Out on Patrol with Captain America and Pookie

| April 28, 2012

In my defense, a first call of 0300 for a media embed is unconscionable. (Joes were 0200)

Nonetheless, when I showed up at the vehicles this morning for our SP time, my vehicle-mates would have been well within their rights to just send me back to my hooch. No MRE. Camelback empty. No gloves. Wearing sunglasses and using a white light (I honestly just thought it was dark.) And my field and stream shirt was inside out, so not only was the collar on the inside of my armor and rubbing the wrong way, but the interior mesh of the shirt was on the outside. And I might never have known about this deficiency until I caught sight of my shadow, and realized that those straps you use to make your shirt short-sleeved were hanging down from me. Dude, soup sandwich don’t have [stuff] on me.

Today was day 2 of actual patrols with the ANA, and I remain impressed by them. I was sitting outside one Qalat with an E4 (maybe an RTO) who looked up at his ANA counterparts and waved to one of them. “You know what pisses me off about the media and civilians?” he asked. “They either badmouth the ANA or they think all of these people are savages. Neither is true.” he lamented as he shook his head.

The man “Parachute Cutie” calls “Captain America”, the CO of Able company agrees. “Look at ’em, doing everything we do.” The CO and the 1SG are a hilarious couple. They remind me of the guys from the old Bartles and James commercials where one guy talks nonstop, and the other just sort of nods. You could ask 1SG if he could pass the salt and somehow, without breathing, he’d be still talking 20 minutes later, and telling you how much he is pulling for some girl on The Voice. The CO is more like me, you have a certain number of spoken words you can use each day, and he is economizing them, and his are spoken in this Tennessee drawl so I listen pretty close to every one of them.

The two of them never stop smiling, answer everything I ask, and tease the troops and each other mercilessly. In fact, everyone in this unit smiles a lot. My only complaint at all is that the PSG I am with smiles right before he launches into epic arse-chewings, and I never get a chance to get it on video. It’s not what he says neccessarily that makes them epic, but he has this certain panache that makes his rants so enjoyable. I swear, I look around before patrols in hopes someone isn’t wearing knee pads, which to hear him tell it might be worthy of a court martial.

But today I got to follow the CO around, and watch him interact with the troops, the terp (“Cletus” is probably not his given Afghan name, but it is on his nametape) and the Afgan Army guys. He pointed out all the stuff they were doing. For instance, we were moving through one village, and it had probably 20-30 qalats, and in-between the houses were 2-300m open spaces. Where on my deployment here (’04-05) I had witnessed similiarly situated ANA guys walking around in circles or playing soccer with UXO (well, it probably wasn’t unexploded ordinance, but it was a cylinder that looked unhealthy) these guys set up overwatch positions, and then bounded in 2 elements.

When we went into the compounds, they didn’t steal everything that wasn’t tied down, they talked to the homeowner first, requested permission to climb up on the roofs, didn’t leave litter everywhere, and then thanked the guy when we left. They continue to not get the total concept of safety* but on tactical stuff they are great. They understand how to use the maps, and communicated through the radios pretty effectively.  When one guy was apparently not pulling his weight yesterday morning, he literally got a boot to his arse, and then the ANA Commander took away the guys weapon and chased him back on the compound.  They seem to take real pride in the work they are doing, and seem very cognizant of the importance.  It may be a small thing, but they decorate all their vehicles with the Afghan flag, and they seem to be very cogniscent of emerging nationalism.

*Case in point was the weapons test fire the other day, and this other poor cat that was in the back of a pickup that I saw the other day. Undeterred by a man standing in the back with a DShK attached to the roof, the driver decided to take a series of bumps at about 30 MPH. Guy in the back had to let go of the gun, and grab onto the side of the truck. The perturbations of the vehicle of course send the DShK spinning in a circle, so now the guy is holding on for dear life to the sides, while simultaneously channeling Jackie Chan’s ducking ability to keep from getting his block knocked off by a machinegun.

Another patrolmate today was Pookie, some sort of mutt that the guys think is a guardian angel. It should be noted that this Talisman of Luck is not being fed, owned or in anyway controlled by the Joes (that would violate General Order 1B prohibiting pets) but rather appears to live over at the ANA compound, and runs out at the sound of vehicles. This isn’t a dog I would take home to play with mine. The only reason I was upset about not bringing my gloves this morning was because I would rather shower with turpentine than pet that dog without gloves on. MOPP 4 would even be preferred. But that guy was running alongside the vehicles as we left and then patrolled with us when on the ground. A few times he got a little lazy and just skipped large portions of the road on cut-backs, but most the time he ran right behind one of our vehicles. Was glad to see Pookie with us today though, since I saw a dead dog yesterday on patrol, and it made me a bit sad.  The guys think nothing bad will happen when Pookie is around.

