Where’s VT Woody?
With TSO gone to Afghanistan VT Woody doesn’t answer my emails anymore. But, probably because he found a place where it’s raining cheerleaders and he’s afraid I’d give him some serious competition;
Category: Pointless blather
With TSO gone to Afghanistan VT Woody doesn’t answer my emails anymore. But, probably because he found a place where it’s raining cheerleaders and he’s afraid I’d give him some serious competition;
Category: Pointless blather
Where do I sign up for that recreation package?
Call the Secret Service. They’ll have the number.
Flagwaver, it is harder than it looks. Sometimes the fliers land on top of the throwers like a sack of cement.
Doubt that they’d care, Susan. 😉
I don’t EVER want to hear anyone say VTWoody is anything less than a genius.