Derek Kent Rose, the forgery sex offender

| June 10, 2012

Mary at POW Network sends us their research on Derek Kent Rose who was arrested in Virginia last week for receiving stolen property and not registering with the sex offender registry. Apparently, he was also caught forging his DD214 a while back and using the Wounded Warrior program telling the tale that he was in a HMMV accident which killed four of his fellow Marines and he caught a TBI while they died in his arms. Here’s the DD214 he began to alter with an X-acto knife;

And how it ended up;

Really? It takes Marines a 4-week course to learn night land navigation? And at least he didn’t go for Force Recon or Scout Snipers and just made himself an MP. That ought to make you MPs feel a little better.

But here are his assignments from his FOIA, so unless he was a traffic control MP in the DFAC chow line, it doesn’t reflect any possibility for his self-awarded Combat Action Ribbon;

So, as with most of these phonies, he’s guilty of other stuff besides forging his records;

POW Network has several examples of the little perv embellishing his record, and wearing uniforms and phony finery that he bought but didn’t earn. you should check it out.

Category: Phony soldiers

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If two different people can be the same person I don’t see how that is even possible. But like I said this is your story and this is your romper room classroom that you all are all apart of.its amazing how much time you all have to spend here and bash other people the world doesn’t stop so why are you…. Move on I don’t know this guy but rest assured I’m sure that his ex make things real interesting on here with getting there friends to come on here and post bs its all very childish.


@299 I’m not his gf never meet the guy but like I have said this is all you do is assume and smoke and mirrors. Keep the story and bs going. Like kids.



Here is what isn’t BS…

1. He forged a federal document (DD-214) to obtain benefit – which is a violation of federal law

2. He molested a child under the age of 16 or a mentally handicaped person – which granted in WV isn’t typically abnormal – but a crime nonetheless


@305…I’m assuming you don’t know what IP (Internet Protocol) addressing means, and just how specific it can get. But you keep telling yourself we’re too stupid to figure it out, hon.

And FWIW, ex-girlfriends don’t send people to prison. Courts, juries, and judges do. All they did is make the charge, and the system does the rest. If there had been no evidence of such, he wouldn’t have gone to jail, now would he toots?


Here’s the bs how do you know he forged them and not the person who sent all this stuff in you all really live in a make believe world. These exes of his seem so vindictive and childish.I don’t do meth I don’t live in a trailer. You all assume because someone hands over documents that they say were altered by this guy it must be true.I dint believe it fir one second I believe his ex or exs are in a plot to put him in jail for whatever reason Thats what I believe. Also the crime in WV is a missomenor and carries 90 days in jail and a fine nothing about having to register. So I read up on the law in VA and it says for the same charge you have to have three or more conditions of the same to be on the registry so something is screwy there.

Did you all know he’s on cregslist as a handyman. And his number is 720-579-5125… You should call if you need any work done. Fir people who research you all really don’t know facts. And with all the crazy stuff his exs are doing id start there but Thats just me.but who am I im smoke meth and libe in a trailer.


How many innocent people do think are in jail none…. You live in a bubble if you think that.


309, go back to school. For the love of God, please go back to school. It is painful just trying to decipher that butchery of the English language you posted.


Uh, let’s reach a bit here, shall we, hon? I am not so naive to think that innocent people haven’t been sent to jail, but I’m pretty fucking sure that there are a lot more guilty people walking the streets than innocents in jail.

I’m gonna take a wild fucking guess and say your boy deserved what he got. Strange how I never took an Exacto knife to my 214, but YMMV.


Never said you did I said I’m wondering if his ex did it to get him brought up on charges to put hum in jail just to be vindictive. I mean with reading all that has been going on Its a very real possibility thats what’s going on. I mean is he in jail at all now or what do we even know?


And again, toots–I refer you to Hondo’s comment @254. Look at his 214 again. Separation code JJD2–that means SCM, BCD (Special Courts Martial/Bad Conduct Discharge), which explains his inability to complete his first enlistment and discharge as an E-1.



So…one of his ex-gfs showed up at Wounded Warriors dressed just like him, presented an altered DD-214, claimed to have been blown up in a HMMWV and TBI?

“Also the crime in WV is a missomenor and carries 90 days in jail and a fine nothing about having to register.”

Oh..ok..that makes f*cking a child or retarded person so much less of a crime then. Like I said…in WV it isn’t out of the ordinary…but in the rest of the country it is a crime.

Did one of the ex-GFs also dress up like him and molest a kid?


