That which Jimbo has wrought

| April 20, 2012

Apparently, we’ve stumbled upon a problem that is more widespread that we thought at first. COB6 sends;

I am very disappointed that you chose to post the merciless and disturbing photo of the former SF soldier senselessly destroying innocent shrubbery.

Surely you realize that this can only trigger other veterans with repressed rage against innocents!

Behold my lawn.

This could ignite a wave of violence aimed directly at the heart of domestic flora across the country!

The photo made me realize that you can not negotiate with grass; you can not contain it; you can not appease it. It must be destroyed! Every single Godless blade must face my wrath. There will be no peace until it is destroyed!

And the picture of COB6’s lawn, or should I say “killing field”?

I know the LA Times is just green with envy that we’ve discovered a plot among special forces soldiers to defoliate entire swaths of suburbia in their murderous frenzy. See, LA Times, you don’t have to think before you publish, just hit the button.

Category: Media, Satire

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That must be it! My mom called me last week to help her dig up the front yard and I told her I would.

I spent hours with a shovel just stabbing the dirt over and over again. I reveled in the weeds being destroyed, laughed as I tore chunks out of the ground!

Stop me before I dig again!!

Right Rev Mr. Wolf

Y’know, the TAXES one myst pay for such an opportunity as this. To be able to TAX ones self to such a degree of effort that you’d remove every TAXABLE blade of fine greenery.

Do you now wonder how TAXING it will be to have to render sod upon such ground?

Frankly Opinionated

And I “hangout” with those SF types, over at 7th SFG. I hope they don’t pass this merciless mindset to the RIs at 6th Ranger Training Bn. Imagine the shape of our pristine Florida Swamp if these RIs act like a Special Forces type. The Horror.

Frankly Opinionated

At least COB6 had the decency not to pose in front of his damage.


What are those little metal prongs sticking out of the dirt?


The horror…somewhere a hippie is crying for the death of this innocent plants!

Ever since my knees and back have prevented me from pushing a mower I have been tempted to pave my lawn and paint it green.


Hello. My name is OWB and I am an unrepentant weed wacker. Help me, please!

I do my best to hide these proclivities. I try to at least limit this weakness to several times a week. Sometimes I sneak out at night to maurade against weeds or to secretly plant something.

There are plants sitting on my deck right now! And a felled tree in the front yard!! Oh, NO! The disease is spreading across the internets. Sigh.


“I love the smell of Round-Up in the morning . . . smells like Victory!”


Hi OWB, Hondo, I keep a huge jug of round-up in the garage just to kill pesky weeds and grass that pops up in unwanted areas. Recently I murdered an 18×20 area of grass to put in an awesome Jr Commano Tranining area for lilttle guy. I screamed with joy as I sprayed the herbicide…I AM A MONSTER!!

CI Roller Dude

Agent Orange?

AW1 Tim

I understand that some on the left are now saying the only answer to all this dirt is AstroTurf!


Yer killin’ me, Hondo.

THIS, THIS is why we must be carnivores. There is absolutely no call for this level of decimation of foodstuffs for animals destined to be seared by flame.

For shame! And this, Jonn, is why you must name the cat “Tio Jaime”. It has been wriiten.


Shhhhh, Hondo, on the Round Up! Don’t let just everyone know about that one ’cause they are coming for it. Soon.


Wow–that kinda looks like my lawn. Guess I’ve been pissing off the back porch just a wee bit too much after all.

MAJ Arkay

Better to have destroyed the green stuff, than to find out it’s all grass burrs…

I sprayed grass burr killer with abandon, shouting to the skies for it all to “Die! Just Die!!!”

And I shall not lose sleep over it.


Frankly Opinionated

I just came in from torturing about an acre of our lawn. I didn’t kill it- I tortured it, cutting each little blade as it stood valiantly in front of the mower like a Chink in Tianimman square in Peking. Shit flew out the side discharge of the mower, little green grass limbs. When I checked the underside,it was wet with their green blood. The horror.