Matthis on the urination video

| January 29, 2012

Yes, Matthis is still calling himself an Afghanistan War veteran, hoping that i won’t continue to post the link to his records which show that he has no service medals related to his participation in that conflict. We’re pretty sure that he spent six days in the country, but the Army hasn’t reflected that brief trip in his records. But now he’s posting his phony military claims for the world to see at Huffington Post;

In this missive, he uses his phony deployment to give himself a measure of moral authority on the subject of the behavior in the video of the Marines urinating on dead Taliban;

To others, such as myself and the majority of veterans I associate with, the barbarity of these images is synonymous with our experiences within a military at war. No crime our brothers and sisters commit really surprises us anymore, but confirms to us our nation’s brutal history, of which for a time we became a part, and offers us a reminder that nothing’s really changed.

Yeah, way to support your comrades, there, Matthis. None of us can think for ourselves and we’re just puppets of the machine which encourages us to pee on dead enemy.

Yes America, our military is addicted to war porn, and this fact may ultimately usurp any legacy of honor or glory the military may cling to. No longer can the world be duped by the government-controlled facade of the U.S. soldier as a liberating force for good. Our image is that of an armed, drunken fiend in a public square with his pants down pissing into the wind. Sure, we may be an affront to those around us, but we’re only really soiling ourselves.

Isn’t it great that we have veterans’ advocates like Matthis to stand up for us and improve the image that the American public has of it’s warriors?

Actually, no. Matthis has a history of trying to drag all veterans down to his cowardly level. He justifies his lack of a martial record by elevating himself on the fallen bodies of his supposed comrades. Matthis is a pussy who didn’t want his New York City college student lifestyle disrupted by his commitment to the country – that’s why he didn’t deploy. It wasn’t due to any commitment to a principal or greater good. And all of this kerfuffle that he has created since has been to justify his cowardice to the rest of us.

Thanks to Liam for the link. By the way, I’ve tried countless times to warn the Huffington Post readers of Matthis actual service, but my comments, for some reason are all deleted.

Category: Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers

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Frankly Opinionated

Jonn, your comments at Huffnpuff are deleted for the same reason that my comments at Porter-Cable Tools’FB page are deleted when I criticize their Chinese manufactured second-rate crap.
On Matthis; what can be said that hasn’t already been said dozens of times. He is a slug, a dope who tossed off the good upbringing he had to lie with pigs.


The HuffPo, for all its newly corporate upgrades, still retains a far left standard. Surprised your IP isn’t banned altogether.


“Surpises us”? “Confirms to us”? The only thing it confirms, Methis, is that you go around with turds in your pocket.


Someone should piss on him and all two of his vet friends. No balls and “professional jealousy” of all of the thousands who slogged the mud and crunched the gravel and proudly carried out their commitment.

@1 I had the same problem with PC deletions. I quit using their crap a long time ago. Been switching to Festool in my shop, expensive but the best tools I’ve ever used.

Doc Bailey

the lady doth protest too much methinks.


Thank God there was no cell phones or you tube in Vietnam

Frankly Opinionated

Grunt Sgt. HIT ME WITH AN E- MAIL, I want to know more
frankiecee at


DaveA Says:
January 29th, 2012 at 1:28 pm
Thank God there was no cell phones or you tube in Vietnam

No shit!

Men in battle have been doing things like this and much worse ever since there have been wars.


As stupid as that video was, I doubt any of those Marines ever raped anyone. Matthis, looks like you got 1 up on them. You fucking turd.

Frankly Opinionated

Instructions on a new home pregnancy test: “This product is to be used like a Dead Taliban, “Piss on it”, then wait for the reaction.”


War Porn!!! This guy is so obsessed with himself and the sound of his own voice he probably doesn’t even realize how ridiculous his articles are, or anything he spews forth, for that matter.

Just Plain Jason

Was what the marines did right, no. But I understand why they did it. Hell if I would have got my hands on a few of the bomb makers in Iraq I probably would have done worse. I would say something over there but I may as well piss in the wind.

Just Plain Jason

Hell this does remind me of the story about the shelling at Scania. The local shiek loved the americans…hell he made a bunch of money. One day some madhi asshats showed up and decided to mortar the base, the next day there were four heads waiting outside the wire. I wonder if the Iraqis were addicted to “war porn”?


In my opinion the only thing wrong those guys did was video tape what they did.. Does anybody know what the dead hajis had done? Doesn’t this Mathis guy come from a wealthy family?


Is there a bigger shit bag in existence than Matthis Chiroux?

Seriously. What a wuss.

Wrench monkey

Made the mistake of reading the entire essay.It is obvious that his chain of command failed to provide the correct amounts of wall-to-wall counseling during his enlistment.

Robert Chiroux

Matthis does not speak for the Chiroux family. As a matter of fact he once made it publically clear that his family was exclusively the IVAW. Our family has served honorably every generation we have been U.S. citizens and encourage service to each generation as part of our responsibility to our country and to gain perspective of how fortunate we are to be citizens of the United States. Our family continues to appreciate Matthis being referred to without the use of our family name. As for wealthy, we are not poor, maybe broke at a higher level perhaps but regardless do consider ourselves to be very blessed and for that we thank our Lord, without shame, embarressment or hesitation.


“The true depth of a man’s despair lies not only in hell but in his hate…for it is by his hatred that he shall grow to hate only himself and that which shall ever grow from him.” Who says this?


Color me shocked, Jonn. Then again, I always thought being a druggie and a rapist was a lot worse than pissing on some guy who had recently failed in their quest to kill you. So when IS Methis gonna turn himself in for that rape charge he should be facing?

Yeah, not holding my breath on that one either.


You should go back to the article, Jonn. He wrote a little missive about you. My favorite part is where he claims that the FOIA records you have posted “are either incomplete­, or have been intentiona­lly falsified to conceal portions of my service.”

Really… That’s his big comeback… He uses lots of big words and flowery language. But when it comes down to actually rebutting the one hard fact that unravels his entire story, that’s all he could come up with. From a military justice analogy, that’s like when a guy pops hot and immediately claims that somebody either slipped him something or he was just hanging around some peoplr at a party.



Shame on you for attacking that poor veteran “with misinformation and lies”. He is so open to spreading the truth that he even deleted you comment though “he doesn’t engage you directly.”


#22 Don’t forget the “I was at a party and didn’t know the brownies were “magic” excuse. That resulted in a request for separation in lieu of trial. Matthis gets pretty elaborate with his verbage, but all it amounts to is verbal diarrhea. “Our image is that of an armed, drunken fiend in a public square with his pants down pissing into the wind. Sure, we may be an affront to those around us, but we’re only really soiling ourselves.” Im guessing when he says “our image” he’s actually referring to “his image” and the rest is a retelling of his night-on-the-town exploits. What a self loathing douche rocket.


Strange article to read from someone who has a wide variety of porn (real life, hentai, etc) and pornographic images on his own computer.