Tuesdays with Claymore
Back from his latest foray into the world of the anti-intellectual discussion, Claymore brings us these nuggets;
Good question…can a Democrat be anti-union? Probably not.
OH NOES! Just when the Occupy (bowel) Movement was looking to buy!
Clearly she’s a future murderer.
That whole “the Founders weren’t Christians” horseshit again.
Ted “The Head Chopper” Nugent.
Ending Prohibition…a bad thing?
“Maybe the police beat him up to keep from having to arrest him.”
If a DUmbass is traveling to Berkeley at 15mph in their Prius, how many fingers am I holding up?
Free shipping with each flammable cross purchased.
Will Ronulans decloak for Obama?
Tossers mapping out the toss ups.
What time did they pass it, 4:20?
“Another” Zimmerman case? Are you retarded?
Newsweek “dominates” with ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ story…liberal chicks pissed.
Let’s see…who donated big money to Obama again? GE, right? Hmm.
Debbie Wasserman-Shits opens her pie hole. Guess what, she’s offended…again.
More timely updates on…Rathergate? Really?
A tax on the stupid, or hope for the desperate who see their government screwing them at every turn?
Category: Tuesdays with Claymore
Sigh, there you go making me scream at my computer again…
Thank you for the exasperation and giggle.