Another Phony Warrior Exposed…in the White House

| June 4, 2012

Over at American Thinker, author, William A. Levinson, has an interesting take on the Obama Campaign’s efforts to make it seem as though our affirmative action commander-in-chief personally led the raiding party of SEALs that took out Osama bin Laden. Levinson refers to this cynical exploitation of our troops as “Barack Obama’s Stolen Valor,” and suggests that a shortened version, dropping the Barack, would make a pointed bumper sticker during this election season.

Levinson is spot-on, of course, in applying the premise of B.G. Burkett’s seminal book in his assessment of Obama’s shameless attempt to appear to be what he isn’t, a decisive military tactician and boldly courageous combat leader. Think about it, what is the difference between that counterfeit claim and those of this little worm, “Ronad” Mailahn and the other phony warriors Jonn exposes here regularly, other than the higher level of the deception and the far greater significance of Obama’s theft of valor?

One of the comments to Levinson’s piece is insightful in noting that Obama is intimately involved with seals but not SEALs. Obama is surrounded by trained political pinnipeds that perch on their pedestals, barking their approval of his every command, flapping their flippers enthusiastically as they do his bidding in return for smelly morsels of political spoils.

This is exactly what a nation gets when it applies the misguided concept of affirmative action to the selection of presidents and commanders-in-chief.

It just occurred to me that perhaps someone should Photoshop Obama’s haughty mug onto that pic of Sergeant Major Mailahn. it just seems so appropriate. Know what I mean?

ADDED: Thanks to Mark for the updated photo.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Yeah, that’s what I thought, PUNK. You have a hard time admitting when you’re wrong, and you’re not going to get very far in life because of it. That is all.


Yeah and the Democrats are so great at taking care of the minorities. Like when the Democrat Mayor of New Orleans, refused to evacuate the city prior to Katrina, because the school buses didn’t have A/C. Or the Democratic controlled state of Louisiana siphoned off billions of dollars meant to rebuild the levee system, leaving them in a state of disrepair. Or how the Democrat controlled state of Michigan is doing so well, that they are close to the top in unemployment. Yeah the Democrats really have the best interests of the minorities at heart. GWB destroyed the world economy all by himself? Really? Insipid you are so full of shit, the vapors have fried your few remaining brain cells. How Barney Frank, Frank Dodd, etc with their Community Reinvestment Act bullshit, setting the powder keg for worldwide economic collapse. GWB tried to stop their shennanigins but the refused to back down, while they and their buddies at Fannie/Freddie cook the books, and colluded with the big banks. Get real with your view that GWB did it all, that all white men are racist BS, and that only you have the Truth, and the Knowledge! Like I said earlier: your better part of your DNA ran down your mom’s thighs!


Yeah, because i laughed uproriously the first time i heard that joke….in third grade. But thanks for saying it again, because it gets better with each and every telling. I could debunk the Sean Hannity talking points, but i’d rather take satisfaction in the fact that you can’t really defend the indefensible. The Community Reinvestment Act happened in 1977 if that’s the “powder keg” it had the longest fuse ever. Jack Kemp was as much a champion of it as anyone. Back when Republicans were allowed to be sane.


If anyone is the PUNK, redacted, it’s you. If you don’t believe in the “affirmative action President” argument, then you shouldn’t defend it. If you don’t have the guts to condemn it because he’s on your “side” that makes you a punk. The fact that Romney lets Trump campaign for him makes him a punk too.


Here’s Jack Kemp on the CRA. I’m sure he’d have a few intemperate remarks regarding the “affirmative action” description as well.

A good man who is missed.


Please cite where, exactly, I defended it. The current fraud occupying the white house is the worst thing that’s happened to this country since Jimmy Carter. In no way, shape or form did I support any argument describing the joke in chief an “affirmitive action President”. Fuck you, you fucking punk. Your boy is a failure and flailing about posting pointless, long winded diatribes isn’t going to change that, nor is labeling anyone that realizes this a racist. So do everyone a favor and keep your punk ass mouth shut.


