Obama “calmed things down” in Afghanistan

| March 1, 2012

In a link sent by ROS, the President claimed to ABC News that he “calmed things down” with his apology to Afghanistan for the culturally-accepted burning of defaced Korans. That might be news to some of us (Fox News link);

Thursday’s killings raised to six the number of Americans killed in less than two weeks amid heightened tensions over the Feb, 20 burning of Qurans and other Islamic texts that had been dumped in a garbage pit at Bagram Air Field near Kabul. More than 30 Afghans also were killed in six days of violent riots that broke out after the incident.

President Barack Obama and other U.S. officials apologized and said the burning was an accident, but that has failed to quell the anger.

I guess that’s like the millions of jobs saved or created. Just sayin’ it makes it so.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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… a couple of helos with M134s would calm things down a lot faster …

These animals need a few lesson in emotional containment.


Just remember that Obama said this is a religion of peace. Just like the Occupy movement is a peaceful assembly, there will always be the odd person who cannot be looked at based on the whole.

And if you believe that, I’ve got a bridge to sell you in New York.


He just needs to get over there and Organize the communities


Can I call BS on this one? Guess where I am at? I have to still see anything calm or better. Everyday is the same, rocket or mortar attacks, IED’s same lame BS. Well, it was interesting the riots, burnings and hand grenades thrown over the fence, that was not business as usual.

Why the press has not said that the truth? their book of lies were burned because they passed information back and forth from inmate to inmate by writing on their books. They desecrated their beliefs by writing on them, so why is it that we have to be extra careful treating the heathens?

CI Roller Dude

Maybe in his little world he really thinks he did calm things down….


I raised the yellow flag of BS on this one right after hearing about he “apologized” for us. I think Allen West would have calmed it down a lot faster and efficiently. He definitely turned a few peoples head with what he thought about the whole thing.


Felony Bullshit!

USMC Steve

The US forces are insane if they don’t fire the FPF at every riot/gathering in front of their bases from now til they depart. Fuck the Afghanis. They are nothing more than animals who walk upright and have thumbs.


He must think we are all stupid to even utter such nonsense. It’s been a while since I’ve wanted to throw something across the room, but this did it this morning.


Yeah sure he calmed things down with his apology. Im sure the families of the two soldiers killed this morning will be comforted by his statements.


I am utterly opposed to apologizing over this, or any other Qur’an incident, by any Administration…….but it’s also difficult to reflexively assume that this latest episode and the shootings are cause and effect.

This isn’t the first, nor even the first recent green on blue shooting. It’;s almost assured that such an attack would have happened again regardless.


Burning bibles–good.

Burning Korans–bad, when done by Westerners who are disposing of defaced holy books according to Islamic law.

Got it. Just another day in the Religion of Perpetual Outrage.


CI Ill give you that one, this isnt the first green on blue incident. It could just be a coincidence that two Americans were killed and one wounded this morning in Astan in a green on blue incident but I dont believe in coincidences.

Virtual Insanity

Hey, he also caused the rising seas to recede, and more ice to form at the poles, and saved the polar bears.


I hate polar bears.

Carry on.


Actually, George W. Bush also said Islam was a religion of Peace. Anders Breivik misused Christianity to justify the killing of 69 young people, Scott Roeder used Christianity to shoot George Tiller in Church.

Plus the whole tone of this article is obnoxious. You’re exhulting in the deaths of service men because in your heads it makes Obama look bad somehow. A mistake was made. He apologized for it. Bush, or any other President would of done the same thing. To state that this is somehow weakness or to make this partisan is sickening. You should stop pretending you support the troops.


“the President claimed to ABC News that he “calmed things down” with his apology to Afghanistan”.
Reading comprehension is fun, you really oughta try it, Insipid. Where is any mention of weakness or partisanship? Things aren’t too calm, contrary to his claim, so, yeah, it can be pointed out.


