Phony Halo’s no Helmet

| June 2, 2012

As if their candidate needed to further alienate the veteran voting bloc, Obama’s clueless handlers have done it again. There were emails circulating on Memorial Day that the presidential security detail had locked down the Vietnam Memorial site early that morning, shooing off veterans and their families so that the locale could be used for a photo op. While I was never able to verify the accuracy of those emails, perhaps this ill-conceived campaign photo posted over at Hot Air where Ed Morrissey has it up as his Obamateurism of the Day, lends them some credence. It no doubt took the president’s photogs some time to set up such an artsy pic with the light just so, so as to provide the requisite halo round the One’s consecrated cranium. Surely the pros and the pols couldn’t be bothered by the plebian presence of actual rank and file Vietnam vets and their families while such an important campaign event was underway.

Morrissey notes that the White House photo office has the pic on their official website as photo of the day for Memorial Day. It’s #5 of 24 but I couldn’t freeze it for a hyperlink. As a Vietnam vet, I was stunned when I saw this photo. I know these Democrats are clueless when it comes to military sensitivities, but do they not have any idea of the special venerability the Wall possesses for those of us who fought in that war for an unappreciative nation? Or our families and the families of those whose names grace that memorial? I’ve been to all the war memorials on the Mall on multiple occasions and can attest there is always a singular solemnity suffusing that Wall and those standing in its presence. It is the one place in this nation where we who served in that war know that our service has been honored.

And now these dim-bulb Democrats dishonor our monument by exploiting it for a photo shoot canonizing their candidate on the sacred day set aside to honor those who earned their place on that Wall with their lives? Every name there represents a comrade in arms to me and I assuredly do not appreciate seeing it used for a phony campaign photo by an affirmative action commander-in-chief who never deigned to don the heavy burden of a steel helmet in service to this country. As that picture spreads around the internet, I’m sure there are millions of other veterans who will share my revulsion as well as my determination to see this insensitive fool thrown out of office.

What do you suppose that Gallup veterans’ poll will look like after this photo gains some fame?

Crossposted at American Thinker.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Veterans Issues

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Fame, or notoriety. This one goes up there with Carter and the rabbit, Dukakis in the tank, etc.

Just ill-conceived and ill-executed all the way around. As has been noted many times here and elsewhere, there were 364 other days these clowns could have done this. To shut it down for half of Memorial Day shows a level of thoughtlessness and disregard for the “plebians” that would shock even those inside the Beltway.


Though it cost those who actually RATE to stand by that wall 5 or 6 hours of their day to wait for the shenanigans to end, I feel that this, much like the anointed one’s support for OWS, will backfire. Badly. Veterans from that era tend to have a long memory. (Hello, Jane Fonda)

Southern Class

Not a bit surprised……
“Class” not expected of this administration……


This is also a sad and very obvious example of what happens when someone with no concept of power literally becomes the most powerful man on the planet. They have absolutely no idea of how to use it, control it, or handle it; and like a spoiled child, it all becomes me-me-me, to the exclusion of all others.


NHSparky: Should shock, yes. But “would shock”? Dunno about that.

Joseph Brown

While only a ‘Nam era vet, nothing makes me madder than this ass clown pulling a stunt like this. If his so-called handlers think this crap endears him to the veterans of this country, they’re about as full of crap as he is. And that’s way full.


FYI – I spent the day at Arlington Cemetery during the President’s visit. The path to the Amphitheater and Tomb of the Unknown was off-limits until 1pm. The remainder of the cemetery remained open to visitors and most spent their time at Section 60 until the grand banquet was over.

Army Sergeant

I had the same experience of being forced to wait at Arlington and the Wall being closed off. That’s why I have no pictures of the Wall in my post, but I didn’t want to actually bitch on Memorial Day about it.


I have absolutely no doubt that they locked down the memorial. They have done it at other memorials.

On 11 Sep 2011, I took my oldest daughter out to the Pentagon Memorial. I wanted to finally talk to her about what happened to me on that day. We got there before 6 AM and were told by the SS that we only had 5 minutes because they needed to seal the memorial 5 hours before 0bama was to show up.

My daughter learned that day that those who weren’t there give speeches to a crowd of people who weren’t there either. Those that were there don’t matter. Needless to say, she dislikes 0bama.


One thing you need to realize is that the Vietnam Wall was closed for a speech by Pres Obama where he talked about the ill treatment returning Vietnam veterans received and what a disgrace that was. That was on Monday, last night he was at a fund raiser co hosted by Marilyn Katz. I would rate Marilyn Katz in the top half dozen of Vietnam War protesters who caused the American Vietnam veterans to be treated badly.
I submit that most Vietnam War protesters who are alive support Obama and the ones who are deceased would if they were alive.


