Tuesdays with Claymore

| February 28, 2012

Like the swallows to Capistrano;

…yeah, but do they race Jeep Wranglers?

So now there’s a War Against Women. Nice.

Ginger eats nuts.

Positively insane.

Return of the Loser Cruiser.

Occupy Gas Station.

Butter up your guns.

Timely….return of the bashing of Laptop Dad.

Wow, hope they don’t up this to ‘super-dooper’.

More like his only joke of the night.

Revisit this chick in 10 years and then we’ll talk.

Changing the tenor.

Ronulans won’t like this…which is why I’m posting it.

Obama will be laying the pipe in November.

Damn yankees.

“…would you like fries with that?”

Calling Bullshit in 3…2…

Senor? No habla?

The chair is against the door…repeat…the CHAIR is against the DOOR.

The golden rule.

Striking back.

A rant against homeschooling featuring a video by Noam Chomsky. All that’s missing is a musical number from Joseph Stalin.

Watching “cables”.

Planning Iran.

And for once, an actual useful post from DU. Enjoy.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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OK, just tried, without any success, to read the Occupy Gas Station thread. What I got out of it was that government should force us all to move closer to where we work, if we can find a job, because…..well, I don’t know why. And, it’s global warming.
I think we ought to remove the Marines from Guam, load it up with DU’ers until it tips over, lather, rinse, repeat.


Up–can you put nadin on the first boat out?


Sparky, I reserved the first space on the first boat for Joey.

Just Plain Jason

The stupidity is strong over there. I usually just read the initial offering then go on, but once in a while I dig deeper. It is just so funny to read. Some schmuck will start their rant then someone else will say hey you hurt my feelings then the deevolution begins. They just don’t realize their ideals don’t work. They depend on the idea of force way too much and not liberty and freedom enough. I just like how Noam Chomsky has made millions from the government and the military, but he preaches something completely different to his followers.


I think I may have lost a few brain cells attempting to read some of this drivel…..