Another Facebook hero

| April 28, 2012

Folks have been sending me links to this doofus’ Facebook profile all day. So I guess I’ll share.

He’s a genuine hero, you can tell from his real STRAC salute and the longtab over his 25th ID combat patch and the flag on the wrong shoulder facing in the wrong direction;

And he’s so secret squirrel that he can’t wear name tapes. But the eye makeup looks good with ACUs;

I wonder what’s up with the over-sized caps these days. Aren’t the surplus stores stocking the right sizes?

Category: Phony soldiers

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looks like dickless deleted his account. posers are like cockroaches; the run and hide when the lights come on.

B Woodman

Two – – – bright – – – shiny – – – aiming – – dots.
Just – – aim – – in – – the – – middle – – and – – squeeze – –


I find it funny that he says that he went to Kaplan University and went through ROTC there. Kaplan doesn’t even offer an ROTC program, their one of those get your degree on your own time type of schools.

Yat Yas 1833

Well Guys, this is interesting. I ‘shared’ one of his poser pictures to my Facebook timeline with an explanation of his ‘sins’ with his E-bay uniform and now it’s gone! Hmmm…


Dingus deleted his profile. No worries, I know of several people who took screenshots and were either emailing it to the proper authorities or planning on directly contacting them today. And if you want some great laughs, check out


To be honest this looks like the same guy that set up the fake steve jordan page, and could have been the
“Bradley Manning” that was trolling that little penis wrinkle yesterday. If so, it is comedy GENIUS!!


So, he’s backing Snake-Eyes Jordan’s story, eh? Hmm.

Could this be Soup Sandwich’s Retarded Brother’s Disturbed Nephew?


Someone is just doing it to make fun of them all, if you look closely our buddy SFC Tillson was also part of their “unit”…

The commentary is hilarious


@ ALCON: Yo .. cut this guy some slack! It must be difficult to square away the uniform when you are sniffing household cleaning products and drinking mouthwash all day … just to get high. He is just trying to BE AN ARMY OF ONE!


Awww, let up, he’s kind of cute… He reminds me of that boy from “Malcolm in the Middle.” Well, that and I have always been a sucker for men in make-up. Sigh… How history repeats itself.


So I had a chat with the person he had listed as “In a relationship” with her name is Heather Schatzman….here is what she had to say
Michael Mehrhoff
Well I see he has deleted his profile but did you know Mike wilson?

Heather Schatzman
Yes, I am his fiance. he is genuine and he served for six years so if you want to harrass me about his service you can shove your harrassment shit up your ass. ps. if you know anyone else who says otherwise, tell them the same. He is real, so deal with it ass hole

Yat Yas 1833

@61 Michael, went to her Facebook time line and left a message. I gave her my Facebook name and my ‘tag’ here and have yet to get a response
to either. Hmmm…


I smell BULLSHIT!!


Wow, just wow. This butt nugget lives in Fountain Valley? I’m gonna be up there this weekend from O’side. I might have to take my FAT (faker alignment tool, aka axe handle) along with me.

What a turd of the highest order….

15D10 AZNG

Little fucktard only attracts fatties and homoes. Go figure.


[…] Wilson compounds the douche-baggery May 6th, 2012 You might remember Mike Wilson from when we discussed him last month. He was a secret squirrel First Lieutenant who looks like he’s about twelve years old. Well, […]


As we say in the South: “Bless his heart…” LOL!!!

Roger Baker

Every weekday I go to Walter Reed Hospital in Bethesda, MD. (yeah, they merged) As I report each weekday for my radiation treatments, I pass a dozen or so wounded warriors, many missing limbs and working through it. I am not a wounded warrior, just a highly-ill veteran retiree. I see these men and women who have risked all and paid a price (not the ultimate one, thank God!)

Then I see this useless fake.

