Ron Paul Video Game?

| April 20, 2012

No you heard right, there is going to be a Ron Paul video game to help his failing race for the White House. You know, the race in which he has yet managed to claim a single state in the primaries?

Yep this is not satire or from the Onion, this is a real project.

Ron Paul may not be the most avid gamer — but the leading libertarian certainly wouldn’t want to stop you playing his character in an upcoming videogame from Texas-based programmer Daniel Williams.

“Ron Paul: The Road to REVOLution” is a side-scrolling adventure game that echoes console classics of days gone by. Players take control of Dr. Paul as he sprints across the U.S., collecting coins (made of gold, of course) and delegates in a race for the White House.

The browser-based game has one level for each of the 50 states, and 13 boss fights — one for each branch of the Federal Reserve. Once released, it’ll be free to play.

So do not be suprised to see this spammed into your inbox or facbook page in the near future.

Category: 2012 election, Ron Paul

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Are you on drugs? Your written English is absolutely terrible and your information incorrect you idiot!

‘You know the race were he has yet managed to claim a single state?’


So, Anonymous, care to fill us in on which states that Ronpaul has “won”? I mean, it should be easy, right? Unless you go by what the media says about him. “And based off his latest fundraising reports, his campaign looks healthy for a candidate who has failed to win even one state contest this primary season”.(Emphasis added)


Anon…I’ll play ball with you. Which states has Paul won? More to the point, has he finished above third or fourth in ANY state that is closed primary? (Hint: no.) Contrary to the claims you and he have made, he is NOT the “true conservative” in the GOP primaries. He and his followers are for the most part woefully ignorant of the Constitution and what he can and cannot do in the thankfully near mathematical impossibility he could be elected President.

Now go spray some vinegar at chemtrails or what the hell ever nutbaggery you clowns are pulling this week


I like Ron Paul, I really do. I applaud his consistency, attention to the Constitution, ideas on the economy and calls for limited govt and individual liberty.

But then he goes and starts talking foreign policy and cancels all the good stuff out.

Not to mention he supports Kokesh, which I just can’t accept.

One thing the Paul crowd does not seem to comprehend is that even if elected President, he can’t magically make all his ideas reality. Congress would be even more grid locked than it is now with “that guy” in the WH.


Looks like the best game 1995 has to offer.

@4 – “One thing the Paul crowd does not seem to comprehend is that even if elected President, he can’t magically make all his ideas reality.”

It’s one thing the anti-Paul crowd does not seem to comprehend either.

The Dead Man

Wonder if the guy from Braid can check if the walking head sprite’s been lifted for animation frames like I’m thinking. And hey, don’t knock the nostalgic games.

Debating on if I can get a long enough segment to rip and use in a video though, I want to see the Contra guys or the Bionic Commando chasing him around. What, if they’re not going to take it seriously, why should I?


CI-I do comprehend it, yet the Ronulans don’t let that little nugget dissuade them for one second from their mindless droning about “true conservatism” or whatever horseshit they can dream up. If you really want to get down to it, even his economic policies are horseshit and would damage not just the US economy but the world’s for a generation or more.


@NHSparky – You may, but many seem not to. I’m not not with his economic polices writ large [not even a supporter of his campaign]….but he does remind us that even the GOP has failed to abide by their own principles regarding keeping the federal government within the bounds of the Constitution.

If his candidacy can help steer the ship back to those principles, I could vote GOP again.


Problem is, Paul is your prototypical hypocritical RINO. Most of his more rabid followers are conservatives or Republicans at all. Just look up the NH DEMOCRATIC primary results from January. You might be a bit surprised.


@ CI That’s one thing that is coming out of the Paul campaign. He’s certainly raising awareness on a lot of issues. I think it’s time for the GOP to admit big govt isn’t only bad when the other guys do it and start actually following true “republican” ideology.

Yat Yas 1833

Holy Crap! Here I was thinking the ‘Paul’ campaign WAS a video game!?! I’m still waiting for him to name ‘Luigi Mario’ as his running mate!


@11 Yat Yas: I hear that Pac Man (the original one) is also in the running.