Cpl. Jesse D. Thorsen reviewed

| January 5, 2012

Streetsweeper dropped a link in the post below about Cpl. Jesse D. Thorsen, Ron Paul’s “multiple tour, 10-year veteran” supporter. The link is to Gentlemen’s Quarterly and their investigation of the doofus who went on stage in support of Ron Paul the other night wearing his ACUs. Apparently, Thorsen’s 10 years were interrupted by a four year break in service from 2005 and 2009, so his ten years drops to six years.

During his break in service, he managed to get arrested for “burglary, grand theft of a firearm, and carrying a concealed weapon” which got him 30 months of probation in July 2005. He broke his probation conditions twice. And, oh, his “multiple tours” in the war against terror turns out be one trip to Afghanistan.

GQ concludes;

The statement did confirm the following details about Thorsen:

– Cpl. Jesse D. Thorsen is, as stated in his interviews, 28 years of age.
– He is with a Engineer Company out of Des Moines, IA, and his unit falls
under the 416th Theater Engineer Command out of Darien, IL.
– His official MOS is 12N – Heavy Construction Worker, and is filling a
Combat Engineer slot (12B), but is not currently qualified for the Military Occupational Specialty.
– Cpl. Thorsen joined the military (Florida National Guard) on July 31, 2001, and joined the Army Reserve in 2009.
– He has deployed once in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in 2009.
– He was not in an active status during his participation in the Iowa caucus yesterday.

It looks like there are two new items here. Paul introduced Thorsen as a multi-tour veteran, but the Army says he only did one tour in Afghanistan. The statement also says that Thorsen “was not in an active status during his participation in the Iowa caucus.” That was certainly not how Paul characterized him, and service records obtained today show him serving in the Army Reserve in Des Moines, Iowa, “October 2011 to present.”

They also called his unit who responded that “His unit is discussing things with him and have asked him not to comment further on the event.”

I’m pretty sure it’s a one-way discussion and a lot of “WTF were you thinking, numbnuts?” Nothing like stomping on your dick to a national audience while wearing your nametag.

ADDED: Chief Tango sends us a link from Big Government which reports that Thorsen is being investigated. And, oh, he has a fan page at Facebook and the illness is strong in the comments.

Category: Ron Paul

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No doubt his chain-of-command is transferring the pain they’re currently feeling to his level.

Oh, and the training that will doubtless be coming from this.

Old Trooper

Yeah, Sparky, I can see some extra duty in his future, along with his sleeves getting lighter.


And his wallet.

77 11C20

I had an idea that this guy was a soup sandwich.

Yeah, he’d like some peace time army. That’s what he told the reporter. He made it sound as if he’d been deployed non-stop for the last ten years.

This guy is such a typical RP supporter.




But here’s the money quote:

“Choi is quick to point out that he was a civilian at the time of the protest, “and so we have the full right to wear the entire uniform. So they’re not charging me for wearing the uniform, they just didn’t like the fact that I was protesting and practicing my free speech.””

Uh, Dan, no. No ya don’t. Your 15 minutes are up. Go back to cruising Dupont Circle, ya tard.


From the Big Government site – Update: A follow-up communication with Major Wallace revealed that Cpl. Thorsen may also have misled CNN about his impending “third” deployment: “[T]hey do not have orders at this time so it isn’t a confirmed deployment at this time,” Major Wallace told Big Government.

BTW, if he wasn’t on active duty, he’s not subject to the UCMJ.


Shame on the Reserves for letting this dude back in with a criminal record. Shame on Paul for parading some idiot around a campaign event in uniform. Shame on Thorsen for being that idiot.


@4 – Danny boy is wrong. AR 670-1:

30–4. Wear of the uniform by former members of the Army

a. Unless qualified under another provision of this regulation, or under the provisions of section 772, title 10, United States Code (10 USC 772), former members of the Army may wear the uniform if they served honorably during a
declared or undeclared war, and if their most recent service was terminated under honorable conditions. Personnel who
qualify under these conditions will wear the Army uniform in the highest grade they held during such war service, in
accordance with 10 USC 772.

b. The uniform is authorized for wear only for the following ceremonial occasions, and when traveling to and from
the ceremony or function. Uniforms for these occasions are restricted to service and dress uniforms; the BDU and
physical fitness uniforms will not be worn.

(1) When attending military funerals, memorial services, weddings, inaugurals, and other occasions of ceremony.

(2) When attending parades on national or state holidays, or other patriotic parades or ceremonies in which any
active or reserve United States military unit is taking part. Wear of the Army uniform at any other time, or for any
other purpose than stated above, is prohibited.


