A real deal SEAL

| January 4, 2012

Mr. Wolf sent us a link yesterday to the New York Post about Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle and it sounded too fake and I had to ask our friend Captain Larry Bailey if the guy was really a SEAL. Apparently he is.

During his 10-year career as a member of SEAL Team 3, Kyle, 37, saw action in every major battle during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

He became known among his fellow SEALS as “The Legend.”

The enemy was less complimentary.

In Ramadi, insurgents put an $80,000 bounty on his head and branded him “Al-Shaitan Ramadi” — “The Devil of Ramadi.”

“That made me feel like I was actually doing my job and having an effect on the war,” he said.

He was on Fox News a few times yesterday, too;

Category: Real Soldiers

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2-17 AirCav

Congratulations to the chick. That was such a tortured first minute or so that I couldn’t watch the rest. Admittedly, I do not watch TV news very often, but that has to be the worst intro to an interview I ever saw.


Requirements to being a fox news anchor.

1. be blonde
2. female (good looking)
3. have 0 talent

As sarcastic as Im trying to be, that does seem to be the trend with Fox News.


2 problems with that statement Michelle Malkin and Kimberly Guilfoyle both brunettes and very smart as well


I think the first minute she was a little shocked reading the number of grapes he split.


I remember the first time I saw and met Marcus Luttrell…scared the shit out of me….But that is me.

Yat Yas 1833

@ #2 Ken, you forgot big boobs!?

Doc Bailey

Well dude was good at killing MoFos. Sometimes meeting the dudes you hear about in hushed whispers, you tend to get real quiet.

Easy 8

Apparently he punched Jesse Ventura in the mouth a while back. He talks about it here: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=4c5_1325737045


[…] does what we all wish we had the opportunity to do January 5th, 2012 We wrote about Chris Kyle the other day. He’s on a tour promoting his book and while he was on the Opie and Anthony […]


Big Boobs? Yeah…they do tend to have Karl Rove on too much.