The Bumper Sticker
An old Army buddy sent me an email this morning with a proposal for a bumper sticker that as soon as I saw it, I said to myself, “That’s it!” It is succinct and directly juxtaposes our side’s main cultural weakness against their side’s primary disadvantage overall. It is pithy and almost alliterative while hitting hard at the Democrat candidate’s increasingly obvious greatest weakness. It offers the reader a rather clear choice:
EDITOR’S NOTE: Mark sends us this updated version;
Editor note:Another entry from Amy J;

Since we know the mainstream media, faced with an increasingly possible Obama loss, are going to attack Romney at what they perceive to be his weak point with mainstream Americans, his Mormon religion, why not seize the initiative and get out in front of them by turning what they perceive as a negative into a positive? I don’t usually put bumper stickers on any of my vehicles. For this one, I will make a three-vehicle exception.
Front and back…
Someone should start cranking ’em out.
Category: 2012 election
I’d be careful with that one. I drew the wrong conclusion at first, thinking it was a slap at Mormons. Now I see that it’s a slap at Obama. Which is fine, because he’s a putz and doesn’t deserve another term. Slap away! (Figuratively).
It’s a bit to subtle. It can all too easily be read as a question as to whether Romney is a Mormon or a Moron. Needs a bit more than just red and blue to differentiate.
Maybe a second line like, “It’s your choice in November”.
How about “The Mormon vs The Moron”…
Or put the Obama symbols for the O’s in moron…
Sparky beat me to it.
What Sparky says……. That’s the ticket right there. 🙂
Red/Blue are backwards, from the beginning. Why Republicans ever accepted it is — moronic . True Blue is for Republicans; Commie Red is for Democrats .
Put that Obama seal in the O’s of the word Moron…distinction made!!
*sigh* another descent into incivility for which the extremist right is so known for….
…and I love it.
Roses are blue
Violets are red
The Roses are Red,
The Violent are Blue.
Yeah, put the Obama “O” for the Moron and I’ll take 2.
How about the Mormon or the Muslim?
As in, “is he a mormon or a moron”?
@14 That’s how I read it at first, too. Subliminal disappointment in Romney showing through, I guess.
Well, we KNOW Obama is a moron. And a narcissist. And couldn’t give two shits for the Constitution or the rule of law.
Frankly, I still don’t understand what the left gets their panties in a wad about someone being any sort of Christian holding office. I’ve lived in heavily LDS areas, and I don’t see the big whoop. The Mormon church ain’t my bag, but I’m not going to vote for the other guy simply because Romney is a Mormon.
Is this all the left has?
I got the point right away, but a lot of people won’t. It has to be explained to them.
How about this:
Mormon (elephant symbol)v. Moron (donkey symbol)
Pick your poison.
I agree with you, Sparky. My only comment would be that the right could have done a lot better than it did.
All of the comments about making the message clearer with the Obama symbol replacing one or both of the O’s in moron are right. Also the tagline Dutch suggests about “Your choice in November,” is excellent. See what can be accomplished when you throw out an idea and let smart people brainstorm it?
Pinto–the same could be said in 1976, 1996, and 2008 as well. Hell, if foresight could be applied, the same could also be said in 1960, 1968, 1972, 1988, and 1992.
I can fix it so it’s nice and clear, give me a few..
I have to say that I don’t like it. Even though the updated imagery (with the Obama O’s) make it clearer it still carries with it an attitude of “Oh great, my choice this year is between a Mormon and a Moron” or more simply put “Antichrist vs. Idiot”.
On the other hand, it is a way of getting out ahead of Obama on the the Mormon issue, something that so far his campaign has stayed away from. The question is are they staying away from the Mormon question because they are saving it for later, or are they staying away from it because they don’t want to see the “Mormon or Muslim” bumper stickers.
It’s closer, but still not quite there. At first blush it still reads like “Is he a Mormon or is he a Moron?” Something like “Vote Mormon or Vote Moron, Your Choice” Even so, it only works with a specific brand of concrvative voter and runs the risk of alienating other blocks of conservative voter.
I don’t think you are going to see this as a key message from the Obama camp. If they went that way they would also be going against Harry Reid and lesser members of the Democratic Party. If it comes out at all, it’s going to come from far left Super Pacs who dislike the Dems almost as much as they dislike the Reps.
No. 13 :
– The Mor-mon, OR, The Moor-man
I think we’ll see it (the Mormon question) used by the Obama campaign as a regional wedge issue. Sure, it’ll piss off voters in Utah, Idaho, Nevada, and maybe New Mexico. Since Utah and Idaho are going to be an Obama loss anyway, and Nevada and New Mexico are going to for him anyway I don’t see that much of a cost to using it.
In states like North Carolina, Missouri, and Georgia, which are borderline Romney it might be effective enough at keeping voters from voting that Obama could carry those states. Its not that he has to convince people in those states to vote for him (not going to happen) but it might be enough to get them to not vote at all, combined with efforts to mobilize his supporters in those states.
SGTKane, we should also consider that Obama has distanced himself from Reverend Jeremiah Wright as much as possible. I think both Romney and Obama want to keep religion off the table in this election. It wont matter what states you have and dont have when you’ve pissed off all the white voters in America with an anti-white preacher.
I like the updated one but like Dutch said, add “It’s your choice in November”. Perfect!
My offer is in Jonn’s inbox. Uploaded and in my shop. Looks so good that I just ordered 10 of them for myself and friends. See it here:
What I have never truelly understood is that this isnt about being white, black, christian, mormon, jewish, male, female. People need to agree to disagree. Im so tired of both sides.