Today’s feel good story

| May 24, 2012

Chief Tango sends us a link to a story from North Carolina that should make your heart sing about a store owner who dispatched two thieves who had beat him unmercifully with a gun he kept under his counter;

“They beat him down to the floor,” Webb said. “It was at that point where the store owner reached under the counter, while lying on the floor, for a weapon he kept there. He fired a shot at one of the assailants, striking him in the abdomen.”

Despite the bullet wound, Webb said that suspect was able to exit the store.

“At that point the second suspect was at or near the door and pointed his weapon at the store owner,” Webb said. “The store owner then fired three shots at that suspect.”

Webb said by the time the owner exited his store he discovered one of the suspects lying in the parking lot.

Police later found found the second spirited youngster about 150 yards away in the woods.

In a later article, it’s reported that the two were brothers;

Gates County Sheriff Ed Webb confirmed the identities of the two suspects Wednesday afternoon, reporting they were 20-year-old Eddie Felton and his 17-year-old brother, Quentin, both of the Winfall community.

Brother together for ever. What could be a happier story? Well, the store owner was briefly hospitalized for his injuries, but he’s been released. See? It’s better for everyone now.

Authorities say they are looking in to whether the suspects are related to a string of other robberies in the area, though reports have not yet detailed the suspects’ descriptions.

Whether they were involved in the other crimes or not, I’ll bet misbehavior in that neighborhood falls off significantly.

Category: Guns

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This needs to happen thousands of time MORE per day …


I just hope, for the store owner’s sake, that he has a camera system, and the whole thing was caught on video.


Good guys-2

Thug life-0


More of “Obama’s sons?”


He’d better be careful, their parents might come out and say they were good kids… at which point Jar-Jar Jackson and Al Sharpieton might…

Oh, nevermind, they were white. This is a non-story to the Lame-Stream Media.


Flag–not according to the fourth paragraph of the linked story. While it saddens me to where it’s almost automatic to ask, it doesn’t surprise me.


The reality is, these two decedent’s were working as “field test agents” for President Obama’s experimental “Department of Wealth Redistribution”(DoWR). Instead of going in with the mandatory Men in Black uniform(MIBU), they attempted to go undercover as men in disguise(MID), a tactic that has obviously failed the advanced field testing constraints imposed upon them by their immediate department supervisors, Shaniqua & Tyrone….But, I digress.


Oh, stop, Street! This cuppa is too good to waste spewing it all over the room.


Hmm, Eddie and Quentin got ventilated, and apparently Lamont took off with the getaway car? Bet he got nervous when the first Brotha exited the store with a hole in him and staggered off, then he decided it was time to be gettin’ home when the second Brotha lurched out and fell to the ground within reach of the passenger door of their ride.
And, they were just gettin’ their lives turned around.

Hack Stone

That second article had a comment complaining that the described two recently deceased as two black men, but no description of the store clerk. I pointed out that there was description of the store clerk, black and blue.

As for these two fine upstanding men who could have looked like president Obama’s sons, the unanswered question is will they print seperate commemorative t-shirts, or will their photos grace the same t-shirt?

It’s starting to get pretty dangerous for criminals in NC. I may need to relocate down there.


At least his dad said they deserves it, but it is sad that they got killed. I wouldn’t blame the store owner for doing this. But they are maybe going to arrest him!?!

B Woodman

Brothers forever, in life and death. . . .


@ Hack; You are correct, the store owner was described as being black and blue…Read your comment over on the last newspaper article. lmao!

Yat Yas 1833

NO ONE can tell me that an armed citizenry doesn’t make for a safer society. Those of us trained in the martial arts are a 2nd line of defense behind our local law enforcement officers. My next door neighbor, Janet, has said that she loves having someone with fire arms training living next-door.


Well there’s an age old saying: If you want to report a crime, call the police. If you want to PREVENT a crime, buy a god damn gun!


In regards to that they may be responsible for other robberies, well, at least these 2 won’t be in the police lineup. Great story with a happy ending!