Geez, youdontsay – what part of, “He was convicted in a court of law of boinking an underage girl; he is therefore a sex offender and by definition also a child molester” do you NOT understand?

You can believe whatever you want. That doesn’t alter the fact that legally speaking Rose is a child molester and a sex offender. Deal with it.

As to how we know it was Rose who did it – well, that’s the most logical explanation. Read the article above. Who else would profit by altering Rose’s DD214 so Rose could use it to defraud WWP by claiming TBI and other injuries in a military vehicle accident that never happened? At best that means Rose had an accomplice, not that Rose is innocent.



I’m starting to see how serial killers in prison have groupies and even people willing to marry them


Well his ex or exs wold profits with being vindictive and putting him in jail. Where they want him. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Thats all they talk in that since it would benefit them.


So what, pray tell, is the real source of heartburn here?



So you are going to maintain that an ex-GF…dressed in disguise…showed up to WWP with an altered DD-214, told a tale, attempted to receive services….and molested a child/retarded person?

You are going to stick with that story?


O-4E: (sigh). Yeah. Every day I become more and more convinced that The Refreshments were right in Banditos.

Everybody knows
That the world is full of stupid people
So meet me at the mission at midnight
We’ll divvy up there

Everybody knows
That the world is full of stupid people
Well I got the pistol so I’ll keep the Pesos
Yeah that seems fair


I’m thinking we’ve found the mentally challenged person.


Uh, hon? Do you understand what “preponderence of evidence” means? That means my ex could go to the DA, police, etc., and claim that I’ve been boinking little girls, kicking puppies, and am personally responsible for the heartbreak of psoriasis.

However, if there’s no evidence of such, even if you have an incredibly overzealous DA, it’s unlikely to impossible that I’ll ever be charged with, much less convicted of any crime at all? Why? Because there’s no PROOF of it. Meaning, if the ex claimed that I boinked her daughter, and she convinces the daughter to lie on the stand under oath, now we have TWO MORE felons–the mother for suborning perjury, and the daughter for committing it.

You REALLY think mommy’s gonna want to subject not only herself but her daughter to that to “get back” at an ex? C’mon, get those synapses firing now, think about it…


Hondo–she reminds me more of the doctor in Idiocracy: “It says on your chart that you’re fucked up. Ah, you talk like a fag, and your shit’s all retarded.”


NHSparky: one interpretation of Banditos is that it’s the story of a not-so-bright con man convincing an even less intelligent tool to help them pull a job – then stiffing their partner afterwards. Seemed to me that that was kinda apropos here.


Oh yeah, I liked that song. But still, we’re rapidly approaching a Idiocracy-style world, about 500 years ahead of schedule.

Remember how stupid the average person is, now consider that by definition, half are stupider than that.



Until you can answer who showed up in the Derek suit with a forged DD214, STFU.


Still pondering that profits from vindictiveness motive. Whaaaat? Who pays for that? Seems like more of us should be seeing ads for such.

Or something.



I think the person who wrote that is strong with the tard side of the Force.

William Blake's Penis

Crickets since 12:09 pm


@ youdontsay ~

Goodness, you obviously have blinders on. You must be one of the few that cannot see right through Derek, like the rest of us! Honestly, if you cannot decipher the facts that are plainly written in black and white before you, then you too, must have some underlying problems of your own.

P.S.~ For the record, I have to agree with the rest of the group in regards to your grammar. I am almost certain my IQ drops a few points with every sentence I read.


This thread just turned 1 on Monday. Happy Birthday Thread!


@333-I’m sorry it’s over. It’s been the most entertaining thread thus far. Then again, some of the posts from the “dark side” were hard to take-never mind understanding them!

Xrumer Servers

Greetings! Very useful advice within this post! It’s the little changes that produce the largest changes. Many thanks for sharing!

Green Thumb

“Victimless Crime”


Sophia Calpin

GTA 5 is the best game ive played in a long time! No questions asked best game I’ve played. Stope what you’re doing and go get it!


Update: Derek has been arrested for forcible rape and malicious wounding in Fairfax County VA March 2014. He us currently in FFX County jail where he belongs! So who wants to defend this creep now?


That low life monster/pig hope he burns in jail. What a sick monster…. Karma is a bitch.. Who would defend this monster.?


Derek was on this blog under two fake names, pretended to be women and trying to defend himself. As far as I can tell from looking up the codes from the charges, a child under 13 was his victim. The codes are the same as the last time he did this. Anyone can look it up by searching VA court case information and searching for his name in Fairfax Co.