When they go this low, it’s hard to say which is worse; the Memorial Day “photo of the day”, or this campaign idea on the ObamaAmerica website (safelink to CoalitionoftheSwilling).


“. . . this insensitive fool . . .” — yes, UNDERSTATEMENT is most powerful — as it permits the reader to fill in HIS OWN substance .

The Executive Mansion photo should have been sub-titled: “ALIEN–ATE THE VETERAN” — or “attempted to” — for the alien, will be the one alienated .

ANY man who would “. . . support [COMMUNISM] . . .” — was NOT, the one I was fighting for, in The Vietnam War, or in The Present War For Freedom. I fought, and fight, ONLY, for myself, AND, for any man who took the Oath to defend the U.S. Constitution — and STILL MEANS IT .


I received this forwarded email the other day, attributed originaly to MG Wayne Sylvester, Retd. Fellow Warriors of An Loc, If ever there was a reason to pass on an email about the treatment that our fellow combat veterans have received, this is it. Evidently, our Commander-in-Chief is more interested in developing his skills with the teleprompter, than he is in recognizing a generation of warriors – the true architects of our nation’s prosperity. If you are so inclined, please pass this on to our fellow Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coasties. May God Bless America, Today as I usually do each Memorial Day and Veterans Day, I joined my fellow Soldiers I served with in Vietnam to lay a wreath for our fallen at the Vietnam Veterans Wall. We always gather at 0903 hours at the Three Soldier’s Monument. There we meet for a while and talk, see how everyone is doing, if anyone needs help, introduce any new guys from out of town who are visiting, new guys who are joining us for the first time, introduce any members of our family or friends who have come with us, always followed by a few remarks about fellow members of the Blackhorse Regiment who had passed since we had last gathered and then we welcome each other home. Today after walking across Memorial Bridge and rounding the Lincoln Memorial I saw our guys all gathering outside of a barricade around the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. When I joined them I found out to my total disbelief that we could not enter. No veterans allowed. The reason was that Obama was coming there to make a speech and the area was closed to everyone except special people with special passes until his speech was over 5 hours later. I was stunned. Thousands of Vietnam veterans gathering like us with wreaths in hand to recognize our fallen and turned away so that a politician could give a speech. Most of us had been there when Reagan spoke, Bush 41 and 43 had spoken, even Clinton, although most of us turned our backs… Read more »


The insensitive fool — gets its kicks by attacking — THE DIS-ARMED .


My heartfelt thanks to all those who served.
This photo op is the most disgusting act tet committed by this fraud president. I’ve circulated this article everywhere possible and urge everyone to pass it on.


I’ll be in the minority here – ill-conceived? Sure, I can see that. But I don’t for a moment believe there was an intent to create a halo effect – rather, you can’t have a silhouette without a light source behind the object.

“Never attribute to malice that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.”


@17 – I agree that it probably wasn’t the intention, especially by POTUS. But when people claim to know what he believes and thinks…that isn’t going to stop them from claiming intent.

The photo itself shouldn’t even have bee a big deal, had it not come at the expense of anyone else who wished to visit the Wall that day.

Master Sergeant Brad Arnsparger

Look… Enough! Who in the hell do we think were actually the ones to close down the Memorial? And for what reason or rationale? HelllllOOOOOoooooo… It wasn’t the President, or the First Lady for hell sake — it was the Secret Service. THEY are the entity to cloak the president in security. Good God – you’d think by all these comments that The President had some agenda to be disheartening to the American public, or to somehow disrespect veterans. Ya’ all need to grow-up. This is not a political issue (much as you have tried to make it one), it’s an issue of security. GROW UP! And keep your politics in the voting both — you’ll have your opportunity in November. Go vote.


And the Secret Service (in Columbia, etc.) FOLLOWS the make-believe — as I was saying, The Secret Service FOLLOWS — get it ??

If I disagree with anyone about anything, the SOLUTION — is to “grow up” ??
You might attempt to follow Cause And Effect (in ANY direction), in order to argue more effectively .


Right, in COLUMBIA, AND, in Colombia .


@ #19 So are you saying that this prez has no clue what his decisions mean? Maybe that he doesn’t have enough sense to understand the consequences of his decisions, even those of where he will be on any given day?

Surely you don’t believe that someone else decided which day or even if he would make this visit to the Wall.

Then again, maybe you do believe that he only goes where others direct him to go. Could be, but I doubt it.

Just Plain Jason

If this was the first time something like this has happened I would have been like what a jagoff…because I don’t like the guy. The second time, he is pushing it… Third time he really is kind of an ass, but now he does it deliberately. How many pictures of him with freaking halo do you need to see to not believe it is done intentionally? As far as what he thinks of the military same thing. How many freaking times do you need to see or hear what he has to say or do until you believe?

