Crusaders sidetracked by Military Religious Freedom Foundation

| April 19, 2012

I know that’s one of TSO’s favorite organizations. I miss him. But anyway, they’ve set their sights on a Marine Corps unit, VMFA-122, that wants to return to it’s roots and recover it’s nickname “The Crusaders” which it had from 1957-2008. They became the “Werewolves” for four years and decided they wanted to own their legacy again. But of course, the MRFFs think that it would be too closely related to Christendom to allow the unit to be called what they want according to MSNBC;

“I don’t know that the Marine Corps could do anything more to fuel the cause of jihad,” said Mikey Weinstein, founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a nonprofit organization that advocates church-state separation. “It will directly end up taking lives and maiming members of our military.”

Of course, Mikey, a former Air Force officer and Reagan White House staffer really isn’t for religious freedom. The only religious freedom he supports is atheism. His main enemy is Christendom and anything that is even remotely connected to it. You can look at their website and you won’t find them fighting against any other religion. He’s worried that Christianists will take over the military, like our resident troll, Joe.

As I’ve said numerous times here, I never felt pressure from anyone to attend services or become a member of any denomination, so I think Mikey is just a paranoid nut in the same class as Joe.

“It’s a way for our Marines to draw on the service of the Marines before them, and to make their own history under the same name,” Weigel told the paper. “As the squadron prepared to celebrate its (70th anniversary), my intent was to return the squadron to the Crusader name since 50 of the squadron’s 70 years were under that name. The name change is a reflection of our heritage.”

Mikey should get in one of his time machines and go back and convince the Marines in 1958 to refrain from using the name. I suspect his reception would be somewhat less warm than it is now.

Thanks to Thom for the link.

Category: Military issues

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@45 – “I’d say there’s a bit more historical precedence FOR a religious observation or honoring of same than the other way around.”

No doubt about that, though I would counter that historical precedence does not automatically equate something being just and correct.


As an aside, the squadron, once commanded by Gregory “Pappy” Boyington, was originally the Candystripers. The official unit history can be found here:

The Dead Man

This reminds me of Smoking Commercials. I’m not a smoker, but I see those commercials and I contemplate picking it up out of spite.

I’m not even remotely religious, but I don’t see the point in getting upset about this kind of crap. They want to be called Crusaders? Not only do I support it wholly, but I hope they dig up Richard the Lionhearted’s standard to paint on their vehicles. Hell, I hope they take a page from the Brits and paint St. George’s cross on everything. The enemy already hates us, let’s stop pretending we can appease them and pull a page from Sherman’s book and burn our way to their surrender.


Yat Yas…also consider all the “religious” stuff that is named on government maps, like the Sangre de Christo Mountains in NM, or the fact that the state and federal government spend MONEY (gasp!) on signs for the Camino de Real and missions!!!

Oh, the horror!


Goz…while you’re at it, look up the history of VFA-143. The original name was supposed to be the Griffins, but when the squadron CO’s wife saw the patch, she said (in front of the pilots) that it looked like a puking dog. The name stuck.


#53 I think the same thing when I see those damn PSA’s. Annoying as hell.


Hey, Guess what Dave O – Hitler claimed to be a christian.


Sources, Joe – where are your sources? Or don’t you have any.

Not my job to find them. You’re the one making a claim – prove it.


Oh, Joe, there’s an old rule of thumb regarding argument. If you’re using Hitler as an example, you’re appealing to emotion and have already conceded that your argument can’t prevail on its merits.


Plenty of people claim to be christian that don’t act like it. What you say doesn’t matter — what you do indicates what you truly are.


Hondo, if you do a little seaching, you’ll trip over all the results.


Joe: I’m not the one making the claim – I’m calling bullshit. Prove what you’re claiming.

The Dead Man

Joe did you have a point other than invoking Godwin’s law in a bitter attempt at… Well something? Hitler ate sugar and liked dogs too, hell I’m sure he loved his mother too.

What happened to the good old days of funny and original trolls?


I find it funny that people claim they are being “brow-beaten” to become Christians in the service. In my unit we had Jewish soldiers, Wiccan soldiers, and even Jedi soldiers. Yes, religious preferences. Did they speak to the Chaplain? Yes, because the Chaplain is more than a religious leader, he is a counselor for when you didn’t want to see the shrink.

And Joe, you can claim to be a Christian all you want. Saying you are something is just blowing hot air out of your lungs. Your actions are what I use to determine whether you are a Christian/Muslim/Hebrew/ or not. Actions are the truth, words are only air.


Hondo, Joey may not be replying because Wikipedia is changing their articles every minute or so. That’s his usual “source” for most of the drivel that he spews.
Once he get the articles to say what he wants them to say, he’ll post some sources.


@64 I had to back up and read the part about “Jedi soldiers.” And then go do some research. I didn’t know there was a Jedi religion — and a Jedi Church. Interesting. I learned something today!



Obama once claimed to love America too, but no one buys that anymore.

What you may be referring to is the German Christian movement lead by Ludwig Muller. The German Christian movement was German, but not Christian. The word “Christian” was added to camoflauge it. Amazing that over 67 years later, the camoflauge still works on you Joe.

#48 Jacobite: you’re one out of thousands.


So does Obama ‘hate’ America or is he just ‘meh’ about it? Maybe just likes very much but not enough to go steady?


CI–either way he shouldn’t be president. To lead this nation requires a love of it and dedication to it that one would hope transcends party politics.

Sadly, few presidents in my lifetime have met that standard.


NHSparky – I’d say that he shouldn’t be President again, but that’s without the force of anything better to follow.

Someone else’s emotional measurement of one’s “love for country” is not only not a prerequisite for office, but I just don’t understand the sentiment as applied in US politics.


@67 I doubt it. The vast majority of non-believers that I know pretty much fit the same mold I do. As an explanation for your experience differing from I mine, I would point out that it only makes sense that you personally would have encountered more vocal atheists than the non-vocal variety. The non-vocal are by nature, well, non-vocal. 🙂

Yat Yas 1833

@71Jacobite, I respect you and am asking a serious question. If Atheists don’t believe in God, why do they fight so hard against something they claim doesn’t exist? I give no credence to Wicans and I could care less that they dance naked in the moon light, howl at the moon and worship trees. It’s mind over matter, I don’t mind ’cause they don’t matter.

Yat Yas 1833

@54 Sparky, you owe me half a Coors Light and a mouthful of chile verde!?! I might have to contact my lawyer for damages because my nose is still burning!!! LOL!!! I don’t care who you are, that was funny!!!


Yat Yas @#72. Good question. I’ve often wondered how one can deny the existence of God, without acknowledging that there is a God. I mean, why bother?
If God doesn’t exist, to an atheist, aren’t you saying that He does, but you just deny that He does?

Doug Indeap

@72 and @74, Huh? Am I understanding you to say, in all seriousness, that the lack of a belief in god(s) somehow acknowledges the existence of god(s)?