Israel calls for release of Pollard

| April 9, 2012

No American supports Israel more than me, but this one Israel probably needs to just forget about. The Associated Press reports that Israel is calling for the release of Jonathan Pollard, the former US civilian intelligence analyst at the navy intelligence Command who was convicted of releasing classified documents to the Israeli government 25 years ago;

Pollard, 57, was sentenced to life in prison 25 years ago for leaking classified documents to Israel. Many Israelis believe the sentence was too harsh and officials often demand his release.

Those calls took on urgency after Pollard’s wife Esther said he was hospitalized after suffering extreme pain last week.

I don’t care if he was selling intelligence to Canada, a traitor to his country is a traitor and you can’t mitigate treason. We’re just lucky it he was only selling secrets to Israel. Before he began working for NIC and while he was working for Navy Ocean Surveillance Information Center, it was discovered that he was trying to establish relationship a relationship with South Africa’s intelligence agency. Pollard was a spy just waiting to happen.

If the Israelis want to do something for his wife, that’s fine, but they need to stop picking at this scab and calling for his release.

Category: Military issues

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I agree, but still think it is a travesty he got life, and John Walker Lindh got 10 yrs.

Yat Yas 1833

A traitor is a traitor. Someone convinced a jury of his peers what he did was bad enough to warrant a life sentence. Maybe Lindh had a better lawyer or a more sympathetic jury?


Sorry, I think he should have been given the old fashioned punishment – firing squad.

Might have deterred a certain shitbird from leaking to Wikileaks because he was butthurt over his e-boyfriend.


TSO–I thought Lindh got 20, but that was also part of a plea-deal. I’m pretty sure had they gone thorough a trial, Lindh would still be at the Supermax in Colorado.

That being said, the only reason Pollard is still breathing is because he was spying for Israel. Anyone else, especially after the Walker/Whitworth affair, he’d be at room temperature.


Interesting to ponder the implications of Israel flexing it’s muscles at the US. Right now. Hmmm.


“Trying to establish a relationship with South Africa”? Sounds like Pollard was entering the free agency market. Who else might he have looked to establish a relationship with?


UpNorth–as with most shitbag traitors, the highest bidder. Political philosophy is pretty much meaningless to these guys.


… makes me wonder if this has anything to do with the US ratting to the Iranis about Israel’s supposed plan of attack on that damned nuke facility …


Nah, Frank, that was just Obama being Obama.

El Marco

I thought we shot traitors. SOB got off easy.

pain last week….meh! I got pain in my back, knees, ankles, right shoulder, neck every fracking day…and now my butt burns reading about this ^%$#@!.