Phony SEALs lawsuit reveals that they’re sociopaths

| June 5, 2012

I started this post the other day and put off posting it for a few days;

US Politics Today writes that which none of the regular denizens of TAH will find surprising – the lawsuit filed on behalf of our buddy, Don Shipley reveals that the phonies that Shipley has uncovered have all had something in their past which indicates some sort of sociopathic behavior;

After digging into the behavioral traits of the current defendants, as well as the behavioral traits of other major offending “Phony SEALs,” one common trait appears to be present. Virtually all of the offenders have some background or behavioral characteristics that are evidence of a sociopathic psychiatric disorder associated with violence or an obsessive stalking type disposition.

Doug Sterner sends us a link to New about this phony we posted more than a year ago;

scrawny SEAL Fuck

Well, it seems he’s been arrested for raping a 15-year-old girl and his name is Gregory John Schaffer;

The girl told authorities that the man, identified as Gregory John Schaffer, 33, had found an ad she had posted on Craigslist looking for summer work. He contacted her and told her that he owned four stores at Newport Centre Mall in Jersey City, including Victoria’s Secret.

She arrived at the Jersey City office on March 18 with a friend and was interviewed by Schaffer — who also goes by the name John Archambeault — behind closed doors and told to return the next day alone, authorities said.

When she returned the next day prepared to begin working, Schaffer had her sign contracts he said were for employment, the criminal complaint said. But Schaffer told the girl it was a sex contract and she had to have sex with him or she and her grandmother, her legal guardian, would be sued.

So, yeah, there’s reason we do what we do.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Paratrooper's Son

Wow! What a fuckin’ piece of shit! Disgusting!

CI Roller Dude

I’m guessing he’ll last about 20 seconds in prison before bubba turns him into a bitch…



A sex contract? I think I’ll have my wife sign one of those..He had a good idea, but just used it in a totally shitty and perverted fashion.


Thank god he wasn’t claiming SF status!

Seriously: Jail-Prison and sex offender registration. Too bad a certain 1SG was under wraps at the time… he’d handle it. .45 or 30 cal?


I think that Schaffer is about to learn what the term “short eyes” means. Even though his victim is at the advanced age of 15, he’s still a pedophile/rapist/fuckwad.
Urban Dictionary has a great punishment for his kind, “One who should be executed with a hot clothes iron slowly over 10 years”.

Doc Bailey

Seriously? I knew these guys were slime balls and losers but god DAMN


Nah, I’m all for driving a wedge into a tree, then making him drop trou, stick his little winkie into the gap caused by the wedge, then knock the wedge out.

Hilarity to ensue.


Sparky, while he’s engaged thusly, can we start on his ass with the hot clothes iron?
I hope his bunky has a younger sister, that always makes for an interesting stay.


What? Like any of us couldn’t have told them that they are all sociopaths? If not psycopaths.

Oh, well.


I’m not into torture. You don’t torture mad dogs. You shoot them.


As the old tune goes, “15 will get you 20 . . . “


hope karma kicks in w/ prison rape

Yat Yas 1833

Guys! Let’s be civilized.

Staple his little winkie to a tree. Drill a hole in the opposite side of the tree and insert a lit stick of dynamite. Then hand the puss bucket a broken beer bottle.


Chili Mos usually don’t last too long in prison. I give this guy a week. Maybe less.

Doug Sterner

Geez…I sure wish we could have had this guy under investagation after you and POW Network (as well as our friend Taco Bell) posted him back in April. Can there be any doubt if the Bureau had come into investigate him back in April they’d have found evidence of his pedo-nature on his computer? Certainly, if facing Federal charges he would have been more cautious and perhaps a 15-year old could have been spared all this.

Victimless crime…old soldier’s telling war stories… RIGHT!

Doug Sterner

BTW–Controversy surrounding the 2006 SV Act wouldn’t even apply. This guy could have been charged under the OLD law before we added the “Verbal” clause that SCOTUS is deliberating.


Send him to my house. I have a meat cleaver, three hungry cats and a garbage disposal, and I KNOW what to do with a body.

Jerry DeMarco (Publisher/Editor)

A Hudson County man who posed as a Navy SEAL, and then a Victoria’s Secret owner to get a gullible 15-year-old Brooklyn girl to pose for naked photos, was indicted by a federal grand jury in Newark today for producing and possessing images and videos of child pornography. READ MORE:


Mr. DeMarco:

Thanks for the good news. Mind if we gin up an update about this low-life scum based on your article and post it here at TAH?

For me, here’s the “money quote”:

Schaffer continues to be held in federal custody without bail.

Hope that continues for a loooooooong time.

MCPO – don’t pay him a visit. Ain’t worth getting your hands dirty with this one. I’m sure the other inmates will “take good care of him” once word gets around.


I bet Bubba ain’t too impressed by his claims of being a SEAL.

“Bark for me, bitch!”