He was asked if his apology helped and he said “It calmed things down” and then he quickly added “we’re not out of the woods yet”. There is such thing as nuance. His words didn’t stop the violence, but maybe it quelled it Either way, the only reason this is controversial is becuae Barack Obama did it.

By the way, his policies DID add or save millions of jobs. Not enough to recover from what GWB did to us, but the facts are what they are. I know nuance is difficult for you people. Saying you made something better is NOT the same as saying you solved the problem.

Yat Yas 1833

Insipid if I might ask a couple of personal question?

How old are you? What is your education level? Did you serve or are you serving? How politically active are you?


Yat Yas 1833


Nuance – a word the progs throw out any time they make a statement for which they have no defense or whenever they just don’t know what they are talking about.

Here’s a clue: it’s pretty funny when you do it and many of us take it as an admission of your having lost an argument. Some of us even hope to soon see it used as an admission of defeat. The new “uncle?”


47. Master’s degree. Yes i served. I volunteered to help in the Kerry and Obama campaigns, i donate when i can, but i never ran for office.

I’m not sure how this is relevant, but those are the answers.


“By the way, his policies DID add or save millions of jobs. Not enough to recover from what GWB did to us, but the facts are what they are.”

Further proof that liberals surpassed stupid long ago.


There’s a difference between an explanation an admission of defeat or guilt. Saying i pushed an old lady out of the way of an oncoming truck is an explanation for why you pushed an old lady. You can exclaim that i’m “making excuses” or “apologizing” for pushing an old lady all you want, or claim that i’m justifying the othewise inexcusable action of old lady pushing. But it won’t make it true.

President Obama is the doctor fixing the critically injured patient that the drunk driver bush ran over. Yes the patient is in pain, yes some of the means to recovery may cause some additional pain. But the blame for the pain is always on the drunk driver. That’s nuance, it’s NOT accepting responsibility, nor is it admitting defeat. The patient is recovering thanks to Doctor Barack Obama.


Ros, we went from 10/2 unemployment to 83. The CBO agrees that the stimulus created or saved millions of jobs. Facts have a liberal bias.


Sorry. That is 10.2 to 8.3. I wish we could edit these posts.

Cedo Alteram

#11 I tend to agree with you. There was no reason to apologize at all. This is just an excuse used to justify acts of terror. One, is not the catalyst for the other.

Yat Yas 1833

Insipid, thanks for the info. I just like to know how I should go about having a dialog with someone.
We are quite similar. I have you by a few years, you have your masters and I haven’t finished mine, we’re both vets and both politically active.

I’d like to ask some questions about your post @16. When did President Bush say Islam was a religion of peace, pre or post 9/11? What’s the point of your examples of Breivik and Roeder? What is so obnoxious about this thread? What do you mean by “exhulting”? I’ll give you the ‘every President has mis-spoken and apologized’, although I haven’t read a post that has said the President was weak. Is this topic partisan? Of course it is, it’s politics! How is expressing an opinion not supporting our troops?


8.3% unemployment? Really? What does that have to do with Nobama claiming he soothed the troubled waters of Afghanistan? Or, are you thread-jacking, yet again?


Insipid–try 7.6 to 8.3, with a peak of 10.2.

Workforce participation rate is the lowest in 35 years. In the 64 years since they started keeping unemployment rate stats (starting with Jan 1948) there were 20 months between 1948 and 2009 in which the unemployment rate was at or above 9 percent.

During Obama’s term, it’s been above 9 percent for 28 months.

Bush raised the national debt $4.7 trillion in 8 years. Obama has done that much in barely 3.

We haven’t had a budget in over 3 years.

Average hourly wage in January 2009 was $22.03/hour. Today it’s $23.29, an increase of 5.7 percent in the last 3 years. In that time frame, the CPI has risen 7.4 percent, with energy costs rising nearly 100 percent, food rising over 15 percent, and non-durable goods rising nearly 20 percent.

Hope and change? Fuck that shit!

