Breast feeding in uniform nontroversy

| May 31, 2012

We were all treated to the photo of the Mom breastfeeding her four-year-old on the cover of Time a few weeks back and now, every time I open my inbox someone has sent us this article about breast feeding in uniform.

The photo is part of a local breastfeeding awareness campaign by Mom2Mom of Fairchild Air Force Base, a support group launched in January by Crystal Scott, a military spouse and mother of three. Among the intimate close-ups of smiling young mothers cuddling their adorable babies, the images of the two airmen stand out.

“People are comparing breastfeeding in uniform to urinating and defecating in uniform. They’re comparing it to the woman who posed in “Playboy” in uniform [in 2007]” Scott told Yahoo! Shine in an interview. “We never expected it to be like this.”

Well, I think it’s all just so much BS. How often is a mother going to breast feed her children in uniform outside of her home? It’s not like they take their kids to work or take them to the field. Not that the two airmen in the picture know what the field looks like anyway.

Both sides are overplaying this issue – the mothers are not going to whip out a breast in formation and start feeding her kids right there in front of the unit. And the two in the photo, I’m sure think they’re doing something brave and being controversial, because breastfeeding in public is supposed to be some liberating act. I’m just posting it so everyone will stop sending me the link.

Category: Military issues

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I’m sorry, all I saw was the word breast………:)


Since when did being in the military give any of us the right to be “contreversial”?

I honestly think they should be NJP’d…not for breast-feeding in public, but for having a photo taken in uniform, with them “out of uniform”.

I don’t remember a Marine Corps Order (and I’m sure the other branches don’t have this in their uniform regs) about it’s ok to sit around with your blouse undone and your shirt untucked if you were breastfeeding.

If you are in uniform, it should be done in private. If you are in Civilian attire, then use a “modesty blanket”. It will cover up the baby, without being hot, and allow you to do your natural mommy thing in public, without anyone staring at your sweater puppies.

That’s it.

TTM, out.

Army Sergeant

I breastfed while in uniform at home and pumped while on duty at work. Neither required me to be in public. I bet most people didn’t even know.

This photo is kind of ridiculous though, as is the whole public breastfeeding hoopla. I don’t know any mother that wouldn’t rather throw a baby blanket over the whole business while out or do it in a secluded area, because dude, who wants people staring?


Personally I think boobies are always more attractive without those….those…eh….things….yeah….attached to them. Could be worse though. Could have been a pair of psychopaths nursing their 13 year olds.


The blonde Airman is either very proud of her milk dispensers, or was directed that it would make for a ‘better’ photo.

My wife pumped at work for awhile [she was active duty], but nobody was the wiser.

This is definitely a ‘nontroversy’.


As a mother of four who breastfed…this photo is just dumb. They will come to regret it, of that I am sure. Oy.


Not even sure how to respond to this nonsense!

Dang, Army Sergeant, you did this the way it should be done. The ONLY way it should be done. Thank you.

Seriously – for members of the military to be using the uniform as a prop for publicity? Does it matter which body part they are exposing or the cause they are publicizing? No. They are in violation of at least a few regs and they should be punished accordingly.


Two questions-
1. What is their PT profile?
2. Are they lesbians?


I can’t respond here in a mature adult way….but….

gawd bless the Air Force.


Crystal Scott, a military spouse and mother of three

Further proof that had the military wanted us to have “spouses” they would have issued them to us. Just kidding. But I’m glad I got married AFTER I was off the boat. Even as a single guy the stories of the catfights that came from their meetings and junior-high antics SHOULD have been embarassing to their husbands.

Old Trooper


Old Trooper

@8: Who cares if they’re whobians…….boobies!!!!


Well, as near as I can tell the one on the left is at least attempting to keep everything dress right dressed.


Yet another road down the slippery slope……


AFI 36-2903, last sentence of paragraph 2.13.3 – Uniform items are to be zipped, snapped or buttoned unless otherwise defined in this instruction.

The “otherwise defined” part of the instruction refers to partial unbottoning of the blue cardigan sweater.


I swear I know the one on the right. My only problem with this whole ordeal is who authorized this?


I don’t see this photo as a controversy, but as a not too subtle reminder that women in combat units will be non-deployable for 9+ months if they choose to exercise their reproductive rights.


Everyone needs a cause. And to feel liberated. Stupid. I nursed seven kids…. anywhere I wanted and never had an issue.. but way back in the nineties there was thing called discretion. Usually it took a while for people realize what was going on.


AS has it right

Ne Desit Virtus

My question is who the hell breast feeds a 4 year old? Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase “titty baby”. Give the damn kid some chicken nuggets or something


Did they bring enough for everyone?