Really guys get a life and stop trying to keep up with someone else’s and if he’s such a pig/monster than why are u guys so concerned bout him!!!! Unless u really no him and the story SHUT UP!!!



That’s the case number on the kiddy rape charge.

Tell us it’s all a big misunderstanding.

another "victim"

Where do we look that up? By the way guys I’m new.

Green Thumb

Derek Rose is lucky he does not live in Russia.


If he’s such a pig/monster than why are u guys so concerned about him!!! Sound like u guys need a life… And if u guys really don’t know the real story to all of this just shut up!!!


Oh … Thanks Dancer514 (area code perhaps) … If you KNEW any of us here … You would KNOW that each of us have very full lives, contribute to society in a positive way and can read a sock puppet who clutches a pole for employment purposes from a mile away!


Yet, you come here defending him. If it is not that big of a deal. Why are you here, sweetheart?

OIF '06-'07-'08

He has been arrested for MOLESTING a child under 13, so go screw yourself, and what is the full story of him having sexual relations with a child any way?

How about you go away and shut up!!!


You’re like what, 15 or 16 years old? Aren’t you a little old for him?


Please explain to me how anyone can justify what he’s being accused of doing.

Notice I said ACCUSED. I haven’t said he’s guilty–that’s for a court/jury to decide.

That being said, toots, your defense of him is almost as tasteless and evil as his (alleged) act.

And Stolen Valor is NOT “victimless”. As we’ve seen far too many times, people who do that have a lot of other issues with them.


I love it when strippers refer to themselves as “dancers.” I count at least 6 people on this blog, not including myself, that have had personal dealings with him. And personally, my concern is that people know the truth about him and he is not able to take advantage of or hurt another woman. You are obviously another stupid woman that believes his lies. Until you wise up about him and start listening to the facts, you should STFU!

Green Thumb

Fucking Ticklemonster.

Wherever this maggot is I hope is in a lot of pain.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m A member of the NG, and I serve there with plenty of Law Enforcement and Corrections Personnel, one of which told me about how how liked to walk new arrivals in if they were perverts like that critter. Of course the rest of the convicts would be yelling, but he’d be telling the ones who were listening “CHILD PERV!! THIS ONE’S A CHILD PERV!!”.
So HEY TROLLS, first, I hope he got introduced to the “General Pop” like that so he/it REALLY gets to enjoy having his/its ass straightened out by Bubba, Thor, and Company, knowhutimean?


Well DancerOfPole … Any feedback?

Green Thumb

This maggot is about to have some poles.

Right in the two-hole.

Another Victim

Just following this blog and want to say I also was a victim of this monster. Not only did he use me but he scammed me for money. He lives off lives and unfortunately I believed him. May he get what he finally deserves.


Not to worry. Derek will get exactly what he deserves. Even if he somehow beats the rape charges, I have enough info to put him away for a very long time. I chose to never engage in all this blog nonsense, and to just leave it alone as long as he left me alone. But he continues to harass me and wants to play dirty, so game on. So to Cheryl, and every other whore currently supporting him while he is incarcerated, your darling won’t be coming home anytime soon.


I never gave into this blogging nonsense, but since he won’t leave well enough alone with me, he will get what is coming to him. Rest assured, Derek is going away for a very long time. He may beat the rape charges, but there is a ton of other stuff to have him locked up for a long time. So to Cheryl, and every other moron out there helping him while he is incarcerated, your darling won’t be coming home anytime soon.


Damn,how many women has he been juggling? It is insane how many people he has caused harm, one way or another. Everyone should get on the same page and do everything we can to keep him in jail. If anyone wants to contact me, feel free to do so.

Green Thumb

I forgot about this criminal.


From NBC4….latest crime

angry citizen

I saw that scum walking around Manassas VA. He is out of jail but needs to go back asap before he gets hurt by us concerned citizens.


You sure it isn’t a vindictive ex wife in a Derek suit?


That’s funny. It was definitely him….the beady eyes, the bald head, the annoying voice and he was staring at a 12 year old girl trying to decide if she was going to be his next victim.


Why didnt you walk up to him and tell him how you feel about him…. if hes such a scum bag.


