A Whore by any other Name…

| April 20, 2012

Quick question: Just what is the difference between what the Colombian femmes de noché did for our Secret Service agents and their military support team and what the mainstream media is doing for their anointed leader, Barack Obama? Actually I have more respect for women who lay back and allow their bodies to be used for the carnal pleasure of strangers than I do for journalists who lay back and allow their educational and professional credentials to be debased and defiled by a political candidate and his party.

Both are whores.

But, as is so often true in this world, there are whores and then there are whores. Those who sell their bodies tend to do so because they have few other skills with which to earn a living. Media whores are a totally different thing. They don’t have to worry about basic sustenance of themselves and their families as do so many of the working ladies. Through their learned skills they can make their way in society. Why they then tend so debase themselves remains a mystery.
It is an entirely different thing that is for sale here. The ladies in Colombia were selling their sexuality and perhaps some of their self-respect. How much self-respect a woman gives up in the profession of prostitution has much to do with the culture in which she lives. From the up-front and in our faces flamboyancy of the ladies in question, I would guess that in Colombia, the stigma is not great, an attitude entirely different from that of our own culture where selling one’s body is just one small step above the most disgraceful behavior in which one can engage:

Selling your journalistic soul.

There is no group in America more openly engaged in overt prostitution than our mainstream media. And don’t be too quick to say, “Wait a minute, real whores do it for money.” Well so do the media whores. If they are successful in promoting their lefty candidate, then their perceived worth therefore increases. When they fall on the losing side, then their incessant hammering of the victor throughout his term of office endears them to the losing demographic until such time as they can throw their weight behind the election of one of their own. Make no mistake about it, they are for sale, wholly, totally completely for sale. Brian Williams might as well be perched on a barstool in a down-at-the-seams, Manhattan bistro with even bigger blow-dried hair and plenty of leg showing. Sliding way down-scale, Ed Schultz would be right at home under a streetlamp in Detroit. Examples could go on for paragraphs but you get the idea.
So the irony is we have media whores screaming about the immorality and irresponsibility of sexual whores and those who employ the services of those whores. For my money, The Democrats should patriate one of those Colombian prostitutes and make her their candidate for president. She couldn’t possibly be a sleazier sell-out than the loser they and their media hustlers are fronting now.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Media

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@Yoshi — Please note that I’m not implying that there is no occurrence of media bias……I simply think that institutionally speaking…it been far overblown and over relied on.

You also left out some conservative magazines in you list. But it’s beyond frustrating to try and type much on my phone.

Zero Ponsdorf

Jonn Lilyea #50: Thanks!


Spliff/DeWald–here’s hoping you soaked it and yourself in gasoline first. Cheers.

PowerPoint Ranger


If this is the case and there’s nothing to be done about it, why does the journalism world feel the need to cloak what they do in false objectivity? Why not be up-front with where you (the profession as a whole, not you specifically) stand on things and let the chips fall where they may? As much emphasis as the media has previously placed on truth in advertising, it seems that journalists could use some of that medicine.

Surely you aren’t trying to say that you have no clue why many folks in our community have a sour outlook on your post-retirement profession? That’s not an attack on you, BTW, it’s a legitimate question.


“Hey Mainstream Media, How about demoralizing the enemy for a change.” If you’ve seen my site icon, you’ve seen the tagline/motto. Is the media objective? Is it intellectually honest? Not a freaking chance. If it were, the content of its war coverage would reflect the Norm: Our Troops winning battles, Our enemy committing atrocities, Our Troops building schools, clinics, & protecting respectable local elders. If the MSM were objective, at least a story a week would be about an enemy atrocity: acid thrown in faces of school girls, schools firebombed, elderly Afghans & kids murdered, women stoned to death, etc. That is THE NORM. If it were objective, at least a story a week would be about a Soldier that organized an effort with other Troops, to give shoes, blankets, backpacks, paper and/or pencils to school kids or others. If it were objective, at least a story a week would be about a school that was recently opened, renovated, or improved, by Our Troops. If it were objective, nearly daily, we would hear that Our Troops killed or captured ENEMY, i.e. Taliban, Haqqani, IMU, or other terrorists affiliated with Al-Qaeda So, for your defenders of the honor of journalism, tell me why the uncommon, the unrepresentative story is seized on at every chance: those very few cases when the media believes Troops have behaved badly? Haditha, Abu Ghraib, Gitmo Koran Desecration, Marine Urination, Suicide bomber Pics, Troops involved in LEGAL prostitution activities, “Veteran” Violence? And why when those stories turn out to be false: Haditha (where “journalists” paid Al-Qaeda members for video of what they had set up), Gitmo (where it was the inmates desecrated the Koran), and Violence perpetuated by those the Military threw out, or those were never in the Military and lied about it, that we don’t see the same degree of coverage for how the Media was wrong? Why is it that when all is said and done, and the falsely accused found innocent (Haditha), the MSM still claims their false accusations were true? And no, being a Veteran does not make one immune from the… Read more »



I think I finally realized that journalism had turned its back on the “Fourth Estate” moniker in favor of the seemingly-preferred “Fifth Column” back in 2008.

What finally did it for me: the local paper had articles on the same day describing a McCain rally and an Obama rally. I didn’t have a problem with the McCain piece in and of itself; it was factual, neutral and pretty dry.

The Obama rally, though, was described with terms such as “jaw dropping”… and that wasn’t somebody being quoted in the article, that was the “journalist” reporting.


Great post Poetrooper. ‘Lostboys’ sure isn’t me, I didn’t bust Cope. Seems ole Lostboys has bristle chickens on his farm and many contacts in Bezerkley and Peeoria though.


Hello, Poetrooper, I’m BooRadley, and I’m generally a snob and only read the bloggers I know… and them only about half the time… that said– good post and welcome to TAH. 🙂