I agree, everyone wants to be a “hero,” daring, edgy, daring others to criticize them. Ridiculous that this extends now to those in uniform.


I’ll just say it. Those two can breastfeed in the middle of my Infantry Company formation any day of the week!

That is all…


Oh, its about enlisted females in the Air Force. I thought they were talking about the military.

*ducks behind cover*


Where’s their headgear and reflective belt? Do they have a completed risk assessment approved by the first 0-6 in their chain of command?

Seriously, this is a non-issue. Just 2 women that want to through their tatas out in public to cause some controversy then bitch when they get made fun of by everyone in their unit. Most military females would know that showing their breats on a military base is going to make them a topic of many conversations, and few of them positive.


OK, I’m sensing just a little hyprocracy here. If I couldn’t have my hands in my pockets while waiting in line at the armory in the 12 degree temperatures because of uniform regs, they can’t bust ’em out in public. I mean, regs are regs and everyone needs to follow them wether you agree with them or not.


But the really important question has not been answered.
How many emails?
Army WTF facebook was running a thread with worst uniform violations at the same time this story surfaced.
Must be karma.


There it is #24! Not that I really blame anyone for thinking that.

But it DOES tick me off considerably that these two (plus all who approved/colaborated in/whatever this lunacy) can sully the image of the Air Force that so many of us served honorably.


@ #26 I whole-heartedly agree. It simply doesn’t matter what body part is being displayed for what reason. The uniform requires standards which apply to all who wear it. All the time.


Glad we have nothing better to worry about. Good thing everything is alright in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, China, etc.

Yep…everyone in the Pentagon has nothing better to do than think about breasts.


Where are the bronze stars?


“Tits, Toots…. Toots, Tits!”

George Carlin, the Seven Words You Cannot Say on Television.

Old Trooper

“Yep…everyone in the Pentagon has nothing better to do than think about breasts.”

You make that sound like a bad thing?


Whats next – Baby Formula MREs?

Old Trooper

@34: Ok, that’s just wrong. 😛


GTFO was my first thought, I don’t have a problem with breastfeeding but this abuse of the uniform is unacceptable. No one is restricting your right to breast feed, this is unacceptable and they should be hit with an Article 15, or whatever the chAIR Force calls them.

Then I saw that one of these individuals is Air National Guard, good job weekend warrior at bringing discredit upon up-standing Airmen all over the globe, even women that breast feed in private.


This shouldn’t be an issue since I’ve never known a parent of either gender to bring their kid to work except for occasional extenuating circumstances. The closest thing to this I’ve ever encountered at work was when some of the new Moms who didn’t use formula would periodically need to use a breast pump. This happened at most twice a day, lasted no longer than fifteen minutes, and took place either in the women’s bathroom or a lockable glorified closet that the platoon commandeered to serve as a changing room when we had afternoon PT.

Somebody at that base slap those two for starting this non-issue. I don’t foresee much input from other women on active duty since most are, y’know, doing their jobs supporting deployed personnel if not deployed themselves.


Anyone else aroused by that photo?? Haaa


Every male in the blonde’s unit should post this picture in their work spaces and vehicles to show her support. She would probably appreciate all the moral support from the male airmen.

My first thought after seeing the photo was a scene from “Me, Myself and Irene.”


I can’t tell what the controversy is. There’re babies in the way.


Could someone please move the kids!




[…] twits silenced June 1st, 2012 You remember Terran Echegoyen-McCabe and her friend Christina Luna who we discussed yesterday and their poster campaign to promote breast feeding in uniform. Well, it seems that they are […]


This whole thing is udderly ridiculous. I just hope the AF doesn’t milk the situation for all its worth.

Still, it’s nice to see that Jonn is keeping abreast of things.


Casey, it is quite the nomtroversy.




Geezo pete, you all made me laugh so hard I nearly fell off my chair. Scared the cat!

Most working moms who nurse their babies also pump their breasts because when they get full, it’s painful if they don’t do that, and they’ll dry up if they don’t keep the flow going. (No slimy comments, please.)

I think this was simply a publicity stunt by the Air Farce, nothing else, and a silly one, at that.


PH2, no it seems to be a publicity stunt by those two women. Search for the follow up article and it shows the Air Force and their unit politely telling them to STFU and stop using the uniform to further their agendas. After the ass chewing I’m sure they got I don’t think they’ll be helping with publicity campaigns for anything sketchier than the March of Dimes, Wounded Warriors, or the CFC for a long time.


I stand corrected. Thanks for the feedback.