USSS went to strip clubs in El Salvador

| April 27, 2012

While I was at Walter Reed yesterday, I was subjected to the background noise of CNN all day (in the good old Bush days, it was Fox…go figure) and they were out raged that 20-something and 30-something American men who are assigned to the US Secret Service went to a strip club. Regular readers will remember that I have little love for the Secret Service, but a strip club? Give me a break.

All of you who have never been in a strip club in your younger years, raise your hand. Yeah, that’s what I thought. I’ll admit that I haven’t been in one since I was married without my wife (yes, we’ve been to strip clubs together, she also goes with me to Hooters). I guess there’s a strip club near our new home, but I haven’t felt the urge to go (mostly because the thought of my neighbors dancing naked is a little frightening).

Irrespective of whether or not it’s against Secret Service regulations (I don’t know), what’s the big deal? I’m beginning to think that the media is creating these “scandals” to desensitize us to some real scandals from this administration which they know are forthcoming. Because, in my opinion, this one isn’t a scandal at all.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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I think if you look at the secret service scandal and combined with other made up bullshit like guys posing with suicide bombers, pissing on taliban corpses, scout snipers posing with flags it’s all made up outrage. The reason why I say that is for thousands of years warriors have been cleaving there enemies heads in, posing with their enemies bodies, and banging the local whores. That’s what happens when you give a guy between the ages of 18-30 an axe, musket, m4 etc. Now in the 21st century first world counties have gone so fucking soft that it’s outrageous when men go kill people or fornicate with other women. To be honest if I were doing a boat float with the Corps or down in South America with the USSS I would definitely go out get shithoused and get laid. Shit, I did it in New Orleans on a 4 day pass before we stepped for afghanistan


Americans in titty bars abroad?! SAY IT ISN’T SO!!!


Looks like much more than “went to a strip club”, Jonn. There are also allegations of consorting with prostitutes.

I generally don’t care what people do on their off time, who they sleep with, or if they pay for sex so long as it’s consensual. But in certain jobs/positions, dalliances such as this can make one susceptible to blackmail or coercion. I really don’t think it’s a good idea for Secret Service agents on a POTUS protection detail or advance team to put themselves in a position where they might be blackmailed or coerced.


Wait, since when does guys wanting to look at naked/semi-naked women news?

Apparently, I could break a huge scandal for the MSM by just tipping them off on when payday comes around and telling them to line up just off any Army post in the country.

Guys like booze and naked women. Its a fact.

Damn MSM asshats


Quick, look over there! It’s a distraction!


Guys: the strip club part isn’t the problem. It’s the apparently routine public ID of themselves as Secret Service to impress the locals and the apparent pattern of consorting with local prostitutes. Establish a pattern of either, and you’ve IDed yourself as a potential target for entrapment. Tthe “honey pot” scheme has been used repeatedly in history to coerce people in key positions. Google Clayton Lonetree, Irvin C. Scarbeck, Mordechai Vanunu, Bernard Boursicot, Katrina Leung, and Won Jeong-hwa for examples.

For people doing POTUS security work, this type of behavior is just too risky to allow.


@6 that’s what blows my mind because if you’re in a third world shithole you shouldn’t have to ID yourself with what you do because you’re American and obviously have money. You shouldn’t have to tell the local whore house you’re USSS IOT to get a Pro. Amature hour indeed


I guess having “pesonality” as it used to be called just isn’t enough anymore. And I’m with ya on the local strip club thing, Jonn. I don’t want to walk into what passes for one here and see 300 pounds of snaggle-toothed stretchmarked sad hanging off the pole. I’d be tempted to laugh before I realized, “Hey! I shouldn’t make fun of her. Her kids could be watching!”


It’s what happens when “Leading by Example” no longer governs.


All this phony outrage is tiring. Meanwhile real issues are being ignored.

Oh, well. Wish we still had some media with the intellect, character, or whatever it is that they currently lack to look at the world with eyes mature enough to really see.