If our Supreme Court can’t decide this, sadly some veteran will. Yeah, I’ll take him on. I am on crutches, fighting cancer, and doing okay. He’s on sad beginnings headed towards a tragic ending. I might not win, but it doesn’t take much. He’s wounded every vet, every family who has lost a vet.

Shame. Just a shame.

Strike and Kill

here’s the latest from the Real Mike Wilson posted on his site-“Okay. This is to all you assholes posting that I am not a Vet. My Middle name is LYNDEN!!!! Its NOT Jason its LYNDEN you fuckholes. So all of you posting all this shit better stop or I will get MY old team together and I will have your heads in all aspects of the law. SO FUCK OFF!!!!” Can you believe he is going to get his guys from the 582nd Rangers on us all,

Yat Yas 1833

WAAAA! You guys busted me and have proven me to be a fraud and a liar so I’m going to curse and threaten so you’ll leave me alone.


I’m guessing a handful or so of guys dressed from anything to Snake Eyes from G.I. Joe to Goku from Dragon Ball Z, all armed with orange tipped “real steel” airsoft weapons. Scary stuff. Really.

Strike and Kill

You know, someone should send him and his one and only a copy of the AR670-1 and let her judge for herself, as for her thinking he is telling the truth, hell she must be a glue sniffer, the years don’t even match up, at the time he was suppose to be in the army, he was being prosecuted for stabbing some fella….
F Campbell
SSG USA (ret)

Strike and Kill

I quit worrying about this mess of flesh months ago, starting with the timeline he claims to have served, according to police records on the stabbing incident he was 16 in 2011, said he served 6 years from 2012 back, that would make him 11 years old when he enlisted…..


Jeez, could these stupid douchebags look up on the Internet how ACUs are supposed to go?


I still have plenty of friends in Faggot Valley, let alone, Little Saigon. I end up wondering if there is something wrong with your head because your PC looks bigger than your damn head. Plus, what is up with the shiny ranks on them collars? And you’re a fuzzy patch too! US Army is your surname? Why is the flag facing backwards? When were we authorize to wear a black undershirt anyhow? The way you salute is also ate the fuck up. What a fucking douche!


I’m betting the “fiancee” is just more of his bullshit, not a real person.


The lying douchebag STILL has the pics up and still claims super secret squirrel status for his non-existent Army career. Be sure to drop him a line expressing an appropriate level of admiration for his valor thievery..!

Eagle II

That is the FUNNIEST looking specimen I have ever seen… he looks like he was washed, dried and shrunk or his clown suit was stretched. With en electric strawberry no less.. I know some guys from the 1/5ht Mech who’s love to take him out for dinner. ( not to )

Eagle II

No sheet… Airborne Ranger too boot? I ran his name.. no one in Fountain Valley CA… out of 202 returns.

SrA Tom

Just saw something on him over at FADNET. Sweet baby Jesus. Guess no one paid attention to him when he was just a regular emo kid, because everyone knows their issues are made up. Now he’s got to be a soldier because everyone knows they have issues, right. So he puts on a uniform, makes up a story, and talks about the issues he doesn’t have. Also, I think he’s wearing guyliner. I want to crush his skull for his atrocious trigger discipline, let alone his obviously fallacious claims. He also looks like he does something else that sounds a lot like fallacious…


Okay … so this thread is dead; BUT! I can’t believe no one here did a mad-minute on him from CIs quote (#1):

“…. All I ask is that when I die just drop me out of a C-130 in the middle of the Pacific along with my dog tags and M-14. Bury me in the lean and rest. HOOAH!!!! AIR ASSAULT!!!!”…”

The “lean and rest”?????????????????????????

Nah! He couldn’t mean “the front leaning rest”, could he???
From the Top Ten Hit Parade:

“….If I land on the old drop zone,
Box me up and ship me home;
Pin my wings upon my chest,
…and bury me in the leaning rest!”

Hey-Hey All the Way!
We run every day!

Ranger Class 14-80