He could have taken his pic and given his speech any other day of the year, but this day is special and he had to know that people would be there. So that is the day he chooses to set up shop? Assmunch…


SOMEone, err, thing — has the MUNCHIES .


As has been said, he had 364 other days to do this, without shutting out the people who wanted to be there. And, I wonder how many trips he’s made to the Wall?
@#22, I don’t think he made the decision, OWB. I do think it was probably Axelfraud who thought this was a great idea, or maybe Gibbs.


One thing about the POTUS’s handlers. Those that are old enough to be VN vets spent the war actively working against America. Those that are too young to be VN vets spent their youth making money working against America.

For them, this is only about the photo op. Veterans, to them, are those stupid POS who whine about their benefits and vote for the other guys.


Okay, Master Sergeant–would you not agree that this is just one more in a seemingly endless series of this administration telling veterans, “Fuck you!” since quite literally the day he was inaugurated (see his snub of the military balls which had been attended by every president since Truman?)

It may not have been Obama PERSONALLY, but he IS the leader of the nation, this administration, and his political party. Accountability and responsibility should still mean something, yes?


Give Master Sergeant a break. He probably just switched to snorting the Flav-R-Aid instead of drinking it.

If the Commander-in-Chief could not anticipate what it would mean to deny veterans and families access to the Memorial for well over half of the holiday meant for THEM and was unaware that this would happen as a result of his production of this ill-conceived photo-op, then he’s an imbecile.

People that follow or make excuses for imbeciles would be…..?


Oh, there is no doubt at all that it was timed to cause the most incovenience to the greatest number of people. We who do not bow to his whatever it is that we are supposed to bow to were being sent a message. By him and his handlers.

Oh, and UpNorth? I meant that I doubt that the poster to whom I was responding thought that. Yeah, his handlers pretty much make all those decisons, but he has the veto power.


I am fucking outraged. The communist POS is silhouetted on The Wall of my brothers that died fighting communist. It’s a deliberate slap in the face to them and those of us who fought in Vietnam. This photo certainly can’t be dismissed as a dumbassed mistake by an unknowing photographer, but sort of a gloating pissmark by the extreme left guiding the One. See the reference in #11 to Marilyn Katz and here:


Joe Williams

M/Sgt, how many poeple could make only one trip to the Wall, used their vacation time and limited money ? Closed off for 5 hrs for a maybe 30 to 45 minute speech ? Since when does the want of ONE override the needs of many? ” The buck stops here”, who is the Head Decision Maker? I suggest you research his actions and lies towards the Military. Yes on the Day in November I show my opnion of BO. Yes, we Nam Vets have a long memory


Pete Souza is Obama’s chief official Whitehouse photographer and credited with the photo. He isn’t any wet behind the ears photographer either he’s been around since the Vietnam era. And couldn’t you just guess that he’s from Chicago and followed the one around in his campaign for POTUS:

[…”The job of presidential photographer is all about access and trust, and if you have both of those you’re going to make interesting, historic pictures,” Souza says. He earned the President’s trust by following Obama on his rise to the Presidency covering then Senator Obama as a photographer for the Chicago Tribune. Souza, like all the other photographers who have held this post, cites Yoichi Okamoto, President Johnson’s photographer, as the gold standard….]


See and hear about Whitehouse photographer Pete Souza & the one here at 1:34 into the video:


If you want to save the photo, right click and save to Downloads as a jpeg.

I didn’t need another example of his narcissism, but as a VN vet this is outrageous.

Old Trooper

@19: Funny; Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43 never stopped the Vietnam Vets from coming to the Wall when they were there to give a speech, according to the post by Rurik, so what you’re attempting to defend is 100% pure bullshit. Gathering of Eagles stopped a bunch of drooling moonbat, shit for brains, Obama backers from desecrating the Wall a few years ago, but that was to protect the Wall and those there to honor the names of the fallen on that Wall, not some politician. And yes, the President, as well as his staff, knew that the area was going to be closed off to the unimportant little people that weren’t there to wet themselves over meaningless words spoken by a politician.

If Obama had any sense, he would have told the SS to keep it open to those that come there to pay their respects to those on the Wall, but as usual, it’s all about him. Then, to piss on the Vietnam Vets even more, he goes to a fundraiser held by an antiwar activist from the Vietnam era that had probably spit on her fair share of Vets when they came home. Yeah, he really cares about the little people.

Sell your bullshit elsewhere, because we ain’t buying.


Gee, guys, wouldn’t you think that in a campaign/election year, he’d tell the SS to leave it open so that he, like any other glad-handing pol, could use it as a campaign opportunity?
I would, especially on Memorial Day.