Anyway, that is it for today. It’s noon and I am exhausted. And I just ate what they refer to as “chow” here, and I therefore know I have a date with the restrooms in my near future. After that, a shower, some laundry, and then a nap that will last through first call tomorrow. Let’s hope common decency prevails and that first call isn’t before….oh, let’s say 0900.

Category: TSO Embedded in A'stan

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Parachute Cutie

I wondered why in the heck I woke up at this ungodly hour and now I know why…you had a new post up.

Not going to lie, your writings about the ANA are totally catching me by surprise. Honestly, I didn’t think they were worth a poop. I can only hope that the ANA in other parts of the country are pulling their weight as well as those you are with are. Seems that even the ANA are being pooped on my the MSM. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I think they are anything near pare with our men, I’m just saying that I thought they were total jackwagons.

Keep the news and info coming, Mark. Above all stay safe.

Oh, and give Captain America a hug from me will ya? RLTW!

Old Tanker

There is a guy I went to basic with who is now a 1SG in Afghanistan. He grew up an Army brat as his father was a CSM when we were in basic. When we got to our first duty station he and I were crewmates on the Lt’s tank and could that guy talk!!! I’m not sure how much oxygen actually got to his brain he talked so much. He always had a smile on his face too, seemed like nothing ever got him down. Thinking of you 1SG Collum!!


🙂 Interesting and funny. Be safe.


So who is 1SG’s favorite on the voice…Raelyn…Juliet? Come on these things are important!


Heh. I hope the ANA are this together everywhere, or at least headed in that direction. Good report, a little surprised like Parachute Cutie, though.

Any way to confirm how widespread this competence is in the ANA? What about the police? Are they coming along, too?

I and the Brothers have been praying that all the killin’ and destruction shall not have been in vain, is all.

ABLE Seven (aka: 1SG)

Seriously…the ANA are leading from the front, doing things right, and you want to know who the 1SG is behind on “The Voice”?

Even in such serious times, there needs to be time for diversion.

Juliet Simms; she is, hands down, the most connected to her music. Now, she needs to connect with the teeny-bop airheads that actually cast the votes that decide her fate.


TSO, your observations are worth their weight in gold. I am also surprised by what you report of the ANA. We don’t EVER hear any of that in the MSM. This is important and needs to be known.

On a lighter note…I love the humor in your reports, too! Stay safe!


Your report tracks with what close friends and relatives have said. No way to confirm with the “journalists” or official reporting, of course. Sad.


I’m surprised at the competence your seeing from the ANA as well……I hope its not an isolated case….but it seems far more positive than I’ve heard from guys downrange lately.

Very good writing TSO. I come to TAH daily anyway…..but you’ve made it even more enjoyable.


Nice to see we’re getting a perspective that isn’t the MSM and further from someone 1-who has worn a uniform, 2-understands what a military is for, 3-doesn’t have some sort of score to settle.

Come back safe man.


Able! She’s my favorite as well, I wish she would get a little more grungy again with her singing like she did on Roxanne!


Thanks TSO. The good news about the ANA guys is welcome here to us old crusties. You have no idea how important it is that we hear this.


Sounds like the ANA I had in 2006-2007. Pretty professional group. They are getting better, though.

Parachute Cutie

1SG!!! I can’t believe you were here and I wasn’t ABLE to respond until now. Very appreciative of you and your men for training the ANA to be more capABLE!

Be safe!!!


….I’m Jealous TSO…we’re still jumping through hoops here. I folded up your shit as I was sure you would surface on an AQ video. Glad these guys are getting the coverage they deserve. Drop me an email when your awake.


Godspeed, TSO. Won’t tell you to “stay safe” – that’s not completely under your control, ’cause the enemy gets a vote. But you can be careful. So be careful, friend.


[…] have called some friend. Here’s another example which (I believe) supports my argument, from This Ain’t Hell: Today was day 2 of actual patrols with the ANA, and I remain impressed by them. I was sitting […]

Cedo Alteram

TSO, nice update, keep’em coming.

On your description of the ANA. I hope your right that this is representive of the emerging ANA, that would be a good omen. I do recall that there was a unit of their regular Army in the south that had an above average reputation. I can’t remember if it was a single Kandak(battalion) or entire brigade though.


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