I did tell him how I feel and he said” I would love to stay and chat but I’ve got another under aged girl to rape before I go back to jail.


getitright says: First I did some research as I’m sure you ALL do on here . He was charged in WV for SEXUAL ABUSE not assault huge difference. The code for his charge for that was 61-8b-9 it is not the same charge he had against him in the case he was arrested for then RELEASED. You come on this blog throwing anything around yet you don’t even know the REAL charges he’s ACCUSED of. His conviction in WV was a not a crime that requires him even to be on the VA sex offender registry. Here’s WV code for the charge notice what the charge carries at the bottom. It states 90 days in jail and court cost. NOTHING ABOUT HAVING TO REGISTER so the state of VA have it wrong. Here’s WV law. 2010 West Virginia Code CHAPTER 61. CRIMES AND THEIR PUNISHMENT ARTICLE 8B. SEXUAL OFFENSES. §61-8B-9. Sexual abuse in the third degree.§61-8B-9. Sexual abuse in the third degree. (a) A person is guilty of sexual abuse in the third degree when he subjects another person to sexual contact without the latter’s consent, when such lack of consent is due to the victim’s incapacity to consent by reason of being less than sixteen years old. (b) In any prosecution under this section it is a defense that: (1) The defendant was less than sixteen years old; or (2) The defendant was less than four years older than the victim. (c) Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be confined in the county jail not more than ninety days, or fined not more than five hundred dollars and confined in the county jail not more than ninety days. So is her on the registry yes should he be under the law no. And look at his conviction date 2000 he first registered in 2010 ten years after he was convinced. He never registered nor was required to register in any other state. Get your FACTS straight on here if you know nothing of what you speak… Read more »

Green Thumb

Go fuck yourself.

Your comments appear to be minimizing what this shitbag did.

There is a reason he is “wanted”.


I hope you let his next victim know how you feel.


Another almost dead & forgotten brought back to life by another child molester.
Thanks for defending your boyfriend getitright, but I don’t think we’re in the mood today. Go away and thanks for playing.


First I did some research as I’m sure you ALL do on here . He was charged in WV for SEXUAL ABUSE not assault huge difference. The code for his charge for that was 61-8b-9 it is not the same charge he had against him in the case he was arrested for then RELEASED. You come on this blog throwing anything around yet you don’t even know the REAL charges he’s ACCUSED of. His conviction in WV was a not a crime that requires him even to be on the VA sex offender registry. Here’s WV code for the charge notice what the charge carries at the bottom. It states 90 days in jail and court cost. NOTHING ABOUT HAVING TO REGISTER so the state of VA have it wrong. Here’s WV law. 2010 West Virginia Code CHAPTER 61. CRIMES AND THEIR PUNISHMENT ARTICLE 8B. SEXUAL OFFENSES. §61-8B-9. Sexual abuse in the third degree.§61-8B-9. Sexual abuse in the third degree. (a) A person is guilty of sexual abuse in the third degree when he subjects another person to sexual contact without the latter’s consent, when such lack of consent is due to the victim’s incapacity to consent by reason of being less than sixteen years old. (b) In any prosecution under this section it is a defense that: (1) The defendant was less than sixteen years old; or (2) The defendant was less than four years older than the victim. (c) Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be confined in the county jail not more than ninety days, or fined not more than five hundred dollars and confined in the county jail not more than ninety days. So is her on the registry yes should he be under the law no. And look at his conviction date 2000 he first registered in 2010 ten years after he was convinced. He never registered nor was required to register in any other state. Get your FACTS straight on here if you know nothing of what you speak about… Read more »


getitright…Hey queer bait, if you’re gonna defend this ass hole of the worst sort then you’re no better than him and probably one of his, “Don’t Touch Young Children”, court ordered, support group members. So since you’ve resurrected this ass holes dead thread for him, which I am sure he appreciates, go fuck yourself and then go fuck yourself again. Better still, why don’t you and Derek get together and butt fuck each other forever and leave the little kids alone. TURD!!!


Learn to spell, dipshit. How in the holy hell you can even try and defend this diddler… you must be like Sparks said one of his “I touch kids” friends. Why don’t you and him get together and see who can suck start a Glock the fastest.
Oh, and thanks for keeping Derek Kent Rose the child molester up on the google hit list.


Hahaha first I’m not Derek but thanks for playing and the VA CODE FOR THE OFFENCE NAMED IN WV stats three or more convictions of that type since its not a felony to be a REGISTERABLE OFFENCE moron.So if you want to continue quoting law then get your facts straight.


Not a huge difference, you moron, or should I say, Derek! Once again, Derek is on here as getitright and laughable.

Go on the WV sex offender registration requirements page and stop wasting everyone’s time with your excuses. Whether it is sexual abuse or sexual assault, it is a REGISTRABLE offense. See below:

Registrable Offenses
• Sexual assault in the first degree
• Sexual assault in the second degree
• Sexual assault in the third degree
• Sexual abuse in the first degree
• Sexual abuse in the second degree
• Sexual abuse in the third degree

The state of VA honors the state’s law where the crime was committed. So, because WV requires registration and you live in VA, VA also requires you to register. So DKR, get YOUR facts straight.


