The nail in Ron Paul’s coffin

| February 22, 2012

This isn’t the best source. I never link to World Net Daily, but in this case, I think it warrants a link. They report that Ron Paul is considering the anti-SVA, Kokesh-hugger, “Judge” Andrew Napolitano for his VP;

Paul was asked the question about whom he would like on a White House ticket with him at a recent public meeting, and he said, “One time somebody asked me who I’d have to consider and the name Judge Napolitano jumps right out at me.”

When Napolitano had Kokesh on his show a couple of times, I wrote to him and told him the background on Kokesh, but I’m sure he knew. Either way, I got no response (Fox News people always answer my emails, so I’m spoiled) and Kokesh kept showing up on Napolitano’s show. That’s when I quit watching. Now his show has been cancelled.

Even Oathkeepers disavowed Kokesh and IVAW when we raised a stink a few years back, but not Napolitano. Arrogant POS.

Then yesterday he was on Fox and Friends talking about Stolen Valor and the Supreme Court. Firstly, he was wrong on the day that they would be discussing the issue – it’s today not yesterday. And secondly, he kept defending Alvarez’ uniform calling it a “costume” as if Alvarez never meant it to be a uniform, but some colorful clown clothes.

So, yeah, Paul, go ahead and name Napolitano as your VP and see how nasty I can get.

Category: Ron Paul

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What, Alex Jones too busy?


Years ago, I used to like Napolitano. He displayed a fairly rational Libertarian outlook on the important concepts of individual liberty and the scope of government…the lack of which drove me from the GOP.

But he had a switch flipped or tripped some bad peyote; something seemed to snap his ability for cognitive thought, and he morphed into a petulant conspiracy theorist. I tried to sit through his show ‘Freedom Watch’, but as soon as you thought he was on track, he veered off onto a dirt road.


Thankfully we won’t have to worry about it, but I’m frankly not surprised he wouldn’t pick Don Black (head of Stormfront) or Lew Rockwell.

Oh, what the fuck, just pick Lyndon Larouche (yes, I know he’s a Democrat) just to be a rounded-out batshit crazy ticket.


Can’t be much worse than some of the nutbags in Langley or Foggy Bottom.

Maybe he can dig up William Jennings Bryan to run Treasury and put us back on the gold standard.


Nail in the coffin, He needs a stake to the heart for how many times he keeps coming back from the political dead.


[…] Jonn Lilyea points out, this should be a nail in Paul’s coffin (WND) Paul was asked the question about […]

Cedo Alteram

Napolitano jumped off the deep end a long time ago. He is one of these crazed vapid libertarines who doesn’t understand where the constitution comes from and it has a tradition which birthed it.

I only saw his show in passing a few times but it seemed the topic was always Paul related somehow. That alone is enough for me to which channels. The Paul and Kokesh connection is bad enough but he is also tied up Lew Rockwell.