Win-win; Make $50k & get an ugly eco-terrorist off the street

| January 17, 2012

Someone sent me this FBI wanted poster today of their latest addition to the Most Wanted crowd; Josephine Sunshine Overaker. She’s wanted on terrorist charges related to arson incidents which ALF and ELF have admitted to inspiring;

I’ll bet that middle name “Sunshine” wasn’t given to her by anyone who expected her to end up looking like that. Unless it was a joke name like calling a really fat guy “Tiny”.

But seriously. We need to get that woman off the streets. I’m sure that just the sight of her is turning men gay like a deadly infectious virus. That might be part of her dastardly plan.

Category: Shitbags

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Just look for the one wearing Birkenstocks, drives a Subaru Outback with a “Love Your Mother” and or “Coexist” bumper sticker, and has a girlfriend named Meadow. That oughta narrow it down to about 50,000 in Welsley or Amherst.

Zero Ponsdorf

Nope, no thanks… That is one scary looking person! I’d rather go up against a 300 lb black bear with a pocket knife.


I am more than a little jealous that her mustache is twice as plush as my own.


TSO–well, she WAS born in Canada. And as Jonn can attest (as can I), the female folks up in northern VT/NH ain’t the most delicate flowers, so to speak. All that French Canadian influence, dontcha know, eh?

“Hey, darlin–throw me down the stairs my shoes!”

AW1 Tim

Is that Justin Beiber’s mom?


Jesus Jackhammering Christ!! Man I’m glad I didn’t see that picture this morning.

With the current administration in there I’m surprised she’s on the wanted poster. Surprised she’s not being given a medal and refered to as a freedom fighter.


Is anyone sure she’s not really the Secretary of Homeland Security?

B Woodman

Ugly is as ugly does.

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

At some point, one of these idjits will enrage someone with not much left to lose, and cause said someone to channel their inner Jason Bourne at said idjits. The results will be entertaining and educational.


Looks like a ‘Faces of Meth’ poster at the bus stop.

Yat Yas 1833

Jack, you think she looks that good?!


Turn her in? For $50K take em her head on a pike… I need some money, bad…

Doc Bailey

I have a theory. Liberals hate Conservatives because:

1). Our women are hotter
2). Our sex is better
3). We don’t constantly have to prove how extreme we are.

Old Tanker

Good lord, she wasn’t hit by the ugly stick….someone beat the shit out of her with the whole forrest!!

I think her neck threw up….


Uglier than a bag of smashed assholes……

Crazy part is, there is probably some fetish website out there dedicated to yetis like this one…..


Ranger–Rule 34. No exceptions.

I’d say Wiki it, but they’re all butt-hurt today and are down for the time being. College students around the world are screaming in terror.


Shit-oh-dear, Sparky’s description fits a bunch of’em here in Idaho…I’m keeping an eye out for this one for sure!


Curt–I lived in Montpelier/Bear Lake area. I went to prototype in Idaho Falls. The Navy guys didn’t call them “Idahoggers” for nothing.


@NHSparky – I am painfully aware of Rule 34. It has been keeping Japanese webmasters employed for years…..


Sparky- Should have known the Military had a name for them!And I was just going with “Damn Dirty Hippies”…


Curt–that was just Idaho. As a submariner, it was always interesting to see the annual migrations of the Bremelos or Bangorillas, and hearing the Med-Run mating calls of the Grotopautamus.


Maybe with all the pics of her they put up, we’re supposed to choose which one will appear on the new $4.00 bill? After all, she’s against energy, and for the environment. Gotta figure the dems will want to glorify her.