@7–BTW, if he wasn’t on active duty, he’s not subject to the UCMJ. Not true. According to Article 2 of the UCMJ: (a) The following persons are subject to this chapter: (1) Members of a regular component of the armed forces, including those awaiting discharge after expiration of their terms of enlistment; volunteers from the time of their muster or acceptance into the armed forces; inductees from the time of their actual induction into the armed forces; and other persons lawfully called or ordered into, or to duty in or for training in, the armed forces, from the dates when they are required by the terms of the call or order to obey it. (2) Cadets, aviation cadets, and midshipmen. (3) Members of a reserve component while on inactive-duty training, but in the case of members of the Army National Guard of the United States or the Air National Guard of the United States only when in Federal service. (4) Retired members of a regular component of the armed forces who are entitled to pay. (5) Retired members of a reserve component who are receiving hospitalization from an armed force. (6) Members of the Fleet Reserve and Fleet Marine Corps Reserve. (7) Persons in custody of the armed forces serving a sentence imposed by a court-martial. (8) Members of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad-ministration, Public Health Service, and other organizations, when assigned to and serving with the armed forces. (9) Prisoners of war in custody of the armed forces. (10) In time of war, persons serving with or accompanying an armed force in the field. (11) Subject to any treaty or agreement to which the United States is or may be a party or to any accepted rule of international law, persons serving with, employed by, or accompanying the armed forces outside the United States and outside the Common-wealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. (12) Subject to any treaty or agreement to which the United States is or may be a party or to any accepted rule of international law, persons within an area leased by… Read more »


@Bobo- If he is in the Reserves he is most definitely subject to the UCMJ, whether or not he is on duty. I just sat through the brief on this at drill last month and this was thoroughly stressed.


My God his FB Page morons are so obtuse


Believe this much…were I old school US Army CID(Spec/NCO or WO)I’d of already crawled so damn far up this man’s ass by now, that him, his squad & platoon leaders & CO would be reporting to sick-call, crying loud n proud for some f’ng suppositories…*spit*!


Oh yea…Lonestar is correct.


@LoneStarInfantry – According to Art. 2, Para (a)(3) of the UCMJ (persons subject to this chapter):

Members of a reserve component while on inactive-duty training, but in the case of members of the Army National Guard of the United States or the Air National Guard of the United States only when in Federal Service.

So, if you aren’t in a Title 10 or IDT status, the UCMJ doesn’t apply. It’s also why death benefits are significantly different if you die while in a T-10 or IDT status, and why a hospitalization caused by a car accident Monday morning after drill is a civilian insurance issue and not an Army expense.


Just released from the American Forces Press Service – Rules Restrict Political Activity by DOD Personnel



Yea, well? Watch this…here hold my beer, Jonn. His wife set that page up, I’ve invaded their typing space…rolf!

SSG Medzyk

Bobo, UCMJ is for criminal misconduct. AR670-1 is regulations of conduct.

Thorsen violated AR670-1 by politicking in uniform. He cannot be CRIMINALLY charged, but he can receive high levels of company/battalion/brigade level punishment, to include forfeit of monies and/or rank.

Choi was arrested while in uniform…he falls under UCMJ.


of course kok3sh is preparing to lionize thorsen: posted by Adam Kokesh on FB: In solidarity with Cpl Jesse Thorsen, we, the founders of Veterans for Ron Paul 2012, Nathan Cox and Adam Kokesh, propose a Veterans and Active Duty March for Ron Paul on President’s Day, Monday, February 20th, giving us enough time to plan and promote, and in plenty of time for an impact on Super Tuesday, March 6th. We would apply for a proper permit from the Parks Department and coordinate with appropriate authorities to gather in the vicinity (at the base if possible) of the Washington Monument, have a brief chance for veterans to speak, nothing special, possibly even as little as a soapbox and a bullhorn, but we’ll see. Then, at a designated time, line up in formation on 15th St NW facing North towards Constitution Ave NW, march in formation to the White House, turn our backs to the White House, then “present arms” (hold a hand salute) to a folded flag for as many seconds as service members have died since Obama took office, then march silently back to the Washington monument and fall out. This could be followed by a designated time and place for media availability, and/or a reception to take place at another location. This has the benefit of being effective even if we only have a platoon-sized element of participants, but imagine if we could have an impressive number of vets and even active duty soldiers participate in this gesture! How many would join us in demanding that Ron Paul be recognized as the choice of the troops? We could encourage individuals to wear something symbolic of their service, like a piece of uniform like a hat or a patch and carry proof of service. We could invite active duty troops to participate in full recognition of the regulations of NOT being in uniform or to come in defiance of those regulations. It is an absurd proposition to say that members of the military supporting candidates in uniform would be construed to represent official positions of the government and… Read more »


