Quds Force plotting against US embassy in Turkey?

| January 17, 2012

Yeah, but we’re not at war with Iran (Today’s Zaman Report link);

Intelligence units have warned that the Quds Force, a special unit of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, plans to send a group to Turkey to carry out a series of demonstrations that may include a bomb attack on the Embassy or Consulate General of the United States.

The Turkish Security General Directorate (EGM) has warned police departments in all 81 Turkish provinces that they must be vigilant and remain alert to the existence of such a threat. The intelligence pertaining to the possibility of such an attack was delivered in a secret letter to the information department at Turkey’s General Directorate of Security.

I guess Turkey is marginally worried about an attack on our embassy, so someone tell Rick Perry. A Ron Paul White House would be trying to convince the Turks that no such threat exists because there’s no evidence besides intelligence estimates.

Category: Terror War

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Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

Everything was fine until Dickless over there got elected President.


I’m not impressed by ‘intelligence reports’ unless I see the source confidence rating. Most of these reports that find their way to the media, here or abroad, are bunk.


Getting a link to a Turkish news site from TRADOC doesn’t really give it anymore context. Might as well be a DoS travel bulletin.

I’m not trying to be snarky, I’m jaded on the veracity and fidelity of most of these reports from media sources.

Dave Thul

Actually this is good news John.

Using the ‘Foreign Policy Golden Rule’ (TM RonPaul) we can now feel free to plan offensive operations against the Iranian embassy in Turkey.


Screw those Iranian bastards, they’ve already killed and/ or contributed the deaths to USF in Iraq prior to our pullout, as well as irritated the hell of some of us with there eerily accurate IDF.

Old Trooper

I guess for some, there will never be enough intel to satisfy them until something happens.