British Spec Ops rescue aid workers

| June 2, 2012

The Associated Press reports that early this morning, British special operations forces rescued two civilian aid workers and their Afghan interpreters from the cave in which they were held hostage by Taliban thugs;

Helicopters, flying under the cover of darkness, ferried the rescue team to extreme northeastern Afghanistan where they suspected the hostages were being held. After confirming the workers were there, they raided the site, killed several militants and freed the hostages, ending their nearly two-week ordeal.

The two women were Helen Johnston, 28, from Britain, and Moragwa Oirere, 26, who worked for Medair, a humanitarian non-governmental organization based near Lausanne, Switzerland from Kenya who were kidnapped while they were on horseback in the Badakhshan province. Seven of their captors were left to be worm food.

Apparently, British Prime Minister David Cameron authorized the operation without President Obama’s help…I know it seems impossible, but that’s the way this one shakes out.

Thanks to AUnty Brat who sent us this video of an interview with Lt General Bradshaw, the commander of the rescuers;

Category: Terror War

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I posted on FB the video of Lt. Gen Bradshaw (British) speaking on this…He says “I can’t tell you which countries were involved.” As I wrote on FB: I am waiting for the Mouth In Chief to tell all, because you KNOW he will, unless of course the Brits not only didn’t ask permission, they didn’t tell him ANYthing which, as recent history has shown, is the more prudent course….;)

Just Plain Jason

Well, I wonder if the brits had to get permission from an afghan court to execute a raid on the cave…

B Woodman

Telling us everything that we need to know as civilians, yet telling us nothing in the way of compromising details.
Well spoken, General, well spoken.

Now if only our teleprompter-in-chief can keep his yap shut as well.


Past time, but still heartening, to get some GOOD news .


As long as Great Britain didn’t say so much as mouse shit, our Teleprompter in Chief won’t have batshit to say?


[…] that raid yesterday to free aid workers June 3rd, 2012 Yesterday, I mentioned briefly that British Spec Ops troops rescued the two aid workers and their interpreters in Afghanistan based on the AP’s […]