TAH on the DC Post

| June 5, 2012

The folks at DC Post approached me yesterday and offered me another place to post my pointless blather and get some more ad clickers. It’ll be the same stuff you read here, but if you stop over there sometimes, you might find something that interests you that we don’t talk about here, since they seem to be more politically oriented than us.

But they liked the post I did yesterday about Obama out-Cheneying Cheney, so stop over and wave at the folks there.

Yes, all of the pieces of my plan to take over the world are falling into place.

Category: Bloggers

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“What are we going to do today, Brain? Narf!”

“The same thing we do every day, Pinky–try to take over the WORLD!”


Jonn, when you take over the world…umm…will we still be your dickweeds?

Zero Ponsdorf

Only problem I can see is that Jonn will have even MORE trouble finding hats.



Congrats, Jonn. This will be interesting to watch!