parents for not providing you with the intellectual tools to succeed in this world. I’d be angry and disappointed in them, personally. But that’s just me.


ROS, your presence is missed elsewhere, hope all is well. Glad to see you have not lost your capability to show someone the foolishness of their argument. Though it appears their ego will not allow them to see the error of their ways.


ROS, don’t talk to it. You’re just encouraging it.


Thank you, RB. I’ll catch you off the grid shortly.

Toying, PH2. Toying. 🙂


Where has she done that Rb? Actually LOOK at the Maher blog and point to the paragraph where Maher said anything Racial about West. In fact name ONE cogent point she made other than “liberals say racist things too”. First off, at least one of the examples she gave it lame and secondly how does that ameliorate Poe’s comments. I guess it’s open season on racism as long as you can find a liberal who has supposedly said something racist.

You keep saying that you I have not addressed your points. I have. But here is SOME of the points you have not adequately addressed. If i keep repeating them, it’s because you never answer them.

1. That using affirmative action as a perjorative would be grounds for firing in almost any firm (certainly mine).
2. that the Harvard study certainly indicates that race was a disadvantage rather than advantage to PBO.
3. That the paucity of black elected officials in state-wide and nation wide offices proves that White folks are not going out of their way to vote for black folks.
4. That “Affirmative Action President” is so obviously racist that even the Desperate Romney campaign and his surrogates will not touch it. The only place it’s “safe” to use the phrase is on blog and AM radio. Why? Because it is racist.

So the real ones “dodging questions” are you folks.


ROS, I stand corrected — and relieved. You had me going there for a moment.


First off, the party that elected George W. Bush has no business using Qualifications” and “President” in the same sentence. Secondly, last i looked the Constitution’s only criteria is that the President be 35 and born in this country. President Obama won because he out-campaigned everyone else. His color, if it affected him at all, hurt him. You’ve given no evidence other than “i heard some folks say” to show otherwise. You’re arguments are moronic and not rooted in reality.


It’s “your”, sugar. K?

I suppose his tenure as gov’nuh means nothing to liberals. Of course it doesnt.

I’ve never used the term “folks”; that would be your boy, the Racist POTUS.

I refer to BO as a fucking assclown as well, but I wouldn’t expect Romney to use that in his campaign. He also doesn’t refer to him as the Hawaiian President (though he claims to be), or the Soccer Dad President, or Mr. Michelle, either. Is there any other term you’d like the Republicans to suggest he use in his campaign so that you may sleep at night?

Are you really going to quote “a” study by one of the most liberal schools in the country as validation that race is a detriment to success? Seriously?

And my point was that, when taken in context, Maher’s remarks were no more racist than Poe’s. You’re still just too stupid to comprehend that.

Also, it’s “pejorative”. Again, do have that talk with your teachers. Please, for the love of God, have that talk.


As a visitor to this forum I am rather shocked and disappointed by the language! While I vehemently disagree with Insipid, if you step back and look the arguments of both sides, it is amazing how logical and well structured his are compared to the degenerative, hostile nature of the rest of the posts. There are exceptions, but it is discouraging to read… IMHO he makes his point by remaining logical and the opponents seem to rage on. Is that how we are going to lose this election because we can’t logically articulate our side without degenerating to insults?


I needed that giggle. Thank you.


@121 — Shocked??? And disappointed???? Just how dumb are you? You plopped yourself down in the midst of a bunch of guys who spent heavy time in uniform shooting off something besides their mouths (which they are allowed to do here), and you object to it? There is no expectation of, nor any obligation toward, the use of polite language in this place.
This is not a children’s party. It’s a place set up for a variety of viewpoints.
If the tone and vocabulary of these comments conflict with your personal taste, then you have a choice: shut the fuck up, or suck it up and deal with it.


I’d be curious to see the isp address on that one if it finds logic and structure in the idiot’s ramblings.


Well, Ph-2 everyone was admonishing me for my potty mouth when i called Poe a racist piece of shit. They were probably right when they said so, but i was pretty mad. I actually agree with love that i’d prefer to debate without the vitriole. I’m not sure why you have to tell someone to STFU for calling for civility. Unless you were just doing it for ironic effect.


Actually, I served almost 25 years, both as enlisted and officer… and no, not behind a desk or in supply. I am not OFFENDED by the language, I have literally seen and heard it all. I am just disappointed in the inability of people in general to logically support their arguments, and when intelligence fails the language degenerates into personal attacks.

Amusingly, PH-2, you prove my point 🙂


And, yet, you think that Insipid has the high road? You either have problems with comprehension, or you’re willfully being obtuse.
Or, was that line about “how logical and well structured his are compared to the degenerative, hostile nature of the rest of the posts” sarcasm of the highest order? Because if you really meant that, you haven’t read his posts.


Shocked and disappointed are synonyms for offended, duncecap. If you are shocked and disappointed, you are therefore offended. Redundancy ad nauseum.


Admittedly, North, I have only read the posts on this page…. my observations were restricted to this page.

PH-2 I think you should seek counseling for your anger issues 🙂


Well, lovethesea, there’s this, “No, he merely had the word ape and Cornell West in the same blog”. Cornel West is not Alan West. Yet he can’t figure that out.
If you’d like to, his posts are all over some of the threads here, I have neither the time, or inclination to provide links to them.
I will say, his context, spelling and grammar cast serious doubt on his claims to be one of the worker bees in a “large” law firm, or his ability to take any bar exam.
When anything is pointed out to him that contradicts his world view, the response is, “I’m too busy to look up all your references”. He’s a closed-minded troll, who, by the looks of it, gets paid by the word by the Tides Foundation and Soros.


UpNorth, it’s impossible to convince blatherskites that they are wrong or misguided.


Ex-PH2, “blatherskites”? Heh….Nicely done.


Up North, I’m posting on a blog, not writing for the office. Plus i do have some computer issues as of late. My spelling and my grammar is fine. Believe me there’s plenty of folks here who’s spelling and sentence construction I could tear apart.

Plus attacking spelling/grammar is the last refuge for the desperate.


It may be impossible to convince a blatherskite, but it is easy to bescumber anyone who disagrees with you. 🙂


I’d agree with you, but I also included context. And, hiding behind “computer issues” isn’t desperate?
So, you’re EASL on the weekends, but not at work? Nice try…


“Believe me there’s plenty of folks here who’s spelling and sentence construction I could tear apart.”



@ #133 “is” should be “are” and “there’s” should be “there are.” For future reference.



The list goes on………….