The fact that US citizens/government employees abroad would visit the local establishments is not the issue at all. It is the manner in which they make those foreign contacts which is in question. Were they on duty? Did they violate their own regs? Did they compromise security in any way?

We don’t know. We may never know. I really am more concerned with what is going on behind the curtain over there, or under that table in the corner. And, as always, wondering why we are being distracted with this nonsense.


” I’m beginning to think that the media is creating these “scandals” to desensitize us to some real scandals from this administration which they know are forthcoming.”

Yes, you figured it out, dammit, it’s a vast left-wing conspiracy.


It wasn’t news when a prior President got a blow job in the office.


TINS. A friend of mine went to his first and last strip club when he turned 18. He’d settled in for the show when someone called out, “Hi Tom!” and a dancer settled down next to him. It was a gal he’d gone to high school with who also happened to be the county commissioner’s daughter. Tom said it just wasn’t fun after that. And as John said, Tom didn’t want to meet any MORE of his neighbors.


What’s next, Secret Service Agents not washing their hands after exiting the restroom?


****Hand Raised****


“Guys: the strip club part isn’t the problem. It’s the apparently routine public ID of themselves as Secret Service to impress the locals and the apparent pattern of consorting with local prostitutes. Establish a pattern of either, and you’ve IDed yourself as a potential target for entrapment. Tthe “honey pot” scheme has been used repeatedly in history to coerce people in key positions. Google Clayton Lonetree, Irvin C. Scarbeck, Mordechai Vanunu, Bernard Boursicot, Katrina Leung, and Won Jeong-hwa for examples.

For people doing POTUS security work, this type of behavior is just too risky to allow.”

What Hondo said. Also, these guys aren’t a pack of grunt E-4s coming out of the field on pass.

I was a PSD guy in the late 80s for Lt Gen Harrison. Your team doesn’t go do stupid stuff while on mission; that especially includes when the Boss hasn’t even arrived yet. Imagine your quartering party drunk and partying with hookers when you roll in with the main body. Thats what happened here and there’s no excuse for it.


I think it was Romney who said that The current COWboy in the WH cannot win on his policies, so he is using diversions to beef up his lame attempt at a second term…

That being said, I don’t give a shit about the “scandal”! What I give a shit about is moral codes and if one is married and seeking prostitutes for fun…well, it makes you one sorry bastard that should have to pay for being caught.

Titty bars and looking, lap dancing…no problems there, all in good, clean fun. Women I know tend to get mad about the mens going without them, but I suggest it makes for great sex…and stop being a prude. If women are beautiful and do that for money, well, so what? It’s not exploitation as some believe because they choose it. No one says that about the Chippies do they? Yeah, didn’t think so…

P.S. IF the slogan I heard has any meaning- “Wheels Up, rings off!” Their dicks need to be dipped in Brut 33.


Again, folks: I couldn’t care less about these guys going to a srip club or hiring a pro for a little horizontal mambo. I do care that they’re immature enough to do the latter while participating in a POTUS security mission. That’s just foolish, is a bad security practice, and could potentially be setting them up for future blackmail and/or coercion.

While on such a mission, that kind of behavior is reckless in the extreme. Period.


Oh no, American men paid for sex in a country where it’s legal? Noooooo


Karlen- people have been pissing in my Wheaties all week…and you are no different…are you stupid or just acting like it?


I think she was being sarcastic, defendUSA.


Funny – I’m about as conservative as they come, but I had a very similar conversation with my husband about this latest “outrage”. I guess I tend to be a realist about human nature, and though I may not like/agree with certain choices young men make (and wish they would make do things differently so they’d avoid the ongoing fallout), it’s not something I find particularly surprising. Frankly, I’d be more surprised if things weren’t going on.

But to do those things on while on duty, or say say who you were and what you’re doing, and then get caught?!? That’s just monumentally stupid and I don’t want stupid people responsible for protecting our officials.