Warriors over Wasatch

| May 27, 2012


Dead Man sends us some pictures from his trip to Warriors Over Wasatch airshow yesterday at Hill Air Force Base, UT.


The Salt Lake Tribune estimated the crowd at 100,000;

The day culminated with the F-16 Thunderbirds — in a precisely choreographed series of moves that included the neat diamond formation, knife-edge passes, maximum-performance turns, crossovers, inverted rolls and more — thrilling the crowd.

Stewart and Ruth Hunsaker drove in from Smithfield Saturday afternoon.

“It just shows the thousands of hours that these guys put in for training,” said Stewart Hunsaker, a retired national guardsman. “I never get tired of seeing them fly. They put on a fantastic show — heck yeah, that’s why I came.”



There are more pictures at Dead Man’s Photobucket. Enjoy

Category: Air Force

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The Dead Man

Unfortunately I missed the Thunderbirds demonstration, my little cousin that shows up a few times in pictures was wet and cold and in particular didn’t want to stay anymore, especially after they called the demonstrations for a while due to the weather.

If my work schedule isn’t further borked by a coworker’s girlfriend having a kid I’ll try to get back out tomorrow to get pictures of the MiG dogfighting demonstration and the Thunderbirds, assuming it doesn’t get rained out again.

Yat Yas 1833

I, as other Marines, take great delight in ragging on the “lesser” branches of the military. A former girlfriend was originally from Utah so I spent a great deal of time up there. I’ve been to Hill and seen the show and it’s worth any trip to get there to see it. Good job zoomies.


I just got back from today’s show. The weather was absolute crap this morning with the wind, rain, and hail. Spent about 2 hours sitting in the back of the C-17 trying to stay warm and dry. Once the weather started to clear, it did get nice out and the rest of the show was great. Well worth the trip.

B Woodman

“. . . estimated the crowd at 10,000.”
Beats the hell out of those Hundred Mom Marches, Code Punk, and other libturd anti war gatherings.