Insipid, he’s too busy being Cherokee and Irish. He ain’t got time to be black.
Why is it if a black person fails, then it’s automatically because they’re being discriminated against? It never has anything to do with the fact that they, as a person, might just suck at life.


Geez guys, what part of don’t feed the trolls are ya not gettin’? This ding-dong was born with his/her/it’s head so far up the fourth point of contact, nearly all cerebral tissue died of oxygen deprivation. It’s sort of like debating a hand puppet.

IMO, Obama is far worse than being an AA President, and far worse than Jimmah the Peanut could ever be. Obama is an Enemy of the Republic. YMMV.


“Obama is an Enemy of the Republic”.

OS54, a very succinct, relevant and circumspect observation. I concur.


Sure hope that you have plenty of meds available the day you realize, ‘sip, that is you and your ilk who truly are the racists among us.

It is you and your ilk who have systematically told entire populations of persons that only YOU can decide what is best for them. It is you and your ilk who have kept them dependent upon YOU for handouts instead of using the tools given in the Civil Rights Act of 1965 (which your side fought for decades) to step into full citizenship – exactly what MLK Jr and so many others fought and died to attain.

But, alas, lying to yourself makes you feel so much better, ‘sip, and since this is all about you, we will not hold our collective breath waiting for reality and a willingness to afford basic human dignity to all persons to arrive in your being.

Meanwhile, keep calling folks names. Sure, that’s the ticket. Keep lying to yourself. Besides, it’s easier than taking a good look at yourself and the world around you.

And we will continue to laugh at your immature ignorant self.


And here3 we see the cheapening of “stolen Valor” to mean whatever a person wants it to be and herein lies the danger of the concept. Next up we exhume John Wayne and try him for every time he donned a military uniform.


First off blacks have voted mostly for Democrats since the Civil rights act.

Despite the fact that most Southern Senators voted against it. Telling, that.

Okay, insipid, how about when LBJ implemented the Great Society. Remember what he said then? Here, I’ll give you a hint: “I’ll have those n****rs voting Democrat for the next hundred years.”

You may go now.

And yeah, when we don’t know WHO paid for his education, be it at Punahou, Columbia, or Harvard (none of which were cheap even in the 70’s and 80’s) it’s kind of interesting, kinda piques the curiousity a bit.


@#65, as does his travel to Pakistan, when a ticket to Karachi was not exactly cheap, even in 1981 dollars. Or his enrollment at Occidental college, and that wasn’t cheap either.

Gallagher Fan

Insipid stop wasting your time arguing with these shitheads. You’re better than they are and they really aren’t worth it. Poetrooper is a serviceable writer, but he’s got the critical thinking capabilities of a retarded child. Seriously, don’t take him seriously. Have you read his “poem” the Sheepdogs? It’s a pile of shit written by a flaccid old man struggling to feel virile again.


I actually thought it was pretty good, better than anything you could write. Must be hard posting here with your head stuck that far up your ass.

Old Trooper

@11: Hey dumbass; if I’m racist, then I think you need to talk to my brother about that, since he has more African black blood in him than Obama does (those were my brother’s words, not mine). Yes, he is half black and half white, just like Barry O.

I have been on the receiving end of affirmative action when I went to college; but did I bitch about it? Nope, I just kept going and did what I needed to do.

As for no black US Senators; maybe you can complain to your drooling moonbat compadres, since they vilified Michael Steele and Ken Blackwell (2 fine conservative BLACK candidates) and used many overtly racist remarks, especially about Michael Steele. How about when Alan Keyes wasn’t elected in Illinois? Was everyone that didn’t vote for him a racist? Did you support Steele, Blackwell, or Keyes?? If you didn’t; you’re a racist piece of shit!!

See how that works?


a flaccid old man struggling to feel virile again.

