Ouija board used to contact Harvey Milk on ship naming

| May 26, 2012

Country Singer sends us a link to an article in Seattle PI which tells the bizarre tale of how the the San Francisco City supervisor used a Ouija board to contact the spirit of Harvey Milk to consult with the phantom on the naming of a ship in his honor;

Supervisor John Avalos tells the San Francisco Chronicle that he believes he made contact with Milk’s spirit and that Milk spelled out letters indicating: “Good riddance to don’t ask, don’t tell.”

The Board of Supervisors approved the non-binding resolution Tuesday on a 9-2 vote.

From SFGate;

We “actually put our hands on the Ouija board and the letters g-o-o-d-r-i-d-d-a-n-c-e-d-a-d-t came out. We asked Harvey, and Harvey gave us these letters: ‘Good riddance don’t ask, don’t tell.’ It was quite clear that Harvey Milk would have been opposed to ‘don’t ask, don’t tell.’ I can honestly say that’s one aspect of this resolution that’s really valid.”

I don’t think Milk understood the question, because that’s no answer.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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I asked a Ouji board to contact Milk and all it told me was mooooooooo….


I suppose I could roll some chicken bones and they would say what I wanted them to say too.


I’m struggling to stop my brain from shutting down after reading that. Christ, how much worse is this gonna get?


Ouija boards and other occult things going on in Sodom-by-the-Bay? Say it isn’t so!

Guess this is time for my one and only SF occult story.

I was coming back from attending an industry conference in the Bay Area. Seated next to me was a lady.

About 1/2 way through the flight, we struck up a conversation.

Turned out she was a spiritualist, professional name “Madam Zola”. She handed me her business card.

It was shaped like set of full, pink lips with her professional name, “palmist-spiritualist”, and an address in SF. “But ignore the address, I’m moving to Sedona, Arizona,” she said.

I’d been to Sedona, and told her it was beautiful there. I asked her if she was moving there for the scenery.

“Oh no,” she answered matter-of-factly. “I’m moving there to be with my spiritual advisor when the aliens come back to take over the Earth.”

She was serious.

Needless to say, at that point the hair on the back of my neck began to stand on end. I shortly (and politely, I hope) ended the conversation.

I have rarely been as glad to get of a plane in my life.

Frankly Opinionated

Would we expect less from the land of Fruits n Nuts? Perfectly San Fransiscan behavior.


Well. OK.

This is but one result of dumping all the insane people out on the streets and encouraging them to reproduce.


What I would do to get the chance to pelt her with the collected works of Carl Sagan and Michael Shermer.


One more reason why I’ll never be visiting San Fran if I can help it. It might be a nice city, but I have no desire to visit a place run by…. I can’t even think of an adequate word for this kind of shit.


Well, this isn’t any more ridiculous than the way that lefties generally make policy (and there is precedent for them, what with John Edwards channeling dead babies in court and all).


does an Ouija board pick up a “lithhhp”?


@1…GREAT. Hahahaha


PS…Wouldn’t it be more fitting for SF to name a “ferry” after Milk?


The answer is 42. The Ouija board does not have the computational power to discern (or divine, if you prefer) the question.

CI Roller Dude

Wow, that solves a lot of misteries…you see those of us in the San Fran Bay Area considerd San Francisco like another country…they have such strange laws and things there… In may ways it’s like going back in time about 15-20 years.
Did you know they have no gun stores in that city? For that reason alone I’d never live there and try to avoid going there at all cost. It cost more to park there for a day than it does to rent a car.


TopGoz: No, “42” is the answer to the well-known question: “What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?”

RIP, Douglas Adams. We hardly knew ye.


I bet it also told john to ride the suspension cables of the golden gate bridge on a bicycle with no seat…wouldn’t surprise me at all.

Hack Stone

What idiot consults a Ouija board for advice? Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get my magic 8 Ball calibrated.


Redacted, hopefully it tells him to head to the Tenderloin next so we don’t have to deal with his crazy anymore.

Mike Kozlowski

…Some years ago I had a…um…internet relationship with a fairly well-known psychic in the Vancouver area; had her own local cable show and everything. Now, normally I do not and did not believe in that sort of thing, but one day I did something remarkably stupid at work and found myself wondering if I would be living in a cardboard box. People do things they ordinarily wouldn’t have in situations like that, and I asked her what she thought.

“Relax”, she said, “you’ll retire out of there.”

Needless to say, the next day I got 86’d. My psychic friend couldn’t understand why the spirits led her wrong .



So San Fran’s Supervisor consults ouija boards and takes the results seriously, huh. That… actually explains a lot.


could a oija board be used to get an intelligent response from Ray Mabus? With his head so far up his ass, it’s hard to understand him at times


I will try to remember to check my tea leaves later…

Yat Yas 1833

I wonder if Mexico would be willing to trade Baja California for Kalifornia?! The drug cartels would be way easier to deal with than the nuts jobs in the People’s Republic. Present company excepted of course.


Stacy0311: IMO a ouija board would produce a more intelligent response than most of Mabus’ recent decisions. Maybe he should investigate using one.

‘Course, IMO the proverbial village idiot could also produce more intelligent response than most of Mabus’ recent decisions.

The Dead Man

So they finally upgraded from Alphabet Soup?


Stacy, I think you’d get better results if you put all your questions into coloring book format.

Doc Bailey

Non-binding resolutions do what exactly? What a bunch of f**king Morons. Its not like they don’t have legitimate things to do.


Aw, but Doc, the moonbats prove their good intentions by talking about issues. They are not required to actually do anything about stuff. Hand wringing and whining – that’s all they need to feel good about themselves.

And since it’s all about them, that’s pretty much the end of the story.

tavern knight

IMO, the message had REALLY read…

“Good riddance to (Harvey Milk); don’t ask (us any questions), (and we) don’t tell (any lies).”

Considering that the San Fran Milkites didn’t like Satan’s humor, they reworded the message.