Muslim men removed from flight for antics

| February 22, 2012

This comes from our buddy, Gateway Pundit. Apparently two men of the Muslim faith started yelling Allahu Ahkbar on a flight from Portland to Houston about 20 minutes after takeoff and they were tackled by passengers who feared for their lives. A local news broadcast;

In another news report, they don’t even mention the “God is Great” screams, it was all about an electric cigarette;

According to Port of Portland spokesman Steve Johnson, the passenger was on a flight that took off at around 12:17 p.m. for Houston. The passenger, who has not been identified, refused to put out the electronic cigarette and was detained.

Of course, it turns out that it wasn’t really a terrorist plot hatching, but it’s probably useful for potential terrorists to see that no one is really reporting the incident.

Category: Terror War

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Muhammad Atta said: “Shout, ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers.” Hmmm….as a conceal carry license holder, the key factor to the use of deadly force is if a “reasonable man” would fear for their life. I guess I now have a reference that should anyone jump up and yell “Allahu Akbar” deadly force may indeed be appropriate from the perspective of a reasonable man.



After all, that was kind of like yelling “fire” in a crowded theater, wasn’t it?


Gort, no! Klaatu barada nikto! Klaatu barada nikto!

Well, at least not in too crowded a place. Possibility of a through-and-through, ya know. (smile)


Hondo, you credit me with too much intelligence. I’m doing good to speak English, and I don’t have a clue what you said in post #3. Sorry.


Day the Earth Stood Still….


The Oregonian “editor’s pick” has this as a top story, yet it mentions nothing about the passenger’s antics, he was just being “uncooperative” according to a Port of Portland spokesman. Here’s what a passenger posted about the flight.

“I was on that flight. It is wise to be wary of what you hear in the news.

He was asked to put out the e-cigarette. He refused. Everyone seated near him was
upset that he was using it and not complying with the lawful orders of the Flight
Attendant. He was arguing with the FA and his fellow passengers until he got out
of his seat and started throwing punches, cursing and threatening revenge in English
and Arabic. That’s when his real problems began. That is why the aircraft returned to

It wasn’t just about the e-cigarette.”


PintoNag: Google the phrase “Klaatu barada nikto” and I’m pretty sure you’ll get the joke. (smile)


Thanks. I don’t mean to be dense this morning! 🙂


At the end of the news video the reporter stated that TSA said “It was not a security issue.” WTF???!!! I guess the TSA were too busy patting down grandmothers and children for concealed weapons to be bothered with these two guys.


Of course it wasn’t a security issue, JihadGene, it was an airborne confined noise complaint.


TSA can anally fist me for not pulling out my wallet for them to rifle through, but Achmed can light one up and start screaming Allah Akbar when he gets butthurt over it?

But it’s not a security issue. Got it.


Why were they able to walk off the aircraft? They should have been carried, feet first.


@12 Because unlike the idiots they tackled, the people on the plane placed value on human life.


@13, I value human life too. For most people, life doesn’t have a price tag. For idiots, it is between $.03 and $.20 depending on the caliber you use.


Crap! Wish I had been there. I haven’t been able to peform my patented “trach pull” since I retired. Very effective technique when used on on spitters and screamers. 🙂


Hmm, seems like this guy’s a piece of work, led police on a chase before the flight incident

Bubblehead Ray

I would have liked to be there just to make the guy cry in relief when the Cops showed up. I wrestle psychos in the ER all the time and have to behave because the hospital frowns on Nurses actually dislocating patient’s elbows and shoulders. This turd burglar would have been great stress relief, and an Orthopedist’s dream. 🙂


Well, I gotta say that the reports of “not terrorism related” just might be right in this case. If the reports about the kid being schizophrenic and off his meds for 3 weeks are true, that is.

However, that does bring up a related question: why in the hell was someone who tried to run over pedestrians and rammed police cars while driving drunk not charged with attempted murder and held without bond?

9/11 TruthBtold

The Houston media aired the footage from customers and the Muslims guys talking about OBL and Allah… Portland media didn’t air jack until the heat was lit under Portland media’s asses for not showing both sides… Even the local Fox channel in Portland failed to air that stuff…