I don’t condone it, but I understand it

| June 2, 2012

Tman sends us a link to the story of a Fort Leonard Wood First Sergeant who cured a young man of his hormone overload when the gentleman showed up at the first sergeant’s house at 1:30 in the morning to pick up the first sergeant’s 15-year-old daughter for a date;

According to court records, [William James Bellomy, 40] was at his home alone on the 26000 grid of Stunning Lane on Wednesday morning while his daughter was in a Springfield hospital for unrelated reasons. At 12:30 a.m., his daughter’s cell phone received a text message from the man asking Bellomy’s daughter “to come ‘chill’ with him for a while.”

Since Bellomy’s daughter wasn’t home, he replied, according to court records, that the man should come for a 1:30 a.m. pickup.

“When (the man) pulled into the driveway and seen William (Bellomy), he backed out and started to pull back into the drive and that’s when William (Bellomy) stated he fired one round from his hand gun into (the man’s) vehicle,” according to the report filed by the sheriff’s deputy.

Bellomy’s bullet struck the vehicle “in the rear door on the passenger side, going through the door and into the interior of the vehicle and was located behind the front passenger seat on the floor of the vehicle,” according to the deputy’s report. The man successfully fled from Stunning Lane and drove to the Buckhorn Shell gas station, where he called for help at 1:52 a.m. and met with the sheriff’s deputy.

As the father of three previously 15-year-old daughters, I completely understand the urge to ventilate a man old enough to drive a car who showed up at oh-dark-thirty to “chill” with one of them, but in this case, I think the police might have only got me on charges of brandishing. I’m sure there are still a large number of young men in Oswego County, NY who get a chill up their spines at the mere mention of my name.

Category: Guns

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“when the gentleman showed up at the first sergeant’s house at 1:30 in the morning to pick up the first sergeant’s 15-year-old daughter for a date”

That’s the St Roberts/Rolla Missouri area for ya!

Old Trooper

As the father of 2 former 15 year old daughters, I concur with Jonn, however, I would have let him get out of his vehicle and I wouldn’t have been armed and his vehicle wouldn’t have made it out of the driveway with at least 2 flat tires (due to running over those nails that happened to get spilled in the driveway). Then junior and I would have had a come to Jesus meeting right then and there. Of course, my back up would be watching intently to make sure junior didn’t start feeling his oats (a 170 lb. Great Dane with an attitude when woken up from his slumber does wonders in keeping things in perspective).

If you think that I’m just being hyperbolic; I have done similar, before, but it was a bit different. First, he arrived with my daughter in her car. Second, it was afternoon. Third, she must have warned him ahead of time. And finally, the little loser wouldn’t get out of the car (maybe that was because of the Great Dane sitting next to the passenger door and looking him right in the eye without barking, growling, or charging. Just sitting there looking at him).


15 year old daughter is showing signs of trouble, if she’s getting messages like that on her phone. Mom and Dad need to sit her down and talk to her, so they don’t end up identifying her remains in a morgue, somewhere down the road.


Or better still, let him go up to daughter’s window and knock.

“Honest officer, I heard a rattling and thought he was trying to break in.”

Old Trooper

@3: Yep. That’s why pops should have had a sit down with the masta chilla and gathered some intel on him and how he knew his daughter, how he had her phone number, etc. instead of firing a shot across the bow.

Just Plain Jason

I think they are purposely being vague with the age of the the “victim” for a reason. I have a gut feeling this wasn’t some 18 year old. I also don’t think top missed shooting at the jackass, because if he meant to hit him we would be dealing with a much more serious crime.

Legal defense fund…

B Woodman

I think Top fired his shot too soon. He let the perp get away. I would have gone with something similar to #2, but with the PoPo waiting in the wings (silent &dark) to snag the perp. Let the perp explain (if he can) what he was doing there at oh-dark-too-damn-early, trying to pick up an underage girl. Can you say, statutory rape? I knew you could.


Don’t mess with people’s kids, cars, or pets. If you choose to do so, people will go nuts and do things that are considered extreme. Toss in the mix the old saying: “Don’t ever mess with a 1st Sergeant” and I can clearly understand what transpired.


I’d cite him for firing a warning shot. Always go for center mass when you pull the trigger.

Enigma 4 You

When My formerly 15 year old daughter broke up with her little boyfriend he drew a picture of her with a gunshot in the head and sent it to her. I had her call him and tell him she wanted to get back together. When he arrived at my house I tore him a new asshole, then made him call his father, when his did got there I showed him the picture and let him know that I took this threat very very serious. He laughed it off and said he could not control his kid. I called the local LEO and swore out a warrant against the kid. He spent some time in custody. His dad and uncle decided that tormenting me would be fun, that is until they met the muzzle end of my 1911 one night while they were up to no good in my driveway.

I got a reputation as being a hard ass among my daughters friends. She was in our den with another little suitor, I walked thru and could tell that she was pissed. She looked at me and said Dad, asshat here keeps trying to get me to have sex with him. I have told him no but he wont shut up about it. I just told him to ask you, and if you said it was ok we would do it right here. she then looked at asshat who was doing his best to become part of the couch and said well you said you would do anything for me, ask. I have never seen a kid move faster to leave anyplace.


#10, I got a good laugh at your story. Wish I had been a fly on your wall.

I second, legal defense fund.


My daughters aren’t at dating age yet…..thankfully. But I certainly have compassion for the father.

This situation reminds of the timeless “Ten Rules for Dating my Daughter”



rofl…Never been Military, nor held a gun *gasp* – but it seems that every one of my now married daughter’s boyfriends were warned ahead of time that they better behave, because NObody messed with her mother’s pride and joy..and no I NEVER raised my voice…lol… True story! As for calling for her at 1.30AM??? Errrrrrrrr, no!


Agree with PN. Daughter needs a wakeup call.


Warning shots will get you in heap big trouble in most jurisdictions. Don’t do it.

SFC L Heckerman

My daughter thought she was in love (16 yrs old). Boyfriend was face pierced, disrespectful, and several other character flaws. Sometimes you need to save your kids from their own folly, but ya gotta be smart. I told a small lie to daughter and said she could date him, but I need to speak with him first (he avoided me at all costs before). He arrives and I convinced him to take a ride in my truck that I just finished working on when he drove up (told him I needed to test drive it and we could talk at the same time). Drove two hours listening to his whole life story and a litany of lies. He knows something is up. We arrive north of Barstow out at my little piece of heaven in the middle of the Mojae where I do my shooting. Tell him to get out of my truck and never see or communicate with her in any way again. He got in the truck willingly. Never asked to get out (too scared). Completely legal, and only 16 km walk to the highway. Problem solved.