SPLC: Leader of the Black Panthers is a far right activist

| May 24, 2012

Seriously, these guys are so full of shite:

The last decade has seen major changes in the American radical right. What was once a world largely dominated by a few relatively well-organized groups has become a scene populated by large numbers of smaller, weaker groups, with only a handful led by the kind of charismatic chieftains that characterized the 1990s. At the same time, there has been explosive growth in several sectors of the radical right, especially in the last few years, much of it driven by anger over the diminishing white majority (the Census Bureau has predicted that non-Hispanic whites will fall to less than 50% of the population by 2050) and the severe dislocations caused by a still-ailing economy.

And, listed in their Top 30 activists:

Malik Zulu Shabazz

Malik Zulu Shabazz
Date of Birth:



Washington, D.C.


Category: Politics

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Jonn Lilyea

I think I saw Shabazz at a Tea Party rally once with an Obama as Hitler placard waving a Gadsden flag. Maybe not.


Oooooh, Don Black–white supremacist. Wasn’t he tight with the Ron Paul folks both in 2008 and this year?

Zero Ponsdorf

I can’t help myself…

I want NOT to laugh, and it really isn’t funny, but I’ll just go with painfully silly?

Like watching some poor nitwit doing a face-plant during some stunt maybe? In slo-mo and fast forward/rewind over and over?

Jonn Lilyea

I noticed that Pam Gellar made the list, too – how come we didn’t. I’m sure we’re on record as making fun of Mark Potok more often than anyone else. First losing the Milbloggies and now this.


Shabazz recently took up that noted right wing position of “kill all white babies” (I saw that the other day on Ace).


Potock is not a recognized member of nor next of kin to the Swamp People…He wouldn’t last fifteen minutes on his own out in Bayou Ne’ Gre’

Yat Yas 1833

This crap is giving me a headache! Even though it’s early, 1230 MST, I’m having a beer!? Does the SPLC have any idea of what they “supposedly” stand for?!? The Black Panthers are right wing?!? I’m gonna insert a Merle Haggard CD and crack a Coors Light!!!


Oh, that is just too funny.


That is funny…since when the hell has Coors Light ever been considered beer?

On an unrelated note, bottling the latest batch this weekend.

And Potok is reaching badly if he’d stoop to that point for donations.


Street, Potok wouldn’t last 10 minutes on his own at the neighborhood Wal-Mart.
Listening to the SPLC and Potok is akin to watching The World’s Dumbest on TruTV.

B Woodman

Dear Mr Podunk,
I think it’s time to unwind the tin foil from around your head and the tourniquet from around your neck, and allow some of that blood to have access to flow to your two remaining firing brain synapses.