Tuesdays with Claymore

| June 12, 2012

Rushing to change the tone.

Context. You’re missing it.

Bitching about people bitching.

Besides a “women’s studies” grad, is there anything more useless than a “peace activist”?

Going green in China.

Truly sucks.

A poor education.

Where has this DUmbass been the last 12 years?

….when you stare into the Abyss…

Wow. Imagine.

Public Sector > Private Sector

Great optics, poor content…sort of like Obama.

King of Wishful Thinking

Ft. Sumter Part II

Looking for the “failed on three networks” hat trick.

…calling out on a hidden transmitter.

Clearly we hate smart people, love arson and want people’s shit stolen.

This dude’s a real rocket surgeon.

Common ground? DU hates pedophiles?

And I think that unicorns are real.

So, we’re the “real enemy”?

Bush’s Fault!

Florida purges felons/illegals from voter rolls…in other words, Democrat’s main constituencies.

Dinner for schmucks.

99% wrong

Clearly this means we want more government.

They were against the recall before they were against it.

Delta is ready when you are.

Fundies like to de-fund.

Proving racism by Googling it? Brilliant. And they wonder why we dislike elitist academics?

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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No. 4 — “Besides a “women’s studies” grad, is there anything more useless than a “peace activist”?”

FRB (Fed “Res” BANK)
etc., etc.
(NO, I do NOT support Ron Paul for President.)


No. 5 — “Going green in China.”

= Green with U.S. Greenbacks .


No. 7 — “….when you stare into the Abyss…”

I saw b.o. — glaring back at me .

Tom B.

For the love of God, PLEASE make links open in a new window instead of the current one….(This one.)

Having to remember to right-click, open in new tab, is a PITA when you want to review multiple new sites without navigating away from this one.


And as to the article itself, the link about Florida trying to purge the voters rolls is misleading as hell. The left-wingnuts were fighting this prior to the May 16th cutoff date to maintain the 90-day window required by Federal Law. This started well before that May 16th deadline, but was so caught up in the typical Democrats intent on keeping illegals and dead people on the rolls that it is still being debated to this day.


I always feel like I need a shower and a healthy dose of brain bleach after following these links. That and a mega-dose of valum to keep the rage from burning out my few remaining brain cells.


I’m highly critical of religion, but reading that ‘Imagine’ craptoon made me want to beat myself to death with a shovel.

As for Kathy Kelly I’m sure she means well, but someone needs to make her realize nice ideas aren’t always practical ones. The only peace the insurgency wants is the peace to be allowed to stone rape victims to death, force their neighbors to live in the stone age, and lop the heads off of misguided fools such as herself.

I can never make it through Claymore’s links without being overcome with nausea followed by a moron induced coma.


Ann, some folks think if religion would go away, evil would go away as well.

Evil never dies; it just morphs.


…and I avoid the “Tuesdays with Claymore” thread. Not because I don’t like Claymore; I do. I avoid it for the stupidity-riddled misery it brings on. I don’t know how Claymore does it every week, without heavy doses of pyschotropic medication.


NO. 4— Well, at least she’s a good storyteller,lol. I like how they end with that.


Late night follow-up: Found this gem linked over at Ace of Spades: http://www.democraticunderground.com/1002799017 Somebody doesn’t like the Marines…

Country Singer

#10 was me, ooops…

Just Plain Jason

You have to look at Tuesdays with Claymore like this. It is an exercise in stupidity. You immerse yourself in so much stupid that you just have to laugh. Their minds don’t work like yours or mine they live in some far off land that things just flutter like butterflies… Where they will play the biggest mental gymnastics to make things fit into their way of believing things. Logic doesn’t compute…they think it does, but only their own twisted logic does. If you go through all the avatars they have so many of them will be of Marx or Engels, but if you ask about how many have died because of them…they will just waive it off and ignore the facts and spit out some answer that doesn’t make sense. They actually believe that we want to get rid of cops, firefighters, and teachers, because they cannot seperate the logic of getting rid of welfare and unnessasary government waste from those public services that many are glad to pay for. They will make an argument for stripping away every single individual freedom to protect someone’s civil liberty and not understand that is what they are doing. They are the frog in the pot of water…

Oh and the asshat that said Prometheus sucked…I will kick him in the junk. If you understood David’s character in the movie you got the movie.


No. 12 Just Plain Jason:
Mr. Jason — you have said so much that is moral and intelligent (in MANY of your comments), that I am compelled to applaud you.
I thank you.