Veteran attacked and ignored in Detroit

| February 26, 2012

86-year-old veteran Aaron Brantley was car-jacked and mugged in Detroit which is bad enough, but when he couldn’t stand after being knocked down by the mugger, he had to crawl to the store, while passerby motorists watched his struggle without lending any aid. The video is pretty painful to watch (Detroit Free Press link);

Brantley was on his way home from Bible study at Corinthians Baptist Church in Hamtramck, where he’s a trustee, when someone hit him from behind and grabbed his keys at 10:40 a.m. Wednesday. The thief drove off in Brantley’s 2010 Chrysler 200 — bought to replace another car recently stolen.

Yeah, Detroit is a shithole, and apparently, the denizens deserve everything they get if they can’t help an octogenarian with a broken leg who just lost his car, for the second time.

Thanks to Tman, ROS and Old Trooper for the link.

Category: Shitbags

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Depending on what part of the city, I can maybe cut the passers-by some slack. I’ll admit there are some parts of most if not all cities where I wouldn’t stop for pretty much any reason for fear of my own life. And they could possibly have mistaken him for a drunk or an addict.

That said, I’ll bet long odds that everyone who passed him by or drove by had a cell phone. If he asked any of the passers-by for help, there’s absolutely no excuse for them not at least calling 911 – and I’m not sure that even gets them off the hook in my book.


If a city is that bad you won’t stop for that, time to take off and nuke the site from orbit.

NR Pax

Sparky, I disagree with you on that one. I think it would be better to simply wall it off from the rest of the U.S., let nature take its course and then go in and rebuild after the fires die down.


Another great reason to not go to a Lions, Tigers or Red Wings game. But, Hondo’s right, someone could have called 911 on their free cell phone, with free minutes.


Yeah, saw this on FOX. They have so real low rent folks in Detroit – utterly self absorbed it seems. I can think of no excuse to justify not coming to the aid of an obviously elderly man crawling on the FRICKIN’ ground, for Christ’s sake!

How in the heck does anyone get that way!!??

Bah Bodenkurk

I couldn’t even watch the entire video.

Patrick B

Sadly, more and more people all over our nation tend to only see what they want to see. Kills me that so many have become so self centered.

Old Trooper

@6: Neither could I. We here at this site know what we would have done in that instance. However, as others have said, the amount of people that would do as we would have is dwindling every day. And then people wonder why our society is going down the shitter, when decency, compassion, and helping your fellow man take a back seat to your own self interests. I have stopped to help people stranded in the middle of a road with a broken down car several times. One time was a woman with 2 small kids in the car in the middle of a downpour, while others just looked as they drove by and I pushed the car off the road by myself. I then gave the woman my cell phone to call a relative and I stayed there until her family arrived.

Adirondack Patriot

Walt Kowalski, America needs you.

Tim McCorkle

#3… Snake Plisken Option?

NR Pax

#10…ayup. The notion of throwing prisoners in has some appeal as well.


Last time I was in that shithole it was 1974. We got bricks thrown at us because we are white

The Dead Man

You guys make Escape from New York references, but skip on the obvious Robocop jokes?

Seriously though, this is terrible. Not just the passerby either, but what about the stores in the area? I’m pretty sure if I saw someone crawling on the ground outside of my office I’d call the PD just to make sure nothing was wrong.


Unfortunately instead of going with Robocop they went with the ED 209;

BTW #12 was mine.

Michael in MI

As Eminem stated: “This is Detroit. And this is what we do.”

I still remember when I saw that commercial for the first time during the 2011 Super Bowl, after he made that statement, I thought “so now they should pan back out to the street where he left his car and show it completely stripped down and left for dead”. That would have been a more accurate portrayal of ‘what Detroit does’.


Yeah, Eminem was just a little off, what Detroit does, better than most anyone, is homicide. In the first 30 days of January, Detroit had 27 murders.

infantry DEPer

im from michigan, i don’t live far from detroit and i can tell you that #1 is right. it all depends where you are in the city.

Yat Yas 1833

I couldn’t watch the whole thing either. I was both sad and furious. My dad would be 87 if he were still alive. I’m with Old Trooper, I can’t imagine anyone here not helping Mr. Brantley!

The marrow donating Cpl got his karma. I hope the people who walked by get theirs.

Old Trooper

@19: Good to hear. Thanks for the update!