Ahem, and I quote, “I am a Non-Commissioned Officer, no one is more professional than I…”. What the fuck was Corporal, I mean soon to be PVT Fucknut thinking? Reserve, Guard, or Active, as an NCO, he should live and die by that creed and the Core Values and Warrior Ethos, shame on the recruiter who let his ass back in, shame on him, and the Paul campaign! I say, bust him, and sentence him to thirty years turning big rocks into little rocks!!!


So, Veterans for Ronpaul=IVAW?
And, Kokesh thinks he’ll have an impact on Super Tuesday? Delusions of grandeur.

2-17 AirCav

Kokesh for Ron Paul. Now there’s an endorsement. What a scream! Active duty personnel are encouraged to defy regulations. Now there’s wonderful advice. This is just peachy. I’d love to counter-demonstrate but I’m afraid that might be construed as support for the imam-in-chief. Still, I think I can find a way to enjoy the show live. Maybe I can carry a sign “Support the Ron Paul/Jane Fonda Ticket!”


AirCav, Kokesh is just carrying water for Ronpaul, for Ronpaul’s endorsement when Kokesh embarrassed himself in New Mexico.
As far as the “demonstration”, I highly doubt they’ll have anyone carry “proof of service”, it’d be too embarrassing to IVAW if they did.

2-17 AirCav

I rode the link to the Kokesh/Paul Fan Club. Funny thing. They have rules there. And they have punishment for those who break the rules: banishment. Here’s a sample from the guys who advise others to break the rules, taken from their own cute little (largely unknown or ignored) website:

“We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below.”

“Forum Rules & Guidelines:: This forum has specific guidelines that are enforced which we do insist that you read and abide by as with all other forum members.”

“By agreeing to these rules and guidelines, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.”


You forgot about Vet’s For Peace er “Old Geezers Who Sit on Our Hands”, UpNorth… Where’s Sean? That guy cut ’em real good over there at this asshat Thorsen’s fan page, lmao!


I wants me some of them Paul/Fonda signs.

Old Soldier

If for some reason he isn’t covered by UCMJ, then his actions will be covered directly by Federal Law, aka the HATCH Act of 1939.


don’t leave a disparaging comment because they’ll blast your ass… “so what about a uniform violation” and a lot of the supporters are the anti-war types who accuse us of being baby killers

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

@28, even better, the guy who started it is now waving the ban-hammer. Agree or else.

The Ronulans are THIS CLOSE to agitating for a military coup. Shows you what they think their chances of a legitimate win are.


Trust me I got the ban hammer even thouse I was called a welfare queen and all other sorts of vile shit




Poohbah–so Charles Johnson is running the show over there too?


True, his supporters on FB are rittard. Such mind boggling stupidity doesn’t even warrant a response.


I’m glad that Ron Paul has supporters like Cpl. Thorsen that come out of the woodwork during his campaign. Now the nation can see what a bunch of imbreds jackasses support Ron Paul. Cpl. Thorsen not only violated AR670-1 wearing his uniform at a political event. The tattoos on the neck and the tongue ring gives the impression the army is full of people from the trailer park. I hope Cpl. Thorsen is one of the soldiers that gets his walking papers in the drawdown.

SGT Kane

Well, that didn’t take long.

Had drill this weekend and guess what we had a class on.

Thats right, our Company Commander and First Sergeant had to give a mandatory class on what political activities you can and cannot do while in uniform. It should have been a short class, but they broke it down barney style so.

Thanks CPL Thorsen!


And it gets better. I just read this post by one of his freaks of nature and will now look for a way to block anything containing the words Ron and Paul from my computer.

“Every single president or public figure who has gone against the bankers has been assassinated or had attempts on his life. If Ron Paul wins the presidency…he will need some serious security and a vice president that shares his views regarding the Federal Reserve.”

Where are these people coming from??


Why did the feed get dumped? Why did CNN claim they lost the feed rather than merely claiming the comments had to be censured?

The cover-up is worse than the crime.



Gotta love how much time we spend doing mandatory training. People like this jackass just give higher more reasons to pile it on.


@37–STFU and put your tinfoil had back on properly, ya douchenozzle Ronulan.