CNN’s expert on uniform violations

| January 5, 2012

77 11C20 dropped a link off in the comments to a CNN report which included our favorite expert on wearing the uniform in inappropriate circumstances;

Lt. Choi, whom, you may recall, was discharged from the military under DADT, has experience with this issue. Back in 2010, Choi handcuffed himself to the White House’s North Lawn fence, while in uniform, as a means of protesting DADT. Of course, Choi is quick to point out that he was a civilian at the time of the protest, “and so we have the full right to wear the entire uniform. So they’re not charging me for wearing the uniform, they just didn’t like the fact that I was protesting and practicing my free speech.”

Yeah, well, that’s a lie. Choi was arrested while he was still in Federal Service wearing the uniform and chained to the White House fence. Here is my post from March 2010 and the announcement of his discharge in July 2010. I don’t know why he’s trying to rewrite history.

And, if I’m not mistaken Choi was in the Reserves National Guard at the time, too. So I don’t know why the CNN article says; “That said, he believes that Corporal Jesse Thorsen‘s case is different because he is currently in the reserves.” Must be that PTSD from hanging out with his PFC buddies in the S-2 shop is eating his brain.

And frankly, I’m sick of seeing Choi hiding behind his uniform.

Category: Shitbags

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Oh dear god…they trotted him out again…..


Oh and I would like to know where that German badge came up since it was never there for any of his other photos.


This guy is like a bad case of crabs


Of course they will–he’s the Cindy Sheehag of the Obama administration. And like Cindy, once the 15 minutes are up (actually they were up a few hours ago) he’ll get cast aside like another used condom.


I had a designated rank of Col. in the USMC when I worked at Quantico for a few days. Can I put on a dress uniform and parade around like an idiot? If I can’t, why can he?


I like how he has his blue cord attached to a button like enlisted Soldiers. All the officers I’ve seen pin theirs under their rank.

Some dude's dick

I hardly recognize him without me in his mouth.


More proof that Choi was never a leader. I remember getting AR 670-1 beaten into me at OCS so I knew what right looked like when I got in front of soldiers. From the good book:

1-10. When the wear of the Army uniform is required or prohibited
j. Wearing Army uniforms is prohibited in the following situations:
(1) In connection with the furtherance of any political or commercialinterests, or when engaged in off-duty civilian employment.
(2) When participating in public speeches, interviews, picket lines,marches, rallies, or public demonstrations, except as authorized by competent authority.
(3) When attending any meeting or event that is a function of, or issponsored by, an extremist organization.
(4) When wearing the uniform would bring discredit upon the Army.
(5) When specifically prohibited by Army regulations.

30-4. Wear of the uniform by former members of the Army
a. Unless qualified under another provision of this regulation, or underthe provisions of section 772, title 10, United States Code (10 USC772), former members of the Army may wear the uniform if they servedhonorably during a declared or undeclared war, and if their most recentservice was terminated under honorable conditions. Personnel who qualifyunder these conditions will wear the Army uniform in the highest gradethey held during such war service, in accordance with 10 USC 772.
b. The uniform is authorized for wear only for the following ceremonialoccasions, and when traveling to and from the ceremony or function.Uniforms for these occasions are restricted to service and dressuniforms; the BDU and physical fitness uniforms will not be worn.
(1) When attending military funerals, memorial services, weddings,inaugurals, and other occasions of ceremony.
(2) When attending parades on national or state holidays, or otherpatriotic parades or ceremonies in which any active or reserve UnitedStates military unit is taking part. Wear of the Army uniform at anyother time, or for any other purpose than stated above, is prohibited.

30-7. When wear of the uniform is prohibited
The wear of the Army uniform by ARNG, USAR, retired, separated, andcivilian personnel is prohibited under the circumstances listed inparagraph 1-10j.


BTW, I don’t think that “professional gehy” is an 11 or 18 series para/lin, so the blue cord has to go, too.

2-17 AirCav

@7. Didn’t get me. Drink was down. Monitor and keyboard safe.

