DU Typically restraining their glee over Breitbart’s death

| March 1, 2012

Just what I expect from this group bereft of an adult supervision.

For my part, I always thought he was great, and I truly appreciated him letting me write over at Big Peace.

I guess you can tell your value for the cause by who your enemies are. I’d like to think he is looking down on them now and pointing out how their heinousness is well suited.

UPDATE: Stay Classy!

Category: Politics

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Lol. And the grand prize for stating the obvious goes to poobah for:

I am so DONE with “civility.”

Don’t you have to START with civility before you can declare yourself done with it?


jonn, you were born old. <3 some of your readers have lost their minds. gotta love them.


@TSO… you copied and pasted, wrote two sentences…. and got 151 comments. Not bad for a day’s work. 🙂


@Insipid I hope you’re not suggesting that since some people have ethics issues we should use the same tactics they do? I’ve never cared for Breitbart (or Michael Moore for that matter), but I was raised to exercise some common decency. Part of that is taking the moral high ground by practicing the oldie but goodie ‘if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.’ This is doubly true if they’re dead.

I tend to fall along the moderate to liberal side of things, but I am completely disgusted by all this morbid cheerleading. Being an unscrupulous jerk doesn’t mean everyone has free rein to proverbially tap dance on your grave in front of your family.

Cedo Alteram

His usurping Wiener’s own press conference was Decatur-esque, nevermind Acorn. Policy and the issue oriented tend to hold my attention but he was one of those somewhat exceptions. His showmanship and confrontational style set him apart. I have to say though I didn’t tend to follow him really closely until it was something significant at the moment. He was unique though.


@ann. There’s a difference between saying something is right and saying something is expected. Breitbart rejoiced over the death of Ted Kennedy. There’s only so much pearl clutching we can do when people do the same to him. Lot’s of prominent Republicans and Democrats die each year. Rarely do they engender this type of reaction. I’m only stating the reason, not making a judgment on its correcctness.


Okay, insipid–since when does one person speak for a whole political ideology? Brietbart didn’t speak for me on all things conservative, and I suspect he and I would have had some substantial differences.

But to put words into his mouth, and by doing so with such a broad brush as to put words into mine, you do your argument or cause no great service in the process. For every asshat comment made by Breitbart, I can think of (quite literally) DOZENS made by those on the left, including your vaunted hero Mikey “Jabba” Moore. Look at some of the shit that was coming out before Andrew’s body was even cold. I saw the same shit when Reagan died, as well as others.

Don’t tell me that the conservative community will ever approach that level of hatred–because you can’t, not with a straight face.

And Master’s Degree? Seriously? You better get your money back, son.


@NHSparky – “Don’t tell me that the conservative community will ever approach that level of hatred–because you can’t, not with a straight face.”

You really don’t think that we’ll see the exact same sentiments on FR or Fox Nation when someone like Pelosi or Barney Frank dies?


Personally, not as much as you might think. There will be the FR types, who I regard as a right-wing version of DU, which is why I left there long ago. JimRob has long since jumped the shark, or whatever he’s capable of doing at this point.

But on the level we saw yesterday, or when Reagan passed in 2004? Not. Even. CLOSE. You had a few isolated folks (like Breitbart) make inflammatory statements regarding Ted Kennedy’s death, but the, “Yay, I’m glad that fucker’s dead” type of rhetoric? And let’s face it–Kennedy DID deserve a lot of what he got with the shit he pulled in his life. Kill a woman, serve another 40 years in the Senate–yeah, that makes sense.

Although I will say for the damage Pelosi and Frank have done to this country with their policies for the last 40 years, it certainly wouldn’t surprise me if some honest, legitimate, introspective criticism came about. But again, the “I’m glad they’re dead” bit? Not from me or most other conservatives, you won’t.

No, they’re going to face something far worse than that hatred–they’re going to be forgotten. To people with those kinds of egos, that’s a fate far worse.


Wouldn’t be pleased with either death, both from a moral ground and a tactical one. Frank is surprisingly good on veterans issues for some reason. Either way, are Pelosi and Frank not liberal boogeymen? I’ve never felt either had as much power as is ascribed to them, except in terms of GOP fundraising.

Unless someone is just outright evil, which I don’t believe either are, I won’t be appluading any deaths.


Falling in line with TSO, and despite my earlier poking a stick at certain posters, I typically assign a certain level of begrudging respect to my political adversaries…except Chuck Schumer…he can kiss my ass.


insipid: Every time I read your comments on this site, one of my favorite quotes from the Bard instantly comes to mind: “It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”


Claymore–you can throw a few others in the Chuckie bin, such as Maxine Waters, Jim Moran, Harry Reid, Dick Durbin, and Pete Stark, to name a few. They can form a line and start puckering.


Alex Baldwin or Fatass Moore? Yeah, I have to admit I’d read the obits of those anti-American bastards with pleasure. But I won’t publicly post obnoxious crap like has been posted about Breitbart above on this thread, or that which was posted about Reagan or Rehnquist when they died. Even dead bastards deserve some respect.

I’ll make an exception for bin Laden, though. May he be an eternal slave of Shaytan.


I’ll make you liberal types a deal. Let’s archive this thread and resurrect it when both Cheney and Carter have passed on.

At that point we’ll compare notes. Deal?


Wow, I take a day off and I miss all the BigDouche’s of the world. Portland is just north of me (I live in the conservative suburb of Newberg about 30 minutes away), so I am probably within range of the stench. The liberal craziness of Portland does not extend too far, I mean they still print “MERRY CHRISTMAS” on the front page of the local paper.

That said, you can gauge the measure of a man by his enemies. I don’t mean the BigDouche’s of the world, but those who are the rivals of that man. One of those, who were mostly at odds with Mr. Breitbart, is Glenn Beck. Glenn held ideological differences with Mr. Breitbart, but yesterday’s show was almost entirely dedicated to him. His “enemy” respected him, even though they did not agree on much.

I will not insult even my worst enemy in death. To do so is the height of cowardice as that person can no longer pose a defense. Not to mention, where is the “civility” called for by Obama, Pelosi, and the rest of the liverals? Or, is that only supposed to be aimed at the opposition?

I will keep his family, especially is children, in my prayers. I wonder if these people even consider the fact that the man had a family. I wonder if they know what their words are doing to the man’s family? I wonder if they even care.

Rest in piece, Mr. Breitbart. And, save me a good seat in Valhalla.


Flagwaver, “civility” is only to be bestowed on the Progs, it isn’t for anyone else.
“I wonder if these people even consider the fact that the man had a family. I wonder if they know what their words are doing to the man’s family? I wonder if they even care.” No, no and, emphatically, NO.


@157 Nhsparky- I think there’s some misunderstanding. I was not refering to all Conservatives just poobah who, demonstated Conservative civility by writing:

The best part of you oozed down the crack of your mother’s ass. Go eat a bullet.

I’m not really interested in an ouch contest. But you are deluding yourself if you think that conservatives are more civil in their discourse than liberals. One only needs to listen to the likes of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, or Mark Levine for 2 minutes to know that is not true.