Oh, and I read the text of his speech from when he was up here in Nashua yesterday. Utter horseshit. You really need to go back and find someone with a few cells between their wingnut like ears, or at least someone who’s realistic enough to believe we’re not buying his bullshit anymore.


President Obama raised the debt largely because he started using honest book keeping. Bush was paying for the wars using emergency supplementsals. Another large portion of the debt comes from expenses from the Bush near-depression.

The fact is that the economy is getting better because of President Obama’s policies and they became worse because of Bush’s Policies. The public is seeing that and is going to reward Obama with a second term.

I do appreciate the fact that you read the speech, sparky. I admire someone who is at least willing to consider the other side.


upnorth- 8.3% unemployment? Really? What does that have to do with Nobama claiming he soothed the troubled waters of Afghanistan? Or, are you thread-jacking, yet again.


Actually he DID mention in the last paragraph the economy. But generally ANY liberal that makes an argument on this site is going to be “thread jacking”. It’s just the nature of the internet that everyone’s going to want their say.


Seriously, your argument is that he’s been using honest bookeeping with no budget for over 3 years? Really?



Yes, i am claiming that he’s engaging in more honest book keeping. It is certainly dishonest book keeping to pay for wars and medicare part D using emergency supplementals.

As far as making the budget goes, it is certainly a LOT easier to make one up if you’re going to simply keep two of your biggest expenditures off of it. How easy would it be for you to make up your budget if you just kept your house payment and car payments off of it? Well, that’s the equivelent of what Bush did.


@33- Bush keeping wars off of the books is bad, but Obama not keeping any books at all is good?

I’ll type this slowly, so maybe you can understand it: Passisng a budget is required BY LAW. The Dems have been in violation of that law for over three years. This, as I’m sure you know, is a calculated move. By not passing a budget, Dems can claim that they have “lowered the deficit”, or have their spending under control, because they can claim that they have spent less (but they have just borrowed more, and that’s why the debt is going up), and there is no budget to refute that point. That’s why we had to jack up the debt cieling a few times since Obama has been in office- without any guidelines on spending, the debt cieling has become the spending limit, and contentious debates for “appropriations bills” drive Dem talking points about the GOP “holding the nation hostage”. Steny Hoyer admitted this a few weeks back.

Bush kept the war spending (which, accumulated over 10 years, is about what Obama spent in one shot for the stimulus) hidden from the people, and that is bad. Obama, however, has kept all of his spending hidden. We find out at the end of the fiscal year how much has been spent (more than Bush, including the wars, every time) but we have no idea where it was spent. Any of it. Not just wars, but domestic spending as well.

“How easy would it be for you to make up your budget if you just kept your house payment and car payments off of it? Well, that’s the equivelent of what Bush did.”

And how easy would it be if you didn’t keep a budget at all, and had unlimited credit? Why, you could probably buy a fancy solar panel company if you wanted to!

Yat Yas 1833

Ya know Insipid, IF you have a masters, as you say, you wasted your money. All you can do is parrot the libtard line, nothing else. Those of us who can THINK have admitted President Bush made some mistakes. You refuse to admit that comrade banana has too. As for your unemployment numbers you forgot to add the asterisk* that that number doesn’t include the long term unemployed that have quit looking for jobs. Estimates are as high as 7% so take your 8% and add 7, WOW big deference. As for any jobs created via the “stimulus package”, look at the actual number of jobs created versus the cost per job. Is $250,000 spent to create a $30,000 job a good deal? You don’t make sense.


So, apparently this latest appology is going to be just like the budget and/or the unemployment rate? They are going to continue to advance their agenda but change the definitions of words to suit the occasion/perception/phase of the moon/whatever it is that their pea brains use as criteria that week?

Actually, it’s probably really all FDR’s fault! But even HE wouldn’t have appologized to all and sundry for this country. Drive us over a cliff, severely limit liberties, institute all sorts of unconstitutional programs, yes, but not appologize for our greatness.

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It’s difficult to find knowledgeable people on this subject, however, you seem like you know what you’re talking about!