Police too “occupied” to respond; man murdered

| February 22, 2012

CBS San Francisco reports that police were getting ready for hippies crossing into Berkeley from Oakland when a 9-1-1 call about a trespasser came into the station so they didn’t give it a priority.

Peter Cukor, 67, had been beaten to death with a flower pot. The suspect, 23-year-old Daniel Dewitt, was taken into custody and will be arraigned on Wednesday.

His mother Candy said it’s a tragedy.

“Our hearts go out to the other family. It breaks my heart. We’ve all lost in this,” she said.

Beaten with a flowerpot after 67 years of law abiding life on the planet. I don’t necessarily blame the police, but I do blame the Occupy protesters who made the police lose focus on their community while the filthy hippie invaders came with their vacuous intellect and intent to disrupt that community.

And Candy DeWitt, the perp’s mother…what did you lose? The guy was beaten to death with a flower pot and you compare your loss to that of Mr. Cukor? Seriously?

Thanks to Old Trooper for the link.

Category: I hate hippies, Occupy, Shitbags

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No matter what DeWitt does with his life from now on, either in jail or if he gets out, he’ll always be the guy who beat a man to death during a trespass. Candy DeWitt, as his mother, gets to contemplate what her child did for the rest of HER life.

Shame, and (possibly) a reporter in her face, combined to make her say something stupid.


Wrongful death law suit? Not something I often support, but in this case…


And people ask my why I think we should handle these protests with a flamethrower….


Or, an airstrike, Aroberts.


RGR that UpNorth. But I still think that if we set a few hippies on fire the rest would find something else to do for a while. Maybe even forever.


The war in Iraq killed a hell of a lot more innocent people than this piece of shit did, but somehow you don’t blame Bush for those deaths even though he started the war, which was completely unnecessary.

So let’s recap here, police choosing to ignore 911 calls because they’re prepping to cover a legal protest means that the protestors are somehow responsible for a man’s death, but a President ordering a completely bullshit war which killed, at the most conservative estimates 150-200k non-combatants, is somehow not responsible for those deaths? Nice selective logic there fuckbag.

I know you’ll probably come back with some half-ass counterclaim about how Islamists killed more innocents than we did. Well Bush created the power vacuum that allowed that happen, so I guess he’s just as bad as these occupy kids right?

I’ll dance a fucking jig if someone ever comes along and beats your dumb ass with a flowerpot.


@6 STFU Troll


Nice to see the trolls have come out to play. Fuck off RAH,hows that for a response.


@6 Did the Dewitt get congressional approval to murder Cukor with a flower pot?

I fail to see how your analogy makes sense. Dance your jig right into oncoming traffic, dipshit.


REAL AMERICAN HERO: No. I’m going to say, very clearly, that you have your head up your ass.

Usama bin Laden declared war on the US as head of al Qaeda in 1996, numbnuts. I seem to recall that someone else was president then (Jan 1993-Jan 2001). And the unrest in both Somalia and Afghanistan – which actually gave rise to those “power vacuums” you reference – also occurred largely between Jan 1993 and Jan 2001.

A bogus story has to have a plausible timeline to fool anyone, dipshit.

Both Presidents Bush had their faults. But sitting on their hands, doing nothing, during the rise of Islamic Extremism wasn’t among them. That “honor” belongs to someone else.


Hey, RAH–how’s the fucking weather in Victoria today, numbnuts?


“And Candy DeWitt, the perp’s mother…what did you lose?”

I honestly didn’t read it the way you did, although you are right: her loss doesn’t fit on the same scale as the loss of Peter Cukor. I suspect that, as the details of the story come out, that Mrs. DeWitt has been struggling with a problem child for some time.

I have family that has been struggling with a schizophrenic daughter for some time. They seem determined to keep her as free as possible, and in the mainstream. She is functional only with a LOT of help. Most days, she’s completely harmless. If she should commit a crime in the future, it will likely be because of her very real disability. When she was much younger, she was bright and wonderful and decent. Now, they do not know what will happen, next.

The whole situation scares me. So, I can see where Mrs. DeWitt is coming from. You do the best you can, with the knowledge you have.


Occupy kids? You’re not serious? These “kids”? http://s.michellemalkin.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/blockade.jpg
RAH, why don’t you just go suck-start a teargas gun?


RAH, seriously?


Wasn’t the Real American Hero the goofball who lost the manual to his supersuit? Kept flying into Winnebagos and brick walls?

This one is strong in the farce.


Doesn’t surprise me that someone had to pay with their life for the actions of people who amount to nothing more than petulant children. I’ve often heard from these retards that “there’s real crime taking place 2 blocks away and you’re bothering ME?” True, police would much rather deal with “real crime”, but unfortunately they have to deal with occutards and their incessant bullshit. It looks like DeWitt is just trying to paint her son as a victim, which shows how delusional someone can be when their son is a problem. #3,4,5: Nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


Oh, and by Victoria I meant Victoria, British Columbia, fucking Canada, which is where our “hero” IP originates.

Yat Yas 1833

NHSparky, let’s lighten up on the Canucks!? 🙂

Yat Yas 1833

Candy DeWitt, you haven’t lost a damned thing. You’re murderer son will live for another 25 years on death row. The scumbag that murdered my son has been on death row since 1995. I haven’t had my son since 1994, you haven’t lost a God damned thing! When your worthless piece of shit son dies, then you’ll know what Mr Cukor’s family and what my family has lost!


Yat–sorry for your loss. And even then, she won’t know because he’ll have likely died of old age, and not have his head caved in by some druggie psycho sonofabitch.


You’re in our prayers, Yat.


Redactes1775 (#16): Nah, a nuke’s not necessary. One launch from a MLRS w/impact centered on the protest area would work just as well and wouldn’t be as hard on the surrounding area. Multiple protest areas just means you need multiple launches. (smile)

Old Trooper

Yat; So sorry for your loss.


Same here, Yat. Very sorry to hear about your son.

If you need to blow off steam about it sometime, I’m sure virtually any of us here would be happy to listen. I certainly will.


I don’t blame the police. They were right in keeping a watchful eye on whatever comes from Oakland.


Yat, what the rest have said.