The rush for the exits in Afghanistan infects Congress

| June 12, 2012

Lance Bacon at Military Times writes about how a bi-partisan group of Congressmen have enlisted Lt. Col. Daniel Davis, who we talked about a few months ago when he wrote a paper about our failures in Afghanistan. A commenter or two warned us that Davis was planning a coup like this back then and weaseling himself a reputation in Congress.

Our ultimate failure in Afghanistan became a self-fulfilling prophecy the moment that this administration decided that our only strategy was withdrawal.

[Maj. Gen. Peter Fuller, deputy commander of the NATO Training Mission in Afghanistan] slammed Karzai in a Politico interview after the Afghan president said his nation would side with Pakistan in a war against the U.S.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Politico quoted Fuller as saying. “I’m sorry, we just gave you $11.6 billion and now you’re telling me, ‘I don’t really care’? … They don’t understand the sacrifices that America is making to provide for their security.”

What exactly would anyone expect Karzai to say? Our rush for the exits only proves that we aren’t reliable, and no one can depend on the US to stick it out for the duration. That’s not to say that the troops won’t do their level best, but this is a failure of the civilian “leadership” if that word can be applied in any reasonable form to the relationship between the politicians and the trigger pullers. Because leadership, as the term is normally used in our language is noticeably absent.

Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., said he trusts the president’s commitment to the 2014 withdrawal. Still, he said the failure to bring the bipartisan resolution to the floor was “an historic act of political cowardice.”

“Ten years later and $533 billion spent on the war in Afghanistan, it remains clear there is no military solution,” Lee said. “The American people have made it clear that the war is no longer worth fighting… It is past time for our policy to catch up with the American people.”

There wasn’t a military solution when the anti-war Left decided that to be true and thrust that strategy on the troops.

The American people have reached the same conclusion as the Afghans – if we’re leaving Afghanistan and that’s our only goal, sooner is better than later. Who wants to be the last to die so this president can look like a fierce war president?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Military issues, Terror War

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Is Hank still concerned about Guam capsizing?


TSo…My thoughts exactly. Who in the world would ever quote that idiot if they were trying to make a serious point.

Jonn, if we aren’t there to win it, then I agree bring home. I would not be surprised to see Karzai leave the country ahead of the last American troop. You can only play both sides as long as there are 2 sides to play.

BTW Here is a good site with all of HJs greatest hits!

And here are some events that took place on this day in history:

1924 – George Bush, forty-first President of the United States, was born. He sent the U.S. Armed Forces to defeat Iraq in the Persian Gulf War.
1942 – American bombers struck the oil refineries of Ploesti, Romania for the first time.
(tdiush blog)

Have a great day!



Why, if Guam capsizes we won’t be able to base Murtha’s “over the horizon” force there.

Or maybe if we base that force there it will capsize Guam?

Anyway, I wonder why nobody takes the Dems seriously on defense (or much of anything else)?


Frankly, if Guam slid into the Marianas Trench I wouldn’t shed too many tears.

Shithole doesn’t do that place justice.

And yeah, Karzai will be begging at the gate to be on the last plane out reminiscient of Saigon in April of 1975. Funny how the left called that a victory too.


Karzai may not believe in karma, but it’s going to land all over him when we leave. Very quickly, he’ll become a man without a country. And if he doesn’t run like hell, he’ll become a man without a life, too.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer person. /sarc


Like I’ve said before, Karzai and his merry band of lowlifes and family of crooks will be on the first plane to Paris where they can live large and party hard at the Moulin Rouge Topless Bar and Grill on the American Taxpayers dime. The French can have them, just give us back our dime.


I can’t believe after all the time, effort, money, and most importantly lives we’ve sacrificed in this we’re just going to cut and run. Nothing is quite so infuriating as a half assed war. Just as many people die, but for no worthwhile end. If we leave with any spineless weasel Karzai cronies in charge then I give it six months before everything melts down and the Taliban are running the show again.

When he comes here begging for asylum I hope we airdrop him into Waziristan.


@7 – Cogent point, but it’s been a half-assed war for ten years now. What you and everyone else is validating is how illegitimate the Karzai regime is.


We haven’t “won” a war since we left Korea, and that was ended with a truce, so it didn’t really end and we didn’t win anything.

It won’t change until or unless the US engages with the intent to WIN, meaning pound them into the ground headfirst.


@ #9 – Korea isn’t a treaty, it is an armistice…Meaning, game is on if NorK decides to take another run at it, which they will.


@8 Agreed. I just wish this country had the fortitude and moral courage it would take to take this seriously for a change. Then maybe we could salvage at. The security issue hasn’t improved one bit. Iraq will become a puppet government of either Shia Iran or Yemeni and Saudi Sunni movements. Iran will snatch up the Shia regions of Afghanistan while Pakistan will get the Sunnis. If either manage to secularize then they’ll just fall in with the Syrians, Russians, or Chinese. If any of those options come to pass then the region will be even more screwed.

@10 I don’t think they will since it would be suicidal and insane. IMO Kim Jong Il was brilliantly evil, but not crazy. What better way to feed your narcissism, and get ridiculous amounts of concessions and aid? You also get the exact sort of propaganda needed to cultivate a personality cult, have a scapegoat as a diversion for why your country’s standard of living only beats out Somalia, and thus avoid revolt.

He played at being batshit insane just so we’d tolerate the criminality and human rights abuses his government needs in order to function. His son has to be the same way. They both enjoy the power and toys too much to risk losing it in an actual war.


If you have to use Hank Johnson to bolster an argument, you’ve already lost.