I’m kinda doubting you’d care to walk up to his porch and tell him that in person, Gallagher. For one, he’d probably piss on ya, and two, I’m guessing you were never the kind of man who could see his own hardon without shoving a couple of fingers up your ass, and even then you’d need a microscope.

But aside from that, your suggestion to insipid to simply slink away was valid and I certainly hope he takes you up on your suggestion. Now if I may make a suggestion to you, please go play in traffic.


Hey, look, insipid went for reinforcements, and the best he could do was Gallagher. Pickings are slim over at DU these days.
And, about those leaks over at the WH about intel ops, nice article about the amateurs running the show these days, at the NY Post.
H/T to Blackfive for the link.

Gallagher Fan

68 I also can’t perform an abortion, but I recognize one when I see it.

70 Bitch please. If that old bag of shit tried something I’d have his sorry ass screaming “Uncle Ho”

Old Trooper

@72: Sure you would.


Everyone’s entitled to an opinion, Gallagher Fan. But I’ve always heard that offering an opinion concerning something about which you have no experience is the hallmark of a fool.

Suit yourself. Freedom means you’re free to be a fool. I guess we can use some comic relief from time to time.


Thanks for playing, gf. Too bad you don’t have enough sense to know who you are dealing with before you begin your childish little act.

Gallagher Fan

73 Wow, you AARP types really stick together, don’t you?


As opposed to you Dupont Circle drag queens?

Gallagher Fan

I bet those trannies can still get it up unlike your senior citizens discount amigos, friend.


Nah GF, when they see you, those trannies’ dicks drop off yipping like a scalded puppy.


Wow. Instinct, you have attracted a first class troll here. I’m jealous.

Insipid. We don’t want Obama out because he’s black, we want him out because he’s a miserable failure. I don’t care about his prior career, his college performance or anything else he did or didn’t do before he became president (not even that pesky chronic drug use thing). I care about what he’s done over the last 3 1/2 years and what I suspect he’ll do if given another 4. Economic disaster, and more inroads on basic freedoms.

Please refrain from the whole “the economy is Bush’s fault” thing. That may have held water for the first year or even two but we’re almost to the end of Obama’s first term and the economy is getting worse even while the national debt continues to soar. Obama himself told us if he failed in resurrecting the economy by the end of his first term he shouldn’t get a second. I’m simply agreeing with him.

I hear Gitmo is still operating. Drones over American soil? An enemies list? And what ever happened to ‘The most transparent administration in history”? Race relations haven’t been this bad since Jim Crow and it’s because of the politics of Obama and the media who slobber over him constantly. Oh, the vetting that should have been done 4 years ago? Yeah that’s now being done and doesn’t that just chap your ass? I could go on but why bother. It’s clear you’re nothing but a shill for a failed President and a failed political party. You want us to come out as racists, why don’t you come out as a socialist? Fair’s fair after all.

As Ace has so aptly coined him, Obama is a Screaming Clusterfuck Of A Massive Failure. Heh heh. I love that.



You keep claiming that GWB won because of the “mistake” in Florida, but how about Obama’s winning Virginia and Ohio because of them “not receiving” the military absentee ballot in time? (COUGH BULLSHIT COUGH)

A Proud Infidel & Patriot

Sippy=boy, Gagger, you are fine examples of the liberal idiocy infecting the USA these days! GW Bush won Florida fair and square. A question, and try not to let the truth make your pointy little head explode: Why were the FIRST ballots that Al Gore Jr. sued to to disqualify end up being Military Absentee ballots? Yes, it happened, and he was the sitting VP. Your hero B. Hussein Øbama is a complete and utter failure. Benghazi, Fast & Furious, the NSA’s Domestic Spying, Øbamacare, Military Spending Cutbacks while B. Hussein Øbama & Co. SPARE NO EXPENSE when it comes to treating themselves to any and every luxury they can on our dollar, slashing Veterans’ benefits while handing all the freebies they can to dropout flunkies like you,….

It’s the truth, and we know you can’t handle it.

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