Jonn: “And frankly, I’m sick of seeing Choi hiding behind his uniform.” I’m sick of that punk Bok Choi altogether.


Choi was not on Active Duty then. He was an Excess Officer assigned to HHC 1st Bn, 69th IN, 27th BCT NYARNG. He wasnt even on ADSW orders, wasnt an AGR either. He had no command responsibilities and was openly laughed at by EM’s.


The German Troop Duty proficiency badge was won at USMA. the German Liaison team runs it each year for anyone who wants to try. only shooting is 50 rds 9mm, ruck march, broadjump,swim test, NBC/ first aid training, Land Nav, etc.


@#7, I was also fortunate enough to not have partaken of my coffee when I read that.


I wonder why he never wore it until now considering how big and shinny it is.

Also in the fact that I imagine that it is easier to fake having foreign badges then US ones. But also considering that I put a lot of time and effort to earn mine.


@fm2176: That’s how AR670-1 has it.

“The shoulder cord is worn on the right shoulder of the Army green, blue, and white uniform coats,
and the AG 415 shirts. The cord is passed under the arm and over the right shoulder under the shoulder loop, and
secured to the button on the shoulder loop. In order to attach the cord, officer personnel will attach a 20-ligne button to
the right shoulder seam, 1.2 inch outside the collar edge”


The only Infantry officers who I have seen with the cord under the shoulderboard are the Old Guard guys. Everyone else gets the button.


Spork? The difference between you & Choi boy is your a real deal man….He’s an artificial tree sponsored by “Made in China”…


Oops, maybe TOG just ruined me. Never saw a whole lot of officers in blues outside of it.


So, are we supposed to believe that because this clown was not assigned to a unit, or some such, that he is NOT supposed to conform to regs on the wear of the uniform? How does that work??

Oh, wait. I forgot – he’s special, so he shouldn’t be expected to conform to the rules everyone else must follow.


How exactly can the army enforce the regs regarding former members if they are no longer Title 10 personnel?


HM2, the law says “Oklahoma law allows one to be charged with first degree murder if death results (regardless of intent) during the comission of a felony”.


I thought he was had a mental breakdown and was put in the looney bin?


And that fucking clown has his ribbons arranged so that they look like a rainbow, not in any appreciable order! Forget the rest of this uniform look-like-shittery, his ribbons are a fucking rainbow! He’s just making a “look at me!” statement at this point, not furthering any (stupid) causes.

2-17 AirCav

@20. You tell us, you liked to wear some uniform apparel at the rallies. I would have rolled the film to show you in your finery with raised fist but it seems someone removed it from YouTube. And it’s Army, not army when referring to the United States Army.


Ah, another “special” person who doesn’t have to honor the rules.


@#21, I have no idea how that ended up in this thread….
I wonder if the newest addition to Firefox could be to blame?

Air Wx Recon Guy

“I don’t know why he’s trying to rewrite history.” The answer is simple – liberals (oh, I’m sorry… progressives) ALWAYS try to rewrite history!


Ah Mr. Choi, causing intended (but endlessly frustrating) embarrassment to the NYARNG. He is a toolbag, but he is a National Guard toolbag (and like any state NG element needs extra help looking foolish in Big Army’s eyes), and I say that being a NG myself, depressing.

2-17 AirCav

@25. Yep, he’s special all right. He is rewriting his personal history–scrubbing the record, I think it’s called.


Well he was a West Point Grad(Class of 2003) on Active side first with 10th Mountain div where he punched out his Psg.


@30 Aw crap, yeah I forgot about that bit of idiocy…


Is that a gold Shutzenschneer, minus the braid?


@30. The Corps has

Old Cav Lt

Butter. And Gehy butter at that.

Doc Bailey

oh snap is Choi guilty of Stolen Valor? wouldn’t that be so rich?


At least he’s wearing both shoulder boards in this photo.

As far as I could tell, the only military people considered good by the media were people dismissed under DADT. Now that DADT’s been repealed, will they go back to hating everyone in American uiform?