Al Qaeda Number Two – Gone

| June 5, 2012

Media reports indicate that al Qaeda’s number two, Abu Yahya Al-Libi, is no more. He was killed yesterday in Pakistan by an armed US drone.

Personally, I wish we’d have executed a “snatch and grab” and asked him a few questions before giving him the opportunity to explain his sins to Allah instead of sending him by Hellfire express. But I guess we can’t have everything.

May all of his 72 virgins look thusly

and may he enjoy the “pleasure” of serving as one of Shaytan’s personal sex-slaves for eternity.

Category: Terror War

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Scouts Out

Good riddance, but wake me up when we get Azzam the American.


Later it will come out that Obama personally did him in, it will be announced at the next campaign event.


By all that’s holy, I can never unsee that image of 72 Helen Thomas’s.
Says a lot about the Plastic POTUS that the first thing one thinks of is it was a campaign event.


He was killed in Pakistan? no way! There are no terrorists over there. Tell me it ain’t so.


He was killed in Pakistan? no way! There are no terrorists over there. Tell me it ain’t so.


It may have been too dangerous to do a snatch and grab. Bottom line he is no longer around.

Yat Yas 1833

I don’t care if the used B-52s with dumb bombs, they got the rat bastage!!!


Good bye … Rot in hell!

BTW … If I was a Muslim facing 72 Helens … I would be filling out the Jew application or forging a Baptism certifcate!

Just saying!