Why didnt you walk up to him and tell him how you feel about him…. if hes such a scum bag.

angry citizen

Hey Steve, thanks for the bit of humor despite the fact that our legal system has failed us again. The piece of shit (Derek Kent Rose) has committed many sexual crimes against girls and women yet he is free to roam the earth looking for his next victim. Even his own brother says on Facebook that Derek has shamed his family and he belongs in hell. Do everyone a big favor and kill yourself DKR!


Wow. Gonna hafta mark it down on the wall that someone got their cut’n’paste practice time in today.

So very special. Not that any of it is relevant to the topic at hand. Or maybe it is. Without translation, impossible to tell for sure. Still trying to figure out what quoting WV law has to do with the enforcement of VA law. If that was the point at all.

Or something.


Oh and another thin if this conviction was in 2000 that means that the other girls were dating him and aware of his past or didnt really care about the conviction and he has multiple arrest in VA and there’s NO record of him EVER registering in ANY other state hmmmmm so only VA has made him register and yet not a court of law has forced him to register the state police have. So again he wasn’t afforded his due process in that case and that’s in violation of his rights afforded to him.


Thank you for your continuing efforts to re-invigorate this two-year-old thread about Derek Kent Rose, the forgery sex offender. Your efforts will no doubt increase the internet visibility of Derek Kent Rose, the forgery sex offender. As a result, more people will learn about Derek Kent Rose, the forgery sex offender. You have done a service to the public in helping to highlight Derek Kent Rose, the forgery sex offender. So again, thank you.


Well if its so old why continue to follow it everyone? Why continue to post his arrest and where you see him? Why don’t you go outside and do something eventful instead of refreshing this post every ten mins? You guys sure do point a lot of fingers on here when there’s more pointing back at you.The real turds are you guys and the girls on here. The Ines who have dated Derek and now go after him cuz they are upset. Funny how that works. hide behind a computer screen like everyone else. You guys are on here talking about scum and all that you see where he lives its posted online you see him out yet you don’t approach him…. Cowards all of you. Go tell him this stuff to his face. But again you won’t why…. Cowards all of you. So have fun posting on here and talking to each other in this circle jerk forum. I’m sure you all have continued to keep this thread going before me so not sure what you are talking about. As if I have had a huge impact on keeping his name on Google.


Because every time you comment here, this article bubbles back up to the top and people following the site notice it again, you damn fool. YOU are what keeps bringing this article back into the limelight.

Sheesh, you are one dense tool. What are you made out of – lead?

A Proud Infidel®™

It looks to me like he’s at lest twice as dense as depleted Uranium, Hondo!


Ladies and Gentlmen,

I offer to you the above comments by one “GetItRight” as evidence that the human race is doomed.


We aren’t you a special sparkle pony. You come here again, to defend your butt buddy, claiming that we are the ones keeping this thread alive. You also claim we are cowards hiding behind false names. And we can see you’re still as bloody stupid as ever. Here’s your lesson for today, dipshit. Look up the definition of the word irony. While you’re at it, take some classes in basic English grammar and spelling. We know you rode the short bus to school, but that’s still no excuse. Moron, do you realize that every time you comment here, defending your gay lover, his name goes to the top of the Google hit parade? Do you also realize that you’ve told us that he’s had a longer criminal record than we realized? Way to go, asshat!! Now don’t get getting all upset about it. I’m sure Derek will still let you lick his balls. The inly reason for a circle jerk here is to squirt all over you, you cum guzzling monkey’s ass. Now put the keyboard down and go back to the basement before your mommy gets mad at you.


So you are saying that the state police enforcing the law set forth by the state legislature isn’t good enough for you? You really WANT the courts to be involved also?? Mysteriously, it looks as if you and Derek Trent Rose are in complete agreement. Imagine that.

Meanwhile, we sane people out here will continue to avoid having contact with the courts as much we can. Most of us can figure out how to comply with laws without further interpretation.


This gititright guy sure has fallen hard for his boyfriend, hasn’t he?
Clueless One doesn’t get the part that his boyfriend wasn’t on the list for all that time because he failed to comply with the court order and register as a sex pervert.
And also, for the record I’d love to tell him to his face, if he could disengage it from your tool long enough.